Маркетинг, PR, реклама

Различные книги в жанре Маркетинг, PR, реклама

Marketing and Finance. Creating Shareholder Value

Malcolm McDonald

Written for marketing and finance directors, CEOs, and strategists, as well as MBA students, this practical book explains the principles and practice behind rigorous due diligence in marketing. It connects marketing plans and investment to the valuation of the firm and how it can contribute to increasing stakeholder value. Completely revised and updated throughout, the Second Edition features new case examples as well as a completely new first chapter containing the results of new research into risk and marketing strategies amongst Finance Directors and Chief Marketing Officers.

Kommunikationskonzeption und Briefing. Ein praktischer Leitfaden zum Erstellen zielgruppenspezifischer Konzepte

Ralph Hartleben E.

Kernaufgabe des Werbe- oder Kommunikationsberaters in Unternehmen ist die strategische Planung von Kommunikationsaktivitaten, also die inhaltliche Ausarbeitung von Werbe- oder Kommunikationskonzepten. Gleiches gilt fur Kontakter oder Strategic Planner bei Agenturen oder fur Consultants. Um diese Aufgabe professionell zu erfullen, muss er/sie Geschaftsstrategien analysieren, Elemente aus der Marketingtheorie praxisgerecht ubertragen und daraus stimmige Entscheidungen zur Kommunikation ableiten. Einen praxisbewahrten Ansatz, ein «Konzept fur Konzepte», das auch Neuromarketing, Social Media und die Web-basierte Kommunikationsforschung berucksichtigt, prasentiert dieses Buch. Der Autor uberwindet dabei die theoretische Darstellung reiner Lehrbucher und liefert viele Tipps, Beispiele und Checklisten, die den Anwender bis zur finalen Umsetzung seines Konzepts unterstutzen. Er vermittelt das notwendige Wissen, mit dem sich Umsetzungsvorschlage konstruktiv-kritisch bewerten lassen, und hilft damit, die meist eher subjektive Beurteilung von Kreativitat zu objektivieren und zu professionalisieren. Das Buch bietet viele neue, farbige Werbebeispiele, wieder versehen mit Kommentaren und Fragen, die zum Nach- und Weiterdenken uber Absichten, Umsetzungsqualitaten und finale Wirkungen fuhren. Erweitert wurde es unter anderem zu den Themen Kommunikations-Controlling und Benchmarking, Elektronische Kommunikation und Mobile Communications sowie zu Messen und Events.

Strategic Social Media. From Marketing to Social Change

Tang Tang

Strategic Social Media is the first textbook to go beyond the marketing plans and how-to guides, and provide an overview of the theories, action plans, and case studies necessary for teaching students and readers about utilizing social media to meet marketing goals. Explores the best marketing practices for reaching business goals, while also providing strategies that students/readers can apply to any past, present or future social media platform Provides comprehensive treatment of social media in five distinct sections: landscape, messages, marketing and business models, social change, and the future Emphasizes social responsibility and ethics, and how this relates to capitalizing on market share Highlights marketing strategies grounded in research that explains how practitioners can influence audience behaviour Each chapter introduces theory, practice, action plans, and case studies to teach students the power and positive possibilities that social media hold

The Discussion Book. 50 Great Ways to Get People Talking

Stephen Preskill

Build teams, make better decisions, energize groups, and think out of the box Do you need a resource that you can pull out of your pocket to liven up meetings, trainings, professional development, and teaching? The fifty easily applied techniques in this timely manual spur creativity, stimulate energy, keep groups focused, and increase participation. Whether you're teaching classes, facilitating employee training, leading organizational or community meetings, furthering staff and professional development, guiding town halls, or working with congregations, The Discussion Book is your go-to guide for improving any group process. Each of the concrete techniques and exercises is clearly described with guidance on selection and implementation, as well as advice on which pitfalls to avoid. All of the techniques: Offer new ways to engage people and energize groups Get employees, students, colleagues, constituents, and community members to participate more fully in deliberative decision-making Encourage creativity and openness to new perspectives Increase collaboration and build cohesive teams Keep groups focused on important topics and hard-to-address issues Derived from the authors' decades of experience using these exercises with schools, colleges, corporations, the military, social movements, health care organizations, prisons, unions, non-profits, and elsewhere, The Discussion Book will help you guide discussions that matter.

World Media Ethics. Cases and Commentary

P. Fackler Mark

Emphasizing the intertwined concepts of freedom of the press and social responsibility, this is the first book to cover media ethics from a truly global perspective. Case studies on hot topics and issues of enduring importance in media studies are introduced and thoroughly analyzed, with particular focus on ones involving social media and public protest Written by two global media ethics experts with extensive teaching experience, this work covers the whole spectrum of media, from news, film, and television, to advertising, PR, and digital media End-of-chapter exercises, discussion questions, and commentary boxes from a global group of scholars reinforce student learning, engage readers, and offer diverse perspectives

The Marketing Pathfinder. Key Concepts and Cases for Marketing Strategy and Decision Making

David Stewart W.

Dozens of lively international case studies that help readers put core marketing principles in a real-world context From market research to positioning and brand management to customer relations, marketing is the engine that drives innovation and growth in the modern business organization. This latest addition to the acclaimed Pathfinder series, like its popular predecessor, The Strategy Pathfinder, features a unique blend of core concepts and brief, international case studies. A refreshing contrast to traditional marketing texts and references, which tend to be prescriptive and directive, The Marketing Pathfinder offers professionals and marketing students alike an effective way to contextualize the marketing decisions they'll make in the real world of business. Not another one-size-fits-all marketing toolkit, The Marketing Pathfinder functions as a dynamic, interactive resource Each chapter presents a set of core concepts, frameworks, and tools, followed by five or more short, lively international case studies illustrating how the concepts and tools can be applied in the real world The case studies are specifically designed to encourage readers to pursue additional independent research and to encourage them to articulate and defend their decisions Throughout, the emphasis is on the reader as a marketing professional in the thick of it and responsible for the decisions they make

Marketing Plans. How to prepare them, how to profit from them

Malcolm McDonald

A fully revised and updated 8th edition of the highly renowned international bestseller The 8th edition of this highly acclaimed bestseller is thoroughly revised with every chapter having been updated with special attention to the latest developments in marketing. Marketing Plans is designed as a tool and a user–friendly learning resource. Every point illustrated by powerful practical examples and made actionable through simple, step–by–step templates and exercises. The book is established as essential reading for all serious professional marketers and students of marketing, from undergraduate and postgraduate to professional courses for bodies such as CIM. Above all it provides a practical, hands–on guide to implementing every single concept included in the text. New chapters and content include: A ‘Does it Work’ feature throughout demonstrating examples of real successes using the processes in the book More substantial coverage of consumer behaviour to balance the book’s focus with B2B planning Digital techniques and practices brought fully up to date Also includes a comprehensive online Tutors’ Guide and Market2Win Simulator for those who teach marketing strategy

Innovation and Production Ecosystems

Bernard Guilhon

“We do not know where Silicon Valley is really located”, Feldman writes, because these types of organization, when they are dynamic, are moving and fluid. Innovation and production ecosystems or clusters are proliferating today because they seem to be adapted to the demands of innovation, growth and employment. The process leading to their institutionalization escapes a summary analysis of the behavior triggered by monetary incentives or, at the very least, makes it richer. The relational aspect becomes predominant, the interactions between the participants testify to the difficulty of separating the geographical and social dimensions. In the most prominent American clusters, public/private linkages and the building of social links express the centrality of networks in the innovation process. The European vision seeks to articulate entrepreneurial discoveries with vertical public interventions. The competitiveness poles in France suffer from the fact that public choices seem to be torn between two contradictory objectives: efficiency and equity.

Winning New Business For Dummies

Stewart Stuchbury

Win more new business today New business is the lifeblood of every company – and this book expertly guides you through the process of securing more than your fair share of it. If you're a salesperson in the trenches looking for inspiration, this book offers real-life advice on improving your customer-facing skills to win more new business. The structured approach presented inside will have you walking the walk, talking the tallk and closing more deals in no time! Inside… Know your subject Be an active listener Make a great first impression Present solutions Stay on-brand and on-message Prospect effectively Overcome objections Structure the deal

Transparenz in globalen Lieferketten der Automobilindustrie Ansatze zur Logistik- und Produktionsoptimierung

Christiano Lepratti

Dieses Buch macht die wichtigsten Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt RAN (RFID-based Automotive Network) einem breiten Publikum zuganglich. Erstmals gibt es ein durchgangiges Konzept fur die Integration logistischer Prozesse, die Definition der darin enthaltenen Ereignisse, die Infrastruktur fur deren unternehmensubergreifenden Austausch, das Einbeziehen der RFID-Technologie und die monetare Bewertung der Losung. Dieses Konzept wird die Prozesse in der Automobilindustrie in den nachsten Jahren stark pragen. Das Buch beschreibt die Anforderungen der deutschen Automobil- und Zulieferindustrie, den Stand der Technik und der Methoden fur eine Uberwachung des Materialflusses in den Lieferketten sowie der Steuerung der Logistik- und Produktionsprozesse. Es vermittelt umfassendes Wissen uber Automobilnetzwerke und stellt Losungen fur die standardisierte Aufnahme und Echtzeit-Ubertragung von Objektverfolgungsdaten zwischen verschiedenen Unternehmen vor. Und es zeigt das Potential von RFID zur Objektidentifikation und prasentiert Losungen fur die Auswertung der Objektverfolgungsdaten. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die RFID-Technologie nicht nur die Automatisierung manueller Prozesse optimiert, sondern auch in vielfaltigen Prozessen zur Entscheidungsunterstutzung dienen kann. Das Buch richtet sich an Experten, Entscheider und Projektmanager aus Industrie und Hochschule, die sich mit der Verfolgung von Objekten in unternehmensubergreifenden Materialflussen beschaftigen – nicht nur in der Automobilindustrie, sondern uberall, wo sich RFID-Technologie, Supply Chain Management und Produktionsplanung verknupfen lassen.