An authoritative resource on making delicious, healthy vegan-friendly meals Veganism is a lifestyle abstaining from the consumption of meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs, and all foods originating from animals. The perfect companion to Living Vegan For Dummies, Vegan Cooking For Dummies provides vegans, and those thinking about becoming vegan, with more than 100 healthy and hearty vegan recipes. Features vegan recipes including entrees, appetizers, desserts, sweet treats, snacks, and lunchbox fare An 8-page insert showcases full-color photos of many of the book's recipes Offers parents a helping hand in making vegan-friendly dishes for their whole family Vegan Cooking For Dummies is a great way to maintain a healthy, balanced vegan diet!
Practical ways to explore and adapt a vegetarian lifestyle Are you considering a vegetarian diet for yourself or your family? Wondering if it's safe and how you'll get the right amount of nutrients? This authoritative guide has all the answers you need about living vegetarian, featuring healthful advice as well as delicious dishes involving vegetables, fruits, grains, and dairy. Inside you'll find expert advice on adopting a vegetarian lifestyle, from creating a vegetarian shopping list and understanding the nutritional aspects of vegetarian eating, to using the right cooking supplies to vegetarian etiquette, eating out, and converting a kitchen-and your family's mindset-away from meat. You'll discover how to make it work when you're the only member of the house who is vegetarian, as well as how to support a family member, including a child. Provides the latest information on vegetarian diets as they relate to health, the environment, and other areas of our lives Includes tips for gradually reducing your meat intake Explains the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle Offers dozens of new recipes designed to ease the transition from omnivore to vegetarian Whether you're a long-time vegetarian or just starting out, Living Vegetarian For Dummies, 2nd Edition is your guide to evaluating and enjoying a meat-free lifestyle.
An informative, fun guide to making your own wine It's estimated that one million North Americans make their own wine. Relatively inexpensive to make (a homemade bottle costs from $2 to $4), a bottle with your own label (and grapes) is a fantasy even someone with modest aspirations can fulfill. Author Tim Patterson, an award-winning home winemaker, shows how it's possible for anyone to create a great wine. In Home Winemaking For Dummies, he discusses the art of winemaking from grape to bottle, including how to get the best grapes (and figure out how many you need); determine what equipment is required; select the right yeast and figure out if any other additives are needed; and store, age, and test wine. With detailed tips on creating many varieties – from bold reds and demure whites to enchanting rosés and delightful sparkling wines – this guide is your ultimate winemaking resource.
«Что бы такого съесть, чтобы похудеть?» – таким вопросом хоть раз задавался каждый, кто хотел бы сбросить лишнее и привести себя в форму. Ольга Маркес, основательница Школы идеального тела #SEKTA, знает, что ответить на этот вопрос. В своей книге Ольга расскажет, как настроить организм на новый, правильный режим питания, как сделать его частью своей жизни, чтобы перестать прилагать усилия и держать себя в постоянном изнуряющем контроле.
Любая диета – ограничения. И ограничить себя – куда ни шло, но ограничить свое семейство! Вам они (члены семьи) посочувствуют, но страшно подумать, как они отреагируют на диетический ужин или воскресный обед без пирога. Отказаться от булочек, тортов, макарон, простого хлеба, сосисок; или от сметаны, сливочного масла, йогурта добровольно вряд ли кто-нибудь сможет: а что тогда есть? А готовить отдельно для мужа, детей, отдельно – для себя: где взять силы и время?! Выход есть – готовить вкусную и разнообразную еду для всей семьи без глютена и без лактозы.
Everything you need to can, preserve, and put up your own food Amid an increasing focus on locally sourced whole foods, preserving, rather than preservatives, is enjoying a comeback. With 300 delicious recipes, Canning and Preserving All-In-One For Dummies gives you a single, comprehensive resource on all aspects of putting up your own food; the equipment and ingredients you'll need; and the different techniques such as smoking, drying, curing, pickling, juicing, and root cellaring that you'll explore. Canning and Preserving All-in-One For Dummies is a perfect guide for home cooks looking to learn how to can and preserve their own food, covering preparation times, cooking times, processing times, and the yield you should expect from your efforts, as well as the newest equipment needed to create and store your own healthy foods. Features 300 recipes Covers canning fruits, vegetables, meats, and seafood Includes jams, jellies, butters, condiments, relishes, salsas, and chutneys Provides information on all types of food storage, including pickling, curing, juicing, and root cellars Whether you're new to canning and preserving or are just looking to expand your repertoire with the great new recipes contained in this book, Canning and Preserving All-in-One For Dummies gives you everything you need to save money and live healthier.
The easy way to eat vegetarian on campus Vegetarianism is growing rapidly, and young adults?including college students?are leading the charge as more and more of them discover the many benefits to adopting a vegetarian lifestyle. However, there are limited resources for budget-conscious students to keep a vegetarian diet. Student's Vegetarian Cookbook For Dummies offers the growing population of vegetarian students with instruction and recipes for fast and fun vegetarian cooking. Personalized for students, it comes with quick-fix recipes, a variety of creative meal ideas, and money-saving tips. Plain-English explanations of cooking techniques and nutritional information More than 100 recipes for making vegetarian dishes that are quick, easy, and tasty Budget-conscious shopping tips When dining halls are inadequate and restaurants become too expensive, Student's Vegetarian Cookbook For Dummies has you covered!
Какие из блюд самые сытные и легкие в приготовлении? Конечно же, вторые блюда! Вы легко приготовите даже замысловатые штрудели, фаршированный перец, каннелони с мясной начинкой, мясную запеканку, суфле из куриной печени, фаршированные цукини, ризотто с беконом и болгарским перцем, гнездышки из картофеля с грибами, куриные рулетики в беконе, куриную кесадилью, фаршированную тыкву, голубцы, фаршированные перепела вместе с Анастасией Скрипкиной. Каждый рецепт расписан пошагово и снабжен подробными фото-советами. Готовьте легко и вкусно! Это делают уже миллионы читательниц!
Секреты Востока о гармонии тела и еды. Вы узнаете, как с помощью питания обрести равновесие и единство с окружающим нас миром. Откроете для себя самый приятный и естественный путь к здоровому, стройному и счастливому телу.
The fun and friendly guide to all things beer Beer has always been one of the world's most popular beverages; but recently, people have embraced the rich complexities of beer's many varieties. Now, with Beer For Dummies you can quickly and enjoyably educate your palate—from recognizing the characteristics of ales, lagers, and other beer styles to understanding how to taste and evaluate beer. The author, a beer connoisseur, shares his own expertise on this subject, revealing his picks for the best beer festivals, tastings, and events around the world as well as his simple tips for pouring, storing, and drinking beer like an expert brewmeister. New coverage on the various styles of beer found around the world including: real ale, barrel aged/wood aged beer, organic brews, and extreme beer Updated profiles on the flavor and body of each beer, explaining why beers taste the way they do, as well as their strengths and ideal serving temperatures How to spot the best beers by looking at the bottle, label, and a properly poured beer in its ideal glass The essentials on beer-and-food pairings and the best ways to introduce beer into your cooking repertoire From information on ingredients like hops, malt, and barley to the differences between lagers and ales, this friendly guide gives you all the information you need to select and appreciate your next brew.