Малый бизнес

Различные книги в жанре Малый бизнес

The Act of Leadership

Dan Haesler

Think & Grow Rich - Ihr tägliches 10-Minuten-Programm zum Erfolg

Наполеон Хилл

Mit diesem Buch können Sie schnell und effektiv das größte Programm zur persönlichen Entwicklung aller Zeiten studieren und in die Praxis umsetzen. In nur zehn Minuten am Tag können Sie damit beginnen, die Erfolgsprinzipien umzusetzen, die mehr Millionäre und Top-Influencers beeinflusst haben als jede andere Leistungsphilosophie.<br> Ruhm? Reichtum? Mehr Einfluss? Sinnvollere Beziehungen? Sie können alles haben, was Sie sich im Leben wünschen, wenn Sie das Geheimnis entdecken, das in Napoleon Hills «Think & Grow Rich» («Denke nach und werde reich») enthalten ist.<br> Ursprünglich 1937 veröffentlicht, trug «Think and Grow Rich» mit seinen 13 Schritten zur Anhäufung von Reichtum dazu bei, die Weltwirtschaftskrise zu beenden. Es enthält den Schlüssel zu finanzieller Unabhängigkeit, harmonischen Beziehungen, Macht, Glück, Erfüllung und Seelenfrieden. Alle Formen des Reichtums können Ihnen gehören, wenn Sie bereit sind, den Preis dafür zu zahlen… und das heißt, zu DENKEN – um Ihren Geist zu erweitern, Ihre Gedanken zu kontrollieren und die Macht der gewaltigen geistigen Ressourcen, die Ihnen zur Verfügung stehen, zu nutzen, um Ihre größten Wünsche in ihre materielle Entsprechung zu übersetzen.<br> Wie Hill sagte: «Es macht keinen Sinn, ein so großes Leistungspotenzial zu haben, wenn man nicht etwas tut, um es in die Realität umzusetzen.» «Think & Grow Rich – Ihr tägliches 10-Minuten-Programm zum Erfolg» extrahiert die wichtigsten Prinzipien, Anweisungen und Geschichten aus Hills ursprünglichem, unbearbeitetem Meisterwerk und liefert aktualisierte, relevante Beispiele – in modernisierter, leicht zugänglicher Sprache -, so dass alle Leser, unabhängig davon, wie beschäftigt sie sind, von der zeitlosen Weisheit profitieren können, die in Hills Buch zu finden ist. Dem Originaltext hinzugefügte Aktionsbeispiele helfen den Lesern, die Lektionen der einzelnen Kapitel fachkundig anzuwenden.<br>

Million Dollar Micro Business

Tina Tower

Discover how to launch a profitable online course from scratch  In  Million Dollar Micro Business: How To Turn Your Expertise Into A Digital Online Course , entrepreneur and author Tina Tower delivers a new and smarter way to do business that avoids huge overheads and large capital investments. Fueled by recent innovations in technology and shifts in consumer behavior, the accomplished author shows you a new way to have a big impact with few resources.  You’ll learn how to create a digital course based on expertise you’ve gained through your life, business, academic work, and career. The book is a practical and tangible guide to getting started and offers a proven framework and case studies of people who have scaled courses into seven-figure ventures.  This important book teaches you:  How to turn your passion and expertise into profit, using what you know to create a global, online course Why bigger is not always better, and how less overhead and investment is often a good thing for a scalable business An alternative to the 9-5 hustle and grind of a traditional workplace Real-life case studies from people who have been on this journey before Perfect for entrepreneurs, seasoned professionals, educated experts, and anyone else interested in sharing their knowledge with the world around them,  Million Dollar Micro Business  is an indispensable guide to creating a lucrative online course from scratch.

Я веду

Екатерина Валерьевна Малова

Книга для тех, кто мечтает посвятить свою жизнь празднику – стать ведущим праздничных мероприятий. Коротко и по делу. Введение в ведение.

101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax - Legally! 2021 - 2022

Adrian Raftery

THIS BOOK IS YOUR FIRST TAX DEDUCTION! WHY PAY MORE TAX THAN YOU HAVE TO? 101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax – Legally! 2021-22 is the only tax guide you will need this year. Whether you’re submitting online or through your tax professional, Adrian Raftery, aka Mr Taxman, takes you step-by-step through the changes in the May 2021 budget, including the latest updates to COVID-19 pandemic government relief measures, tips for cryptocurrency trading, tax obligations for crowdfunding as a business activity and the use of private ancillary funds. No matter what your age or income, this helpful guide offers tips for all taxpayers including: employeesbusiness ownersstudentsfamiliessuperannuation fund membersinvestors with interests in rental properties and share portfolios.With 101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax – Legally! 2021-22 , avoid the common mistakes that cost taxpayers every year, get answers to the most frequently asked questions and discover essential money-saving tax tips for the 2021-2022 tax year.


Anders Fogh Jensen

Arbejde, fritid, kAerlighed, moder, sundhed, ferier, skolegang og selvudvikling ser i dag ud til at flyde sammen i et stort kaos. Men i denne bog forklarer filosoffen Anders Fogh Jensen, at dette rod har sin egen orden: projektet. Vi omgas tid, rum og hinanden pa nye mader – prAeget af midlertidighed, usikkerhed, ad hoc-losninger, overbookninger, aflysninger og fravAeret af klare forventninger. Det forelobige 'ja' dominerer, fordi passagen er blevet et kronisk vilkar. Projektets logik findes f.eks. i dans, i forvaltning, i sundhedspolitik, i fodbold, i kAerlighedslivet, i virksomheden og i det, der engang hed privatlivet. Bogen dykker ned i disse hojst forskellige eksempler fra hverdagen – og stiller pa den baggrund en samtidsdiagnose, der beskriver de muligheder og problemer, dagens projektsamfund byder pa. Projektmennesket er en kort udgave af Projektsamfundet. Den korte udgave stiller skarpt pa det menneske, der lever nu, og tager udgangspunkt i vidt udbredte hverdagsfAenomener. Den fuldt udtrukne bog har et storre historisk perspektiv og tegner et mere komplekst billede.

Start-Up Secure

Chris Castaldo

Add cybersecurity to your value proposition and protect your company from cyberattacks Cybersecurity is now a requirement for every company in the world regardless of size or industry. Start-Up Secure: Baking Cybersecurity into Your Company from Founding to Exit covers everything a founder, entrepreneur and venture capitalist should know when building a secure company in today’s world. It takes you step-by-step through the cybersecurity moves you need to make at every stage, from landing your first round of funding through to a successful exit. The book describes how to include security and privacy from the start and build a cyber resilient company. You'll learn the basic cybersecurity concepts every founder needs to know, and you'll see how baking in security drives the value proposition for your startup’s target market. This book will also show you how to scale cybersecurity within your organization, even if you aren’t an expert! Cybersecurity as a whole can be overwhelming for startup founders. Start-Up Secure breaks down the essentials so you can determine what is right for your start-up and your customers. You’ll learn techniques, tools, and strategies that will ensure data security for yourself, your customers, your funders, and your employees. Pick and choose the suggestions that make the most sense for your situation—based on the solid information in this book. Get primed on the basic cybersecurity concepts every founder needs to know Learn how to use cybersecurity know-how to add to your value proposition Ensure that your company stays secure through all its phases, and scale cybersecurity wisely as your business grows Make a clean and successful exit with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your company's data is fully secure Start-Up Secure is the go-to source on cybersecurity for start-up entrepreneurs, leaders, and individual contributors who need to select the right frameworks and standards at every phase of the entrepreneurial journey.

Start-Up Secure

Chris Castaldo