Далекий 1942 год… Но юным поисковцам он открывается как «вчера» с жуткими подробностями … На каникулах отряд мальчишек выдвигается в лес у горы Гейман, где проходили кровопролитные бои за освобождение Северного Кавказа. Сашка находит дневник, где неизвестный солдат описывает военную действительность. Рукописные странички показывают лишь несколько дней из жизни бойца, но перед глазами всплывают тысяча смертей, мучений, наворачиваются «мужские» слезы. Война не выбирает жертв по национальности, религии, она беспощадна ко всем без предрассудков. Поэтому и Родину защищают все ВМЕСТЕ даже ценой собственной жизни.
Эта история случилась в 1980 г. В это время наш полк участвовал в оказании братской помощи народу Афганистана.
Роман Михаила Попова «На кресах всходних» («На восточных рубежах») воссоздает картину грандиозного партизанского движения в Белоруссии во время Великой Отечественной войны, освещая тему народной войны с немецкими оккупантами. В центре событий – простая белорусская деревня, где под гнетом нацизма отдельные человеческие судьбы сплетаются в сложную, драматическую сагу.
Марат Файзрахманович Дед Мартин
Книга о войне в Сирии. Все события, описанные в книге, произошли в реальной жизни. Персонажи книги – бойцы ЧВК "Солдаты удачи" российской формации. В книге раскрывается степень участия ЧВК в войне и их заслуги. Ситуация в стране пребывания глазами сотрудника ЧВК V. Их нет в официальных хрониках, их заслуги присваивают себе другие, "их там нет". Содержит нецензурную брань.
1944 год. Нацистское командование понимает, что боевых действий на территории Германии уже не избежать. Немецкие инженеры предлагают создать единую цепь укреплений из приграничных городов-замков, пригодных к длительной осаде. В Москве архитектор Михаил Велесов разрабатывает свой план взятия немецких крепостей. Ставка заинтересована в разработках Велесова. Под видом капитана-сапера его направляют к Познани, наиболее укрепленному узлу немецкой обороны. Именно там должна решиться судьба операции. Однако очередное донесение советской разведки заставило серьезно изменить планы предстоящего наступления…
Imagine if Western countries lost control of sea lines of communication. What would a businessman be willing to do to protect his interests? The pirate camps that pepper the coast of Somalia threaten to hijack any ship that comes near their waters and the developed countries don’t seem to be able to take a stand against the problem. The world’s energy industry is on the brink of collapse. Can a businessman battle with the pirates? Could the failed Somali State control its own coast? A young seaman from Cadiz running away from his own personal nightmares is chosen to do away with the magnate’s enemies, but he is not far enough away from his own past. As the events develop there is a much more complex plot behind the attacks. Without realizing it, Pablo finds himself being dragged into the midst of an international conspiracy in which he will have to rely solely on his crew and his ship, Albatros.
Imagine if Western countries lost control of sea lines of communication. What would a businessman be willing to do to protect his interests? The pirate camps that pepper the coast of Somalia threaten to hijack any ship that comes near their waters and the developed countries don’t seem to be able to take a stand against the problem. The world’s energy industry is on the brink of collapse. Can a businessman battle with the pirates? Could the failed Somali State control its own coast? A young seaman from Cadiz running away from his own personal nightmares is chosen to do away with the magnate’s enemies, but he is not far enough away from his own past. As the events develop there is a much more complex plot behind the attacks. Without realizing it, Pablo finds himself being dragged into the midst of an international conspiracy in which he will have to rely solely on his crew and his ship, Albatros.
Dana Sue might run the best little restaurant in Serenity, but when you're feeding a small town of neighbors, busybodies and best friends, things can get a bit hot in the kitchen.Never mind that she's putting on too many pounds (an occupational hazard for a chef)-she's worried about her too-skinny teenage daughter, Annie, who has been slowly starving herself since the loud, suitcase-tossing, name-calling fit on her front lawn that left Dana Sue minus one cheating husband.But sometimes life picks strange ways to mend fences. When Annie lands in the hospital, Dana Sue reaches out to the man she loves to hate: Ron, the husband who took her heart when she tossed him out. Ron is still Annie's white knight, even if he's decidedly more tarnished in Dana Sue's eyes. But he still looks good enough to eat, and maybe, just maybe, to forgive.Once, Ron made the mistake of letting go without a proper fight. But now Dana Sue is about to get another taste of sweet devotion from a man tired of feeling like a fool, hungry for that slice of heaven he found with her.
Collins Shorts – insight in an instant.Under fire in Libya, this is an intense hit of adrenaline as reported by war correspondent Alex Crawford. The only western reporter to be in Green Square when it was taken by rebels, her remarkable eye-witness report is war journalism at it’s nerve-wracking best.Collins Shorts are a fresh look at the ebook short, with the emphasis on vibrant design, animated content and expert authors who can provide accessible insight. They satisfy your thirst for knowledge without the need for time commitment.This ebook will work on all e-readers but delivers its full punch on devices that support colour and animation. Please note the extent is between 20 to 40 pages, depending on your settings..
The third book in the epic saga of humankind's war of transcendenceThere is an unseen power in the universe—a terrible force that was dominating the galaxy tens of thousands of years before the warlike Sh'daar were even aware of the existence of Sol and its planets.As humankind approaches the Singularity, when transcendence will be achieved through technology, contact will be made.In the wake of the near destruction of the solar system, the political powers on Earth seek a separate peace with an inscrutable alien life form that no one has ever seen. But Admiral Alexander Koenig, the hero of Alphekka, has gone rogue, launching his fabled battlegroup beyond the boundaries of Human Space against all orders. With Confederation warships in hot pursuit, Koenig is taking the war for humankind’s survival directly to a mysterious omnipotent enemy.