This is the most up–to–date and complete English to Vietnamese dictionary available. It is designed primarily for the growing number of students of Vietnamese who need a good and reliable English–Vietnamese dictionary. Although it is targeted mainly at English speakers and other non–native users who need to learn Vietnamese, it can also be used by Vietnamese speakers who are learning or need to know English. Along with 18,000 enries—covering contemporary words and phrases used in educational, business and tourist settings—the attractive and user–friendly layout is organized effectively, making it easy to locate words and phrases quickly. It also includes many valuable pointers and information about the Vietnamese language. Completely revised and updated with over 18,000 entries. Clear, user–friendly text with idioms, expressions and sample sentences. The ideal dictionary for students and business people.The first edition, published as Essential English–Vietnamese Dictionary , was by Professor Nguyen Hinh Hoa and his daughter Patricia Nguyen Thi Huong . It became a classic in the teaching of Vietnamese. This edition, completely revised and updated, is the work of Professor Phan Van Giuong who was a distinguished professor of Vietnamese Studies at Victoria University, Melborne. Professor Phan , who has many years' experience teaching Vietnamese and English, is also the author of many Vietnamese teaching/learning materials and editor for several Vietnamese magazines and newspapers. He was awarded the Order of Australia Medal and the International Educator of the Year award for his outstanding contributions to teaching language and culture. Professor Phan is now retired but continues to teach on a part-time basis.
More than just a Japan travel guide, Manabeshima Island Japan paints a colorful and entertaining picture of a particular place and time in Japan. Japan is made up of thousands of sacred islands, artificial islands, industrial islands, resort islands, wild islands and exploding islands…but artist Florent Chavouet had only ever visited two of them. This graphic novel is the story of one summer when he decides to get to know one more—the tiny island of Manabeshima. This speck of dirt in the Inland Sea, off the coast of Osaka, has a total population of 300, and he sets himself the task of recording everything and everyone he meets there in quirky detail on the pages of his sketchbook. Whereas Chavouet's other best-selling book, Tokyo on Foot , focuses on the physical city, it is the local island inhabitants who form the heart of this new book. Chavouet's sensitive drawings and insightful captions create instant portraits of incredible literary depth. The cast of characters who are lovingly depicted includes Ikkyu-san, owner of the island's only bar (and the bar's three regulars—skinny guy, Day-Glo cap guy and greasy-haired guy); the young Nakamura family and their five kids; the layabout Shimura-san, a living relic from the hippie 1970s; Kurata-san the policeman; Reizo-san the island intellectual in his elegant Meiji-era home; Rock the Neanderthal fisherman; and a chorus of assorted grandmothers and cats—all of whom welcome Chavouet into their community as a kindred soul. Against a backdrop of fireworks, summer festivals, fishing expeditions, and the constant hum of the cicadas, Chavouet depicts these characters so vividly and sympathetically, and describes their rustic way of life in such simple and appealing terms that we find it as hard to finish the book as Chavouet found it to leave the island at the end of his enchanted summer holiday.
Easy Tagalog brings the Tagalog language and culture of the Philippines alive, giving you all the basics you need to start speaking Tagalog immediately. This invaluable guide introduces all the basics of the Tagalog language, as well as vocabulary and tips for practical daily conversation. All dialogues are highly practical and authentic and illustrated with manga illustrations for easy memorization. There is also a glossary of commonly used words and phrases, useful notes, pronunciation, greetings, sentence structure, idiomatic expressions, etiquette, and cultural dos and don'ts included throughout. A complete language course and pocket dictionary in one, Easy Tagalog includes: Native speaker audio recordingsUseful notes on pronunciation and accentsFocus on daily communicationsStructured, progressive lessons Let Filipino experts Barrios and Camagong teach you how to enjoy this beautiful language. Start learning Tagalog on the plane and begin communicating effectively the moment you land!
This Mandarin Chinese Dictionary is for elementary to intermediate learners of Chinese Tuttle Learner's Chinese-English Dictionary is a totally new dictionary designed specifically for elementary to intermediate learners of Chinese and contains all 3,051 vocabulary items prescribed for Levels A and B of the internationally recognized test of Mandarin language proficiency, Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK). This self-contained dictionary has over 5,000 headwords—those required for HSK Levels A and B, plus important proper nouns and common idioms. Extensive notes on culture, grammar and meaning are included to enhance understanding and ensure correct usage. Students attempting to learn Chinese will find this dictionary to be an essential guide to the Chinese language as well as a reliable reference tool. This Chinese dictionary contains: The 5,000+ most frequently used Chinese vocabulary items. All entries contain Romanized Chinese forms ( hanyu pinyin ), simplified Chinese characters ( hanzi ) as well as traditional Chinese characters if they exist. Terms are searchable by Chinese–English or English–Chinese. All Chinese entries are arranged alphabetically by Romanized Mandarin Chinese forms ( hanyu pinyin ). Chinese word components are listed and analyzed to facilitate understanding. Over 3,500 sample sentences to demonstrate how each word is used. Detailed notes on culture, grammar and usage. Chinese translations for common English names and places in China.
This is an extensive and user–friendly Chinese–English dictionary. The Tuttle English–Chinese Dictionary is the only English–Chinese dictionary specifically designed for English speakers who are learning the Chinese language. It provides comprehensive, accurate and up–to–date definitions for over 40,000 words, phrases and idioms, including the latest vocabulary for business, technology, sport and the media. Concise definitions are given for each word and phrase shortening the time it takes to learn Chinese. About 10,000 example sentences with Chinese translation are provided for commonly used words, to illustrate their usage and develop effective communication skills in Chinese. These sentences are idiomatic and relevant to aspects of daily life in China today. Pinyin romanized forms are given for all Chinese words and phrases so the reader can pronounce them with ease and accuracy A concise guide to Chinese characters, pronunciation, tones and grammar along with lists of common character components and measure words are found at the front of the dictionary, while Chinese personal and place names are listed at the back. Comprehensive and accurate with 40,000 words, phrases and idioms. The only English–Chinese dictionary designed for English speakers. Pinyin romanizations are given for al Chinese words and phrases. Includes 10,000 example sentences to help develop communications skills.
This is a complete and effective intermediate–level Korean textbook and Korean language learning package It is the next book in the Elementary Korean series and takes student's abilities to read comprehend Korean, speak Korean, read Korean, and write Korean to the next level. Continuing Korean is designed for learners who have achieved basic proficiency and wish to progress to the more complex structures of the Korean language. It offers a full range of field-tested exercises that will help readers build their confidence and fluency in the Korean language. Each lesson includes Korean dialogues, vocabulary, lesson notes and detailed breakdowns of the grammatical structure under discussion, and exercises. The downloadable audio is another great way to learn Korean and ensures correct pronunciation and helps to build listening comprehension.
Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary is the most up-to-date compact Vietnamese dictionary available today. It is designed for English speakers who are studying the Vietnamese language, traveling to Vietnam or using the language on a daily basis to interact with Vietnamese speakers. It has both Vietnamese to English and English to Vietnamese sections, with enough depth that it may also be used by Vietnamese speakers who are learning or using English. Its depth makes it a great way to learn Vietnamese. Divided into two parts—Vietnamese–English and English–Vietnamese—this concise dictionary has a total of 25,000 entries. The entries given within each section include all everyday words and expressions used in educational, cultural and tourism contexts in Vietnam today. The entries give core information about: Parts of speech of the headwords. Useful meanings, common collocations, idiomatic expressions and sample sentences. Vietnamese loanwords, many from French, list the original source word as well as alternate Vietnamese words with the same meaning. English entries provide additional information such as alternate British or American spellings, singular and plural forms, and irregular verb forms.Contemporary internet, computer and mobile phone terms are included, making this dictionary invaluable everyday use. A guide to Vietnamese pronunciation and spelling, and other grammar pointers and explanations are also included. The Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary is a compact and comprehensive tool for successful language learning.
This dictionary documents the vast storehouse of unusual words, phrases, idioms and expressions used by Baba Chinese communities in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and elsewhere. It aims to help younger Babas learn and maintain this unique language. An introduction to the language, a glossary and notes on cherki (a popular Baba game) are also included.
This is an extensive and user–friendly Chinese to English dictionary. The Tuttle Chinese–English Dictionary provides clear and accurate definitions in idiomatic English for the 18,000 most common Chinese vocabulary items (characters and compounds), including all words required for the official HSK Chinese Language Proficiency Examination used by the Chinese government as well as corporations and universities worldwide. This Chinese dictionary is designed specifically for English speakers. All entries are listed alphabetically in their romanized form using the standard Hanyu Pinyin romanization system. To ensure that the dictionary is up–to–date, recently coined terms have been included reflecting the dramatic changes taking place in Chinese society, business and education. Entries contain idiomatic expressions and detailed notes on Chinese culture, grammar and usage that are extremely useful for foreigners—a unique feature found in no other Chinese dictionary. Over 8,000 example Chinese sentences are provided showing how Chinese words are used in real–life situations. A concise guide to Chinese pronunciation, tones and grammar and lists of common character components, measure words are given at the front of the dictionary, while Chinese personal and place names are given at the back. Indexes list characters by strokes and also by radicals to enable the reader to look up characters when the pronunciation is not known. Key features of this Chinese dictionary include: Clear and concise definitions for 18,000 common vocabulary items. The only Chinese dictionary designed specifically for English speakers. All entries listed alphabetically in romanized Hanyu Pinyin form. Includes all words for the HSK Chinese language Proficiency Examination.
Learn basic Korean language communication skills with this concise language guide.This «quick» approach to spoken Korean is a very effective way to learn enough to function in a Korean-speaking setting. The lessons have been devised to facilitate easy language study and are conversationally applicable as soon as you learn them. All the words and phrases are high-frequency making this a great choice for Korean beginners.The concise and user-friendly nature of the travel-sized original version is not lost in this new ebook edition.