Книги о Путешествиях

Различные книги в жанре Книги о Путешествиях

The Tree of the Doves

Christopher Merrill

Using several ageless questions—“Where do we come from? Where are we going? What shall we do?”—as his point of departure, award-winning poet Christopher Merrill explores the related issues of terror, modernity, tradition, and epochal transformation. In three extended essays, Merrill observes the performance of a banned ritual in the Malaysian province of Kelatan; traces Saint-John Perse's epic voyage from Beijing to Ulan Bator in 1921, and relates it to the China of today; and embarks on a trip across the Levant in 2007 in the wake of the American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Merrill asserts that it is in this trinity of human actions—ceremony, expedition, war: all devised to keep terror at bay—that history is formed, and that the technological, political, environmental, and social changes we are witnessing now presage the end of one order and the creation of another.

Desafiando a las alturas

Claudio Daniel Bo

Surgió una idea, la soñé y la viví: Me fui a Mendoza a pasar unos días a la montaña. Pero no es solo a las montañas, mi objetivo era subir al Aconcagua, llegar al techo de América y decir acá estoy. Una idea que parecía una locura y terminó siendo una experiencia increíble, donde conocí gente con distintos ideales pero con un mismo objetivo. Y ni que hablar de cada paisaje que te regala la naturaleza, solo basta con cerrar los ojos y al abrirlos ver algo diferente. Nunca imaginé estar en medio de los cerros y hablar de campamentos, de armar una carpa entre las piedras o en la ladera de la montaña, o rodeado de nieve. De llevar el cuerpo al límite de esfuerzo y resistencia, a enfrentar temperaturas muy bajas y fuertes vientos. Soy hombre de campo y me entreveré con montañistas con experiencia. Pasé de mi lugar en el mundo en la llanura a las alturas de la cordillera. Todo esto fue sin dudas un desafío personal, pero el gran desafío era allá, en la altura.
"Desafiando a las alturas" es el resumen de casi un año que tardó mi viaje desde el primer día de entrenamiento, llegar muy cerca de la cumbre y regresar.

Bildband: Flüsse, Freiheit, Wohnmobil. Deutschlands Flüsse entdecken.

Torsten Berning

Entlang faszinierender deutscher Flusslandschaften geht es mit dem Wohnmobil durch eine einzigartige Flora und Fauna. An jedem Stell- oder Campingplatz warten abwechslungsreiche Freizeitmöglichkeiten in den schönsten Regionen Deutschlands auf Sie. Ob Kurzurlaub inmitten der Natur oder City Trip, hier wird jeder begeistert schon die nächste Reise planen. Der perfekte Reiseführer von der Elbe bis zur Spree, der Weser bis zur Ems oder an die Lahn.

Bruckmann Wanderführer: Wanderspaß mit Kindern Elbsandsteingebirge.

Anita Morandell Meißner

Höhlen, Felslabyrinthe und mittelalterliche Burganlagen – es ist erstaunlich, wie weit Kinderfüße tragen, wenn es Spannendes zu erkunden gibt. Wo es erlebnisreiche Touren im Elbsandsteingebirge gibt, das verraten wir in diesem Buch. Auf 33 Wanderungen entdecken wir die Sandsteingipfel, Tafelberge, Schluchten, Tiere und Pflanzen der Nationalparkregion. Die Festung Königstein, die Bastei-Brücke und die Kirnitzschtalbahn warten nur auf einen Besuch.

Bruckmann Wanderführer: Zeit zum Wandern Schwäbische Alb.

Peter Freier

Auf schmalen Pfaden am zerklüfteten Albrand entlang, durch Täler mit felsigen Talkanten, über Wacholderheiden, auf denen Schafe weiden, über blühende Obstbaumwiesen, durch hellgrüne Buchenwälder, auf der kuppigen Hochfläche, vorbei an spektakulären Burgruinen, Höhlen und Grotten aus der Eiszeit – Ute und Peter Freier beschreiben die 40 schönsten Halbtages- und Tagestouren durch die vielfältige Landschaft der Schwäbischen Alb für die ganze Familie.

Contemporary Asian Kitchens and Dining Rooms

Chami Jotisalikorn

With over one hundred full-color photographs, Contemporary Asian Kitchens and Dining Rooms looks at a wide range of inspirational cooking and dining spaces.Few rooms in the house depict the changing aesthetics of design as radically as kitchens and dining rooms. The growing trend toward modern fixtures and fittings in kitchens calls for more interactive and creative dining areas, a trend that is redefining the Asian home. Innovation and quality leap from every page of this book, which features the work of some of the best architects and designers from Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Bali.Special sections on all fresco dining as well as tips on how to create the ultimate in table settings give this book an up-to-the-minute edge. Every design is modern and appropriate for homes from Asia to America.

Contemporary Thai

Wongvipa Devahastin Na Ayudhya

With over 150 photographs and insightful text, this Thai design book showcases some of the best interiors in the country.Known for its beautiful traditional and contemporary handicrafts, it's no wonder that Thailand is home to some of the most beautifully decorated houses in the world. Elegant, innovative and versatile, Contemporary Thai is overflowing with an amazing array of design ideas.From modernist furniture, table settings, light fixtures and furnishings combining old traditions with new styles, Contemporary Thai is the perfect book for anyone looking to add a distinctive touch to their home decor.

Singapore: City of Gardens

William Warren

Although best known as a sprawling metropolis, most visitors to Singapore marvel at the greenness of it all.Wide boulevards shaded by venerable Rain Trees, interconnecting parks displaying a huge variety of tropical plants, roadside plantings in every shade of green, red and yellow, and great expanses of junglescape alongside the office skyscrapers and apartment blocks. It is truly a garden city, in all senses of the word.In this travel pictorial, the authors showcase many of the Lion City's green spaces, be they the Botanical Gardens and national parks, or plantings of bougainvillea tumbling down the crash–barriers on the super–highways. Orchard Road, the world–renowned Zoological Gardens, the ground–breaking Mandai Orchid Gardens, and many more, are portrayed, along with other lesser–known parks and private and hotel gardens.Sumptuous full–colour photographs by Luca Invernizzi Tettoni and texts by botanical expert William Warren literally take one down the garden path on a discovery tour of Singapore's cityscapes, landscapes, hardscapes and few remaining «wild–scapes.»

Indonesian Slang

Christopher Torchia

Cekidot, gan! —"Check it out, Boss!" Kamu Dodol —"You're a coconut fudge!" (You're slow on the uptake) This book is an informal compendium of Indonesian expressions, including proverbs, slang, quotations and acronyms. The unique aspects of the Indonesian language offer one of the best windows into Indonesian culture. Slang, titles, proverbs, nicknames, acronyms, quotations and other expressions reveal its character, in the words of its people and are a great way to learn Indonesian culture. This book of expressions looks at Indonesia with the help of its national language, bahasa Indonesia . It describes Indonesians and their fears, beliefs, history and politics, as well as how they live, fight, grieve and laugh. Indonesian is a variant of Malay, the national language of Malaysia, and many of its expressions come from the Malay heartland of Sumatra island. Indonesian has also incorporated terms from Javanese, the language of the dominant ethnic group in a huge nation of more than 17,000 islands. Although Indonesian is officially a young language, it contains words from Sanskrit, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Portuguese and English, a legacy of the merchants, warriors, laborers and holy men who traveled to the archipelago over the centuries. The Indonesian language was a nationalist symbol during the campaign against Dutch rule in the 20th century. Indonesians who fought against colonialism made it the national language in their constitution when they declared independence in 1945. Two generations later, modern Indonesians loveword play. The tongue slips and skids, chopping words, piling on syllables and flipping them. Indonesians turn phrases into acronyms and construct double meanings. Their inventions reflect social trends, mock authority, or get the point across in a hurry. This book divides Indonesian expressions into categories such as food and wisdom, politics and personalities. The format is the same in each chapter. An expression in Indonesian, or sometimes a regional language in Indonesia, is followed by a translation, an interpretation of the meaning, and usually a summary of the idiom's origin or background. Some translations are more literal than others, reflecting an effort to balance clarity of meaning with the flavor of the original words.

New Asian Style

Jane Doughty Marsden

More than ever before, interior design is a global affair. And more than ever, Westerners are eager to try out elements of Asian design. This book is the ultimate resource for professional and amateur designers seeking to recreate the mysterious elegance, balance, and beauty of Asian design. Through the magic of Masano Kawana's beautiful full-color photography, New Asian Style explores more than 30 stunning contemporary houses and homes from Singapore, all of which stand as examples of decorating and style that transcend their Eastern origins. In an effort to help designers pick up Asian ideas for their own settings, Jane Marsden's essays examine what elements make Asian style and how they might be captured in new settings anywhere in the world.