PopulAerkulturens spillefilm er meget mere end blot underholdning. I denne bog demonstrerer 10 yngre forskere, hvordan en rAekke udvalgte spillefilm kan tjene som ramme om en analyse og diskussion af vAesentlige sporgsmal relateret til terror og terrorbekAempelse: Hvad er prAeventiv krig, og hvilke problemer er forbundet med denne form for krigsforelse – se Minority Report! Hvad er argumenterne for og imod anvendelse af tortur i forsoget pa at komme terroren i forkobet – se The Siege! Hvordan former den stigende overvagning vores adfAerd – se The Truman Show! Hvordan kan vi beskrive forholdet mellem medierne og terroristerne – se Mad City!Filmmediet fungerer som en form for eksperimentarium i forhold til komplicerede moralske og politiske sporgsmal. Derfor kan film anvendes som en pAedagogisk loftestang i forstaelsen og diskussionen af mulige losninger pa udfordringerne for nutidens samfund.Terror og film abner for en anderledes og sjovere made at lAere pa – og dermed for en mere varieret og inspirerende undervisning i fx gymnasiet. Ved at tage udgangspunkt i, hvad vi allerede ved fra timerne foran lAerredet eller skAermen, men maske ikke har begreber for, letter bogen forstaelsen af, hvad terror er, og hvilke problem der der rejser sig i forsoget pa at bekAempe den.
Paradoksalt nok elsker vi fiktionens gys og den pirrende skrAek, den udloser i os, uanset om det er i form af boger om forforeriske vampyrer eller film om morderiske aliens. Det mest slaende ved overnaturlige monstre er selvfolgelig, at de ikke findes i virkeligheden. Ikke desto mindre bliver vi ved med at fortAelle hinanden historier om spogelser og uhyrer. Faktisk reagerer vi ens pa tvAers af kulturer, nar vi ser en gyserfilm. Denne ens reaktion pa gru er der en god forklaring pa, som man finder ved at kigge pa vores evolutionshistorie.Gru-forsker Mathias Clasen viser i bogen Monstre, at vi faktisk har brug for de opdigtede rAedselshistorier, fordi de er et resultat af evolutionen. I millioner af ar levede vi nemlig side om side med virkelige, sultne monstre, som havde menneske pa menuen. Derfor har vores forhistoriske tilvAerelse som jaget vildt sat sig dybe spor i vores dna. Vores evne til at vagne pa et splitsekund med alle sanser skAerpet har udgjort forskellen pa liv og dod for vores forfAedre. Sa bag vores rationelle, moderne hjerner gemmer der sig en forskrAekket primat, som gyser ved synet af lysende ojne og glinsende hugtAender i tusmorket – prAecis som vi gor i biografens morke, nar monstret maser sig ind pa helten.Monstre en er del af serien 'TAenkepauser', der lanceres i samarbejde med DR, Jyllands-Posten, Litteratursiden.dk og bibliotekerne.
This volume offers a new and expanded history of the documentary form across a range of times and contexts, featuring original essays by leading historians in the field In a contemporary media culture suffused with competing truth claims, documentary media have become one of the most significant means through which we think in depth about the past. The most rigorous collection of essays on nonfiction film and media history and historiography currently available, A Companion to Documentary Film History offers an in-depth, global examination of central historical issues and approaches in documentary, and of documentary's engagement with historical and contemporary topics, debates, and themes. The Companion 's twenty original essays by prominent nonfiction film and media historians challenge prevalent conceptions of what documentary is and was, and explore its growth, development, and function over time. The authors provide fresh insights on the mode's reception, geographies, authorship, multimedia contexts, and movements, and address documentary's many aesthetic, industrial, historiographical, and social dimensions. This authoritative volume: Offers both historical specificity and conceptual flexibility in approaching nonfiction and documentary media Explores documentary's multiple, complex geographic and geopolitical frameworks Covers a diversity of national and historical contexts, including Revolution-era Soviet Union, post-World War Two Canada and Europe, and contemporary China Establishes new connections and interpretive contexts for key individual films and film movements, using new primary sources Interrogates established assumptions about documentary authorship, audiences, and documentary's historical connection to other media practices. A Companion to Documentary Film History is an ideal text for undergraduate and graduate courses covering documentary or nonfiction film and media, an excellent supplement for courses on national or regional media histories, and an important new resource for all film and media studies scholars, particularly those in nonfiction media.
Filled with classic photography of the film’s famous cast, this new collector’s edition Gone With the Wind is a celebration of one of the world’s favorite Hollywood epics. Released in 1939, Gone With the Wind continues to sustain a place in American popular culture, and this volume offers readers an irresistible combination of history, glamour, and intrigue about the movie that was voted the most popular film in history by the American Film Institute. In contemporary dollars, the film stands firm as the most successful box-office hit in of all time—not even tumbled by such modern-day blockbusters as Avatar, Titanic, or Star Wars.This new volume is filled with rare insight into the stars and creators of this timeless masterpiece, including much behind-the-scenes detail about the casting and making of the film that made “Scarlett O’Hara” and “Tara” household words around the world. Looking beyond the movie’s artistic accomplishments, Gone With the Wind also explores the history and politics of nineteenth-century America, making this volume of interest to devotees of the American South and Civil War buffs alike.Discover fascinating details about the making and magic of Gone With the Wind, including:-The search for Scarlett O’Hara—over 1,000 actresses interviewed for the role—and the controversial casting of Vivien Leigh-How the casting and cost of Clark Gable nearly derailed the multi-Oscar-winning film-How directors Victor Fleming, his predecessor George Cukor, and producer David O. Selznick shaped Margaret Mitchell’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel into a true and timeless Southern epic-A glimpse at the film’s home state of Georgia, its famous Gone With the Wind museums and its prominence in the Confederate South-Captivating portraits of film’s four stars, Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Olivia de Havilland and Leslie Howard, as well as author Margaret Mitchell
This is the ChineseSimplified version. This book is a highly visual exploration of the best shots, moves, and set-ups in the industry. It reveals the secrets behind each shot's success, so it can be adapted to a director's individual scenes.
Your job is to create shots that reveal story, expose emotion, explore character and capture the unique feeling of your film. At the same time, you should stamp your film with your own style. This book can help you do that, whatever your experience, because it challenges you to imagine a creative solution for every scene in your film.
Уважаемые читатели! В сборнике 22 произведения, посвящённых нашим любимым артистам, которых, к сожалению, уже нет с нами. Но они навсегда остались в памяти. Пересматривая фильмы с их участием, мы снова отдаём должное замечательному таланту, обаянию и прекрасно сыгранным ролям.
As the end of December draws near, Facebook routinely sends users a short video entitled ‘Your Year on Facebook’. It lasts about a minute and brings together the images and posts that received the highest number of comments and likes over the last year. The video is rounded off with a message from Facebook that reads: ‘Sometimes, looking back helps us remember what matters most. Thanks for being here.’ It is this ‘looking back’, increasingly the focus of social networks, that is the inspiration behind Davide Sisto’s brilliant reflection on how our relationship with remembering and forgetting is changing in the digital era. The past does not really exist: it is only a story we tell ourselves. But what happens when we tell this story not only to ourselves but also to our followers, when it is recorded not only on our social media pages but also on the pages of hundreds or thousands of others, making it something that can be viewed and referenced forever? Social media networks are becoming vast digital archives in which the past merges seamlessly with the present, slowly erasing our capacity to forget. And yet at the same time, our memory is being outsourced to systems that we don’t control and that could become obsolete at any time, cutting us off from our memories and risking total oblivion. This timely and thoughtful reflection on memory and forgetting in the digital age will be of interest to students and scholars in media studies and to anyone concerned with the ways our social and personal lives are changing in a world increasingly shaped by social media and the internet.
These are turbulent times in the world of book publishing. For nearly five centuries the methods and practices of book publishing remained largely unchanged, but at the dawn of the twenty-first century the industry finds itself faced with perhaps the greatest challenges since Gutenberg. A combination of economic pressures and technological change is forcing publishers to alter their practices and think hard about the future of the books in the digital age.<br /><br />In this book – the first major study of trade publishing for more than 30 years – Thompson situates the current challenges facing the industry in an historical context, analysing the transformation of trade publishing in the United States and Britain since the 1960s. He gives a detailed account of how the world of trade publishing really works, dissecting the roles of publishers, agents and booksellers and showing how their practices are shaped by a field that has a distinctive structure and dynamic. <br /><br />This new paperback edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to take account of the most recent developments, including the dramatic increase in ebook sales and its implications for the publishing industry and its future.