Варшавское восстание лета 1944 года, работа над созданием первой атомной бомбы, освобождение Парижа и контрнаступление фашистских войск в Арденнах.
Книга о золотом времени ленинградской тяжелой атлетики. В ней приведены результаты спартакиад, чемпионатов, кубков и первенств Ленинграда, рекорды города. Данные из архива автора (протоколы, статьи из «Ленинградской правды», «Вечернего Ленинграда», «Спортивной недели Ленинграда»). Читатели смогут проследить рост результатов, вспомнят имена рекордсменов и чемпионов великого города. Книга для тренеров, спортсменов и любителей тяжелой атлетики.
Все дальше и дальше уходят годы гражданской войны в России. Для нынешнего поколения это уже далекая история. Эта повесть лишь маленькая часть того, что пришлось пережить народу России. Она рассказывает о том как гражданская война безжалостно прошлась по судьбе и любви Платона Перелыгина и Дарьи Чернавиной. Молодые люди пережили жизнь полную опасностей и испытаний.
Лётчика-истребителя Андрея Лямина должны были расстрелять, как труса и дезертира. В тяжелейшем бою он вынужден был отступить, и свидетелем этого отступления оказался командующий армией. Однако приговор не приведён в исполнение… Бывший лейтенант получает право умереть в бою… Мало кто знает, что в годы Великой Отечественной войны в составе ВВС Красной армии воевало уникальное подразделение – штрафная истребительная авиагруппа. Содержит нецензурную брань.
The rich variety of Europe's history rolled into one thrilling account. This book takes you on a fascinating journey through the disasters, triumphs, people, power and politics that have shaped the Europe we know today – and you'll meet some incredible characters along the way! From Roman relics to Renaissance, World Wars and Eurovision, European History For Dummies packs in the facts alongside the fun and brings the past alive. Accompanied by access to a value-add timeline and 'Who's Who in European History' section on dummies.com This new edition contains an 8-page colour insert so you can see who, what, and where the ensuing historical action takes place.
This book is a riotous, irreverent account of the people and events that have shaped Britain. Always getting those kings and queens confused? Never sure what happened when? Then you need this book. Inside you'll find rip-roaring stories of power-mad kings, executions, invasions, high treason, global empire building, and forbidden love – not bad for a nation of stiff upper lips! Revised and expanded to include the historical parliamentary elections of 2010 and the British mission in Afghanistan Accompanied by access to a timeline and 'Who's Who in British History' section on dummies.com This new edition contains an 8-page color insert so you can see who, what and where the ensuing historical action takes place
From Norman invaders, religious wars—and the struggle for independence—the fascinating, turbulent history of a tortured nation and its gifted people When Shakespeare referred to England as a «jewel set in a silver sea,» he could just as well have been speaking of Ireland. Not only has its luminous green landscape been the backdrop for bloody Catholic/Protestant conflict and a devastating famine, Ireland's great voices—like Joyce and Yeats—are now indelibly part of world literature. In Irish History For Dummies, readers will not only get a bird's-eye view of key historical events (Ten Turning Points) but, also, a detailed, chapter-by-chapter timeline of Irish history beginning with the first Stone Age farmers to the recent rise and fall of the Celtic tiger economy. In the informal, friendly For Dummies style, the book details historic highs like building an Irish Free State in the 1920s—and devastating lows (including the Troubles in the '60s and '70s), as well as key figures (like MP Charles Parnell and President Eamon de Valera) central to the cause of Irish nationalism. The book also details historic artifacts, offbeat places, and little-known facts key to the life of Ireland past and present. Includes Ten Major Documents—including the Confession of St. Patrick, The Book of Kells, the Proclamation of the Irish Republic, and Ulysses Lists Ten Things the Irish Have Given the World—including Irish coffee, U.S. Presidents, the submarine, shorthand writing, and the hypodermic syringe Details Ten Great Irish Places to Visit—including Cobh, Irish National Stud and Museum, Giants Causeway, and Derry Includes an online cheat sheet that gives readers a robust and expanded quick reference guide to relevant dates and historical figures Includes a Who's Who in Irish History section on dummies.com With a light-hearted touch, this informative guide sheds light on how this ancient land has survived wars, invasions, uprisings, and emigration to forge a unique nation, renowned the world over for its superb literature, music, and indomitable spirit.
Created especially for the Australian customer! The simple and easy way to get your mind around Australia's military history More people are visiting Gallipoli and walking the Kokoda Trail each year – now find out why. This complete guide helps you trace the story of Australia's involvement in war, from the colonial conflicts with the Indigenous population, through the World Wars to peacekeeping initiatives in East Timor and the controversial conflict in Afghanistan. Find out the origins of Australia's military history – go all the way back to the arrival of the First Fleet and the conflicts with the Indigenous peoples Learn about the heroism of the Anzacs – discover the origins of the legend of Gallipoli, and how the brass bungled the campaign Discover the horrors of war – consider the suffering and huge losses on the Western Front Recognise the successful battles of World Wars I and II – follow the Diggers' exploits in Palestine and Syria, and at Tobruk and Alamein Marvel at the grim jungle battles – track the Diggersthrough New Guinea, Borneo, Malaya and Vietnam between 1942 and 1972 Admire Australia's efforts to repel possible invaders – learn how Australians defended their country against the Japanese during World War II See how the Cold War heated up – witness the fight against communism in the Korean and Vietnam Wars Appreciate the modern-day Australian Defence Force – acknowledge the courage of the men and women who protectus into the 21st century Open the book and find: New insights into the meaning of Anzac Day Simple explanations of the structure of Australia's military Details of who fought whom, where, when and why Stories of Australia's great military fighters and leaders Accounts of the iconic battles that established Australia's reputation Locations of Australia's peacekeeping operations around the world Ways in which war and conflict have shaped the nation Reasons why Australia goes to war Learn to: Comprehend the impact of waron Australia Appreciate the heroism at AnzacCove and other significant battlefields Understand the controversies ofrecent conflicts, including in Vietnam and Iraq
The 20th Century brought revolutionary changes to our world and our lives: the human population of the world tripled, space travel became reality, two world wars and a host of other conflicts were fought, and huge advances in science, technology and communication resulted in the globalised world we know today. Enormous steps were made in wiping out widespread discrimination, from the women’s suffrage movement leading to women’s right to vote in western countries, to the civil rights movement in the US challenging racial segregation. The political landscape has provided lots of excitement, with charismatic and scandalous presidents in the White House, the first female prime minister in the UK, dictators working to various manifestoes across the world, the Middle East conflict and the changing balance of political and economic “superpowers”. Technological advances have resulted in nigh on universal adoption and dependence on automobiles, computers, mobiles and other wireless technology. The exponential rate at which technology is evolving is one of the variables that make the twentieth century so fascinating. All this and much, much more happened in a mere one hundred years – where did we find the time to do so much?! Twentieth Century History For Dummies tells all…
Ace your next history test with this concise, easy-to-read guide U.S. History for Dummies, 3rd Edition fills the need to improve high school proficiency in history by providing a complete history of the United States, presented in an accessible, reader-friendly format designed to engage students while reinforcing lessons learned in class. The National Assessment of Educational Progress 2011 report showed that only 12% of high school seniors in the U.S. perform at a «proficient» level in history. This, coupled with the fact that U.S. History courses and AP exams have been redesigned to remedy the situation, means that many students and parents are in need of a supplemental study guide. Award-winning political journalist and history writer Steve Wiegand guides you through the events that shaped our nation, from pre-Columbian civilizations to the 21st century. The explorers, the wars, the leaders, and the eras are all fully explored and explained, demonstrating how the past influences the future. From the Boston Tea Party to the current Tea Party, the updated 3rd edition includes information about events that have occurred since the previous edition's 2009 release. New coverage includes: Recession recovery, including federal efforts, unemployment, and the widening class divide The rise of the extreme right and the bitter divisions between political parties and geographic regions Seeking the balance between superpower and domestic caretaker The impact of social media, government surveillance, and cyber crime Not all history is old news, and what happened yesterday affects us all today. It is vitally important that all U.S. citizens are well-versed in the building of our nation, and remain aware of current events. For students and parents wondering what they've missed, U.S. History for Dummies, 3rd Edition unlocks the door to the past—and the future.