Поиски могущественного древнего артефакта приводят главного героя в Венецию. Очутившись в легендарном городе на воде, он погружается в удивительный мир, в котором современная реальность благополучно соседствует с древней мистикой. Сотни лет магический предмет был надежно сокрыт за стенами старинного фамильного особняка. И вот наконец близок час, когда приоткроется завеса великой тайны рода Фалди…
В шахматной игре по переписке старый друг адвоката Ардашева профессор Поссе, указывая очередной ход, сообщает, что ему удалось создать теорию угадывания «счастливых» номеров лотереи. Затем от профессора вместо писем приходят телеграммы со странными шахматными ходами, ведущими к быстрому проигрышу. Адвокат подозревает неладное и выезжает в Туапсе. Неожиданно в городе происходит череда жестоких убийств. И одно из них, как выяснилось, совершил Клим Ардашев…
Книга о том, как хитрые переплетения судеб связывают в один узел жизни множества людей, как петли времени образовали в книге единое полотно. События происходят в четырех временах и в четырех странах. Повесть охватывает события с 1918 до 2018 года. В ней все как в жизни: и детектив, и немного мистики, и исторические события.
Навесні 1953 року Геннадія Петровича, колишнього майора держбезпеки, відрядять у «відпустку» за політичною статтею 58 Кримінального кодексу УРСР. Раптом дорогою до місця призначення, куди його везли в «столипінському» вагоні, він почне співати улюблену пісню бандерівців «Ще не вмерла України ні слава, ні воля…». Цієї пісні його навчили на Закарпатті, де він працював під глибоким прикриттям. Чи справді він став українським патріотом, чи через загрозу, що на нього чатує на етапі, він затягуватиме щосили гімн Карпатської України?..
Revelatory investigation into the police handling of the Yorkshire Ripper Case which spanned over 14 years. Newly updated to include Sutcliffe’s bid for freedom in 2008, and the verdict from court in 2010.For over twenty years, the dark secrets of the biggest criminal manhunt in British history have remained a closed book. Detectives refused all requests to tell the inside story of the Yorkshire Ripper investigation that logged over two million manhours of police work. The victims who survived maintained a wall of silence. And the detailed forensic evidence, witness statements and autopsy reports have remained locked away.Until now.Award-winning writer Michael Bilton has persuaded the key people to talk. After years of exhaustive research he can finally reveal the extraordinary truth behind the murder enquiry that left Peter Sutcliffe free to kill again and again.With exclusive access to the detectives involved, to pathologist's archives and confidential police reports, the story of the hunt reads as tensely as any thriller. Its measured analysis of the calamitous investigation is also a shocking and important indictment of the most notorious murder hunt of the twentieth century.Note that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.
The true story of the life and mysterious murder of the most talked-about and glamorous member of Kenya’ s notorious Happy Valley set.Since Josslyn Hay, 22nd Earl of Erroll, was discovered dead in his car with a bullet through his head just outside Nairobi in 1941, speculation has not ceased as to the culprit and motive for his murder. The authorities seemed satisfied with the highly sensationalised trial of the only suspect, Jock Broughton, the cuckolded husband of Erroll’s last lover, Diana. A not-guilty verdict was returned after a baffling display of confusing evidence and clumsy police work. Trzebinski, who has lived in Kenya for 30 years, was not satisfied with the conflicting gossip on the case, none of whose evidence adds up, including that of the celebrated White Mischief by James Fox. In this gripping evocation of a glamorous, decadent and sinister life, Trzebinski uses her renowned biographer’s skill to unlock the mystique surrounding the man, and the mystery enveloping his death. Her investigations lead her to astonishing conclusions about the true motive for his murder and a conspiracy of confusion that finds its source in Whitehall’s War Office.
Columbus, Georgia, has been run by the same tiny clique for over 100 years – the members of the all-white Big Eddy Club. This is the story of a fascinating and rotten community whose victims pay the ultimate price.Over eight terrifying months in the 1970s, seven elderly women were raped and murdered in Columbus, Georgia, a city of 200,000 people whose history and conservative values are typical of America's Deep South. The victims, who were strangled in their beds with their own stockings, were affluent and white, while the police believed from an early stage that the killer was black. In 1986, eight years after the last murder, an African-American, Carlton Gary, was convicted and sentenced to death. Though many in Columbus doubt his guilt, he is still on death row.Award-winning reporter David Rose has followed this case for almost a decade, while Gary and his lawyers have fought his legal appeals. He has uncovered important fresh evidence that was hidden from Gary's trial and that suggests that he is innocent, including a cast of the killer's teeth, made from a savage bite wound in the last victim's breast. However, as Rose's investigation proceeded, he came to realise that the dark saga of the Columbus stocking stranglings only makes sense against the background of the city's bloodstained history of racism, lynching and unsolved, politically motivated murder.‘Violation’ is a tense and gripping drama, its pages filled with evocatively drawn characters, insidious institutions and the extraordinary connections that bind the past and present. A unique mélange of investigative journalism, true crime mystery, personal travelogue and historical scoop, the book is also a compelling, accessible and timely exploration of America's approach to race and criminal justice, addressing the corruption of legal due process as a tool of racial oppression.
A shocking exposé of the terrible secrets at the heart of the Pitcairn Island community – a tale of systematic child abuse and rape which stretches back over 40 years.Pitcairn Island – home to the descendants of the mutineers of the Bounty – has long been thought of as a tropical paradise. Wild and remote, it is Britain’s most isolated outpost and a fantasy destination for many.But in 1999, British police, alerted by unsettling reports of a rape, descended on the island. Their investigation developed into a major enquiry which revealed that Pitcairn was the site of widespread and horrific sexual abuse instigated by the island men on girls as young as twelve. Scarcely a man on the island was untainted by the allegations, and almost none of the women had escaped, though most residents feigned ignorance, even when their own daughters were abused. Abusers included the magistrates and police officers as well as brothers and uncles. Few of the victims were able to leave the island; those who did never went back.Kathy Marks was one of only six journalists permitted to live on the island while she reported on the ensuing trial and witnessed Pitcairn's domestic workings first-hand. In this riveting account she documents a society gone badly astray, leaving lives shattered, codes broken and a paradise truly lost.Note that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.
Please note that this edition does not include illustrations.Part travelogue, part true-thriller, Edward Fox’s brilliantly original book investigates the murder of a US archaeologist on the West Bank in 1992 and opens up the Palestinian world he served – a Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil of Palestine and the West Bank.On 19 January 1992, Dr Albert Glock – US citizen, archaeologist and Director of Archaeology at Bir Zeit University in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, was murdered by an assassin. Two bullets to the heart. The witness statements were confused, the autopsy inadequate. The police took three hours to arrive at the scene, from their HQ ten minutes away.Who killed Albert Glock? The Palestinians blamed the Israelis, the Israelis blamed an inter-departmental feud at the university, or extreme Palestinian groups. But those close to Bir Zeit, to the political situation on the West Bank, had a simple line of advice: 'Look to the archaeology,' they repeated. 'Look to the archaeology.'For Albert Glock had started to uncover truths about the distant Palestinian past which Israel found uncomfortable. For Israel, Palestine was a country without a people – for a people without a country. Now Glock, through his archaeological finds, was showing that their version was flawed. He was publishing papers about the ancient traditions and settlements throughout Palestine, and discovering hugely significant facts about the ancient Palestinian way of life. Glock had given up a glittering career to teach at Palestine's beleaguered, besieged and underfunded university which faced closure at worst, and curfew at best – daily.Edward Fox's extraordinary book weaves together the story of Glock's murder with the history of biblical archaeology and the brutal, Byzantine politics of the intifada. It is written as a true-life thriller which opens up the Palestine in which Glock lived and worked, the people he knew and the turbulent politics of the middle east. This is brilliantly original writing and compelling storytelling quite unlike any other work yet published on the Middle East.
Место действия: Израиль, СССР, Чехословакия, Ливан, США. Время действия: 1940-80-е гг. Владимир Вальдман – выпускник Техниона, участник Первой ливанской войны. Работает в сфере высоких технологий. Неожиданно погибает его непосредственный начальник при странных обстоятельствах. Полицейское расследование ничего не дает. Владимир Владленов – вырос в детском доме, выпускник мехмата, кадровый разведчик КГБ СССР. Работал в Чехословакии во время "Пражской весны" и в Ливане. где он и погибает – тоже при странных обстоятельствах. Оба сюжета идут параллельно к общей развязке.