Nothing is fair in love and war. . .Europe's elite have gathered at the glittering Congress of Vienna–princes, ambassadors, the Russian tsar–all negotiating the fate of the continent by day and pursuing pleasure by night. Until Princess Tatiana, the most beautiful and talked about woman in Vienna, is found murdered during an ill-timed rendezvous with three of her most powerful conquests. . .Suzanne Rannoch has tried to ignore rumors that her new husband, Malcolm, has also been tempted by Tatiana. As a protégé of France's Prince Talleyrand and attaché for Britain's Lord Castlereagh, Malcolm sets out to investigate the murder and must enlist Suzanne's special skills and knowledge if he is to succeed. As a complex dance between husband and wife in the search for the truth ensues, no one's secrets are safe, and the future of Europe may hang in the balance. . ."A perfect blend of history, mystery, romance, and suspense." –Deborah Crombie"Meticulous, delightful, and full of surprises." –Tasha Alexander"Glittering balls, deadly intrigue, sexual scandals. . .the next best thing to actually being there!" –Lauren Willig"Absolutely gripping. . .historical intrigue at its finest." –Deanna Raybourn"Shimmers like the finest salons in Vienna." –Deborah Crombie
Amid the treachery of war and the whirl of revelry, no one is what they seem. . .Nights filled with lavish balls. . .lush, bucolic afternoons. . .. Removed to glamorous Brussels in the wake of Napoleon's escape from Elba, Intelligence Agent Malcolm Rannoch and his wife, Suzanne, warily partake in the country's pleasures. But with the Congress of Vienna in chaos and the Duke of Wellington preparing for battle, the festivities are cut short when Malcolm is sent on a perilous mission that unravels a murderous world of espionage. . .No one knows what the demure and respectable Lady Julia Ashton was doing at the château where Malcolm and a fellow British spy were ambushed. But now her enigmatic life has been ended by an equally mysterious death. And as the conflict with Napoleon marches toward Waterloo, and Brussels surrenders to bedlam, Suzanne and Malcolm will be plunged into the search for the truth–revealing an intricate labyrinth of sinister secrets and betrayal within which no one can be trusted. . . Praise for Teresa Grant's Vienna Waltz "A brilliantly multilayered mystery and a must-read for fans of the Regency era." – Publishers Weekly "Shimmers like the finest salons in Vienna." –Deborah Crombie"Meticulous, delightful, and full of surprises." –Tasha Alexander"Glittering balls, deadly intrigue, sexual scandals. . .the next best thing to actually being there!" –Lauren Willig"A superb storyteller." –Deanna Raybourn
From the ashes of war rise the secrets of its darkest hearts. . . In the wake of the Battle of Waterloo, Paris is a house divided. The triumphant Bourbons flaunt their victory with lavish parties, while Bonapartists seek revenge only to be captured and executed. Amid the turmoil, British attaché and Intelligence Agent Malcolm Rannoch and his wife, Suzanne, discover that his murdered half-sister, Princess Tatiana Kirsanova, may have borne a child—a secret she took to the grave. And Malcolm suspects there was more than mere impropriety behind her silence. . .As Malcolm and Suzanne begin searching for answers, they learn that the child was just one of many secrets Tatiana had been keeping. The princess was the toast of Paris when she arrived in the glamorous city, flirting her way into the arms of more than a few men—perhaps even those of Napoleon himself—and the father must be among them. But in the melee of the Napoleonic Wars, she was caught up in a deadly game, and now Malcolm and Suzanne must race against time to save the child from a similar fate. . . "Twists and turns galore, swashbuckling adventure and suspense throughout..for readers in search of smart historical mysteries." –Tasha Alexander, New York Times bestselling author "I loved this book! No one else can combine page-turning suspense, fascinating mystery, a palpable sense of time and place, with such unforgettable and masterfully-drawn characters. Superb!" –Deborah Crombie, New York Times bestselling author
The truth is stranger than fiction for Albert Campion in this gripping mystery where murder, detective novels and the supernatural collide. 1946, London . The eagerly anticipated new detective novel from Albert Campion's godsibling, bestselling author Evadne Childe, is proving to be another runaway success. Unfortunately, it has also caught the attention of Superintendent Stanislaus Oates for reasons that go beyond its superior plotting. The crime at the heart of The Bottle Party Murder bears a number of striking similarities to a very real, recent and unsolved murder at the Grafton Club in Soho. Evadne wrote the book before the murder occurred, yet predicts it remarkably accurately – is it just a weird coincidence, is Evadne getting her information from 'the other side', or is something more sinister afoot? The repercussions of this extraordinary and complex case will reach out over the next fifteen years, drawing in three of Mr Campion's favourite policemen – Oates, Yeo and Luke – before finally coming to its violent conclusion in 1962.
Во время привычной инспекции состояния Летнего сада старшего городового Федулина ожидала страшная находка. Среди пруда на спине, раскинув ноги и руки и запрокинув кудрявую голову, плыла маленькая девочка. Жертвой оказалась единственная дочь надворного советника Картайкина, которую несколько дней назад похитили прямо на улице. Осмотр показал, что прежде, чем выбросить девочку в пруд, убийца задушил ее. Но кому понадобилось убивать маленькую дворянку? Расследовать это сложное и запутанное дело предстоит шефу жандармерии Бенкендорфу и обер-полицмейстеру Кокошкину. И пока высшие полицейские чины ищут улики, Санкт-Петербург не умолкает – новости об убийствах малолетних девочек разносятся со скоростью света. Кто он – опасный и обезумевший маньяк? Возможно, разгадать эту тайну удастся Иосифу Шарлеманю, брат которого создал одну из оград Летнего сада.
Сэр Валентайн Аттвуд, доктор, член Лондонского королевского общества, был в графстве Хэмптоншир проездом. Он остановился на ночлег в «Эддингтон Холле», воспользовавшись гостеприимством своего ученика. Однако печальные события заставляют почтенного джентльмена задержаться здесь надолго. Недалеко от деревни Уокерли была обнаружена Элеонора Тоу. Девушка пропала несколько дней назад, а теперь ее обезображенный труп найден в лесу у озера. На первый взгляд, несчастная стала жертвой дикого зверя. Аттвуд придерживается иного мнения. На такой ужас способен лишь один монстр – человек. Во время осмотра места преступления обнаруживаются странные следы, будто оставленные огромными копытами. Изучая тело убитой, Валентайн понимает, что оно обескровлено, будто кто-то полностью иссушил его. Кто же лишил жизни мисс Тоу? В окрестностях появляются слухи, что это сделал сам дьявол, вышедший из легенд Южного Девона. Доктор Аттвуд берется за расследование дела, заручившись поддержкой лондонского инспектора. Жители графства в панике, ведь Элеонора Тоу стала лишь одной из множества жертв жестокого убийцы. Сумеет ли сэр Аттвуд разоблачить Девонширского Дьявола, прежде чем станет слишком поздно?
В середине XIX века Викторианский Лондон не был снисходителен к женщине. Обрести себя она могла лишь рядом с мужем. Тем не менее, мисс Амелия Говард считала, что замужество – удел глупышек и слабачек. Амбициозная, самостоятельная, она знала, что значит брать на себя ответственность. После смерти матери отец все чаще стал прикладываться к бутылке. Некогда процветавшее семейное дело пришло в упадок. Домашние заботы легли на плечи старшей из дочерей – Амелии. Девушка видела себя автором увлекательных романов, имела постоянного любовника и не спешила обременять себя узами брака. Да, эта леди родилась не в свое время – чтобы спасти родовое поместье, ей все же приходится расстаться со свободой. Мисс Говард выходит замуж за судью, который вскоре при загадочных обстоятельствах погибает. Главная подозреваемая в деле – Амелия. Но мотивы были у многих близких людей ее почившего супруга. Сумеет ли женщина отстоять свою невиновность, когда, кажется, против нее ополчился весь мир? И узнает ли счастье настоящей любви та, кто всегда дорожила своей независимостью?
London, 1471. The War of the Roses rages on.
Edward of York has claimed the English throne and his Yorkist supporters gleefully slaughter their adversaries; there's no mercy for anyone who supported the Lancastrian cause.
Margaret Beaufort – mother of Henry Tudor, the only hope for the House of Lancaster – knows her enemies are closing in. Desperate for help she turns to Christopher Urswicke for protection. But when ruthless scheming and pitiless killings are the only routes to survival, Urswicke will have to choose where his loyalties truly lie.
“The Age of Dreaming is a masterpiece of the sort that doesn’t just seduce the reader—it leaves you transformed. Nina Revoyr deserves to be counted among the top ranks of novelists at work today.”—Jerry Stahl, author of I, Fatty“This is a riveting, wise, and gorgeous novel.”—Mary Yukari Waters“Brilliant and original. . . . The carefully restrained voice of its narrator recalls Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day.”—Alison Lurie, Pulitzer Prize winnerJun Nakayama was a silent film star in the early days of Hollywood, but by 1964, he is living in complete obscurity—until a young writer, Nick Bellinger, reveals that he has written a screenplay with Nakayama in mind. Jun is intrigued by the possibility of returning to movies, but he begins to worry that someone might delve too deeply into the past and uncover the events that led to the abrupt end of his career in 1922. These events include the changing racial tides in California and the unsolved murder of his favorite director, Ashley Bennett Tyler.The Age of Dreaming is part historical novel, part mystery, and part unrequited love story.Nina Revoyr was born in Tokyo to a Japanese mother and a Polish-American father, and grew up in Japan, Wisconsin, and Los Angeles. She is the author of two previous novels, The Necessary Hunger and Southland, which was a Book Sense 76 pick, winner of the Ferro-Grumley and Lambda Literary awards, a finalist for an Edgar Award, and one of the Los Angeles Times’ “Best Books of 2003.” She lives and works in Los Angeles.
Literary mystery set in a newly gentrifying Brooklyn neighborhood. Will appeal to fans of urban noir or most definitely, fans of Brooklyn Noir. Combines the best elements of Brooklyn with a noir setting and property crime. Gripping take on the tensions of urbanization and immigration.Storyline is a precisely folded puzzle that takes a single week to unfurl.Author lives in Brooklyn; has extensive NYC writing connections that he will mobilize to promote book.Strong debut novel from a fresh voice in the noir/mystery genre.