Немецкий писатель Эрнест Питаваль (1829–1887) – ярчайший представитель историко-приключенческого жанра; известен как автор одной из самых интересных литературных версий трагической судьбы шотландской королевы Марии Стюарт. Несколько романов о ней, созданные Питавалем без малого полтора века назад, до сих пор читаются с неослабевающим интересом. Публикуемый в данном томе роман «В борьбе за трон» является началом трилогии, в которой описывается жизнь Марии Стюарт со времени ее пребывания во Франции, где она была выдана замуж за дофина Франциска II, до момента его внезапной смерти, которая не только похитила у королевы любимого супруга, но и отдала ее на волю тем бурям, которые с той поры бушевали вокруг ее существования вплоть до рокового дня, когда она, закутанная в белое покрывало, взошла на кровавый помост в Фосерингее.
Сергей Петрович Бородин (1902–1974) – русский советский писатель; народный писатель Узбекской ССР. До 1941 печатался под псевдонимом Амир Саргиджан. Среди произведений романы «Последняя Бухара» (1932), «Египтянин» (1932), «Дмитрий Донской» (1941), историческая трилогия «Звезды над Самаркандом», переводы с таджикского, узбекского, хинди и других языков. В данном томе публикуется роман «Дмитрий Донской», повествующий о борьбе русских княжеств под предводительством Московского князя Дмитрия Ивановича против ига татарской Золотой Орды, конец которой ознаменован решающей битвой на Куликовом поле в 1380 году.
Everything you need to know about the Kokoda Trail and its place in Australian history Interest in the Kokoda Trail is growing rapidly among many Australians, both for its attraction as a hiking destination and for its historical significance. Kokoda For Dummies offers a fast track tool for learning everything you need to know about this unique thoroughfare, in one concise volume. Part history book, part practical guide, Kokoda For Dummies is perfect both for those considering following our Diggers’ footsteps along ‘the track’ or armchair travellers who want to learn about its history. Covering the full history of the Kokoda Trail, from its beginnings as an overland mail route to the fierce battles between the Australians and the Japanese that took place along its length during World War II, the book also includes important information on walking the trail yourself. From the steps you need to take to get ready to what to bring, Kokoda For Dummies is the definitive resource for anyone looking for a comprehensive overview of this significant landmark. Focuses on walking the track as a pilgrimage and a history lesson for history buffs and hiking enthusiasts alike Covers the health and safety concerns involved with walking the track, including a basic Kokoda itinerary Contains eyewitness accounts of the Kokoda battles gleaned from interviews conducted with Australian and Japanese war veterans A comprehensive but accessible history of the Kokoda Trail and its significance to Australia, in one volume.
Created especially for the Australian customer! Exciting and informative history of the land down under Australian History For Dummies is your tour guide through the important events of Australia's past, introducing you to the people and events that have shaped modern Australia. Be there as British colonists explore Australia's harsh terrain with varying degrees of success. In this informative guide you'll Find out about Australia's infamous bushrangers Learn how the discovery of gold caused a tidal wave of immigration from all over the world Understand how Australia took two steps forward to become a nation in its own right in 1901, and two steps back when the government was dismissed by the Crown in 1975 Discover the fascinating details that made Australia the country it is today!
History is always a popular subject and British history has created some of the most lively and fascinating stories there are! Britain as we know it today has been shaped by centuries of political turmoil between state and church, as well as international conflicts, making its history a fascinating insight into how modern Britain has emerged. For this special, hardback edition of British History For Dummies, we’ve added over 100 black and white and colour photos for an even more explosive experience of British history. British History For Dummies Illustrated Edition: British history is still a major topic of interest, emphasised by the continual TV coverage and documentaries Inside you’ll find rip-roaring stories of power-mad kings, executions, invasions, high treason, global empire-building and forbidden love- not bad for a nation of stiff upper lips! Includes fascinating information in the fun For Dummies style- from the Stone Age right through to modern day Britain and everything in between! Provides the ultimate British history experience and the hardback format with over 100 illustrations make it the perfect gift for amateur historians
Is your knowledge of The Crusades less than tip-top? Maybe you're curious about Columbus, or you're desperate to read about the Black Death in all its gory detail? Whatever your starting point, this expert guide has it all – from kings, knights and anti-Popes, to invasion, famine, the Magna Carta and Joan of Arc (and a few rebellious peasants thrown in for good measure!). Get ready for a rip-roaring ride through the political, religious and cultural life of the Middle Ages, one of the most talked-about periods in history. Medieval History for Dummies includes: Part I: The Early Middle Ages Chapter 1: The Middle Ages: When, Where, What, Who? Chapter 2: The end of Rome and the not so ‘Dark Ages'. Chapter 3: Angles, Saxons and Feudalism. Chapter 4: The Carolingians grab their chance. Chapter 5: Charlemagne – A new empire is born. Part II: The Making of Europe Chapter 6: The (Holy Roman) Empire Strikes Back. Chapter 7: East Meets West: Islam in the Western Mediterranean. Chapter 8: The Vikings: A threat from the north. Chapter 9: Schism: The Church splits itself in two. Chapter 10: The Normans: The ‘real' Middle Ages begin. Part III: ‘Holy War': Crusading at home and abroad. Chapter 11: Crusade: A call to arms. Chapter 12: The First Crusade Chapter 13: England vs France & Pope vs Emperor Chapter 14: The Second Crusade & The ‘Crusades at Home' Chapter 15: Richard vs Saladin: The Third Crusade Chapter 16: The later Crusades and other failures. Part IV: Parliament, Priories, Provisions & Plague Chapter 17: John, Henry, Rudolf & Edward. Chapter 18: Monks & Merchants: The new power brokers Chapter 19: The Papacy on Tour: Avignon and the Anti-Popes Chapter 20: ‘God's Judgement?': The Black Death Part V: The End of the Middle and the start of discovery. Chapter 21: One Hundred Years of War Chapter 22: The Peasants are Revolting Chapter 23: Agincourt, Joan of Arc & the French recovery Chapter 24: Columbus & The New World Part VI: The Part of Tens Chapter 25: Ten Rubbish Kings Chapter 26: Ten Curious Medieval Pastimes Chapter 27: Ten Great Castles Chapter 28: Ten People Who Changed The World Chapter 29: Ten Great Books (To read next)
This entertaining guide covers the period from 1485 to 1603, exploring the life and times of everyday people (from famine and the flu epidemic, to education, witchcraft and William Shakespeare) as well as the intrigues and scandals at court. Strap yourself in and get ready for a rollercoaster ride through the romantic and political liaisons of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I – and that's not all! Information on surviving Tudor buildings, such as Hampton Court, adds a contemporary twist for readers wanting to bring history to life by visiting these historic sites. The Tudors For Dummies includes: Part I: The Early Tudors Chapter 1: Getting to Know the Tudors Chapter 2: Surveying the Mess the Tudors Inherited Chapter 3: Cosying Up With the First Tudor Part II: Henry VIII Chapter 4: What was Henry like? Chapter 5: How Henry Ran his Kingdom Chapter 6: Divorced, Beheaded, Died; Divorced, Beheaded, Survived: The Perils of Marrying Henry Chapter 7: Establishing a New Church: Henry and Religion Part III: Edward VI, Mary and Philip, and Queen Mary Chapter 8: Edward, the Child King Chapter 9: Establishing Protestantism Chapter 10: Northumberland, Lady Jane Grey and the Rise of Mary Chapter 11: What Mary Did Chapter 12: Weighing Up War and Disillusionment Part IV: The First Elizabeth Chapter 13: The Queen and her Team Chapter 14: Breaking Dinner Party Rules: Discussing Religion and Politics Chapter 15: Tackling Battles, Plots and Revolts Chapter 16: Making War with Spain Chapter 17: Understanding the Trouble in Ireland Chapter 18: Passing on the Baton – Moving from Tudors to Stewarts Part V: The Part of Tens Chapter 19: Ten top Tudor Dates Chapter 20: Ten Things the Tudors Did For Us Chapter 21: Ten (Mostly) Surviving Tudor Buildings
Бесчисленные войска Орды черной тучей закрывают Русскую землю. Сожжена дотла Рязань, на пути захватчиков – Владимирское княжество. И только Евпатий Коловрат, храбрый воин князя Юрия, бросается в заведомо неравный бой. Коловрат – пример мужества и стойкости русского воина. Он – владеющий с детства боем на двух мечах. Он – быстрее, чем стрела, выпущенная из монгольского лука. Он – один в поле воин. На пепелище, оставшемся от еще недавно цветущей Рязани, начинается напряженная и невероятная история отчаянного противостояния горстки русских воинов и огромной монгольской армии. Яркие батальные сцены, красота Русской земли и непростая жизнь простых людей, готовых на все ради ее спасения, – основа книги. Роман написан на основе летописей XIII века и сценария киноблокбастера «Легенда о Коловрате».
Это реальная история жизни человека, прошедшего вторую мировую войну в военном оркестре и ставшего, после войны, известным в свои кругах шахматным тренером и судьёй многочисленных советских турниров. Рассказчик описывает события, происходившие с ним и его семьёй с 1913 по 1974 год, на фоне всех исторических событий того времени. Во второй части описывается, как семья, после нескольких месяцев вынужденного пребывания в Сызрани, пройдя через тиф и голод, наконец-то попадает в шумную НЕПовскую Москву 20-ых годов.
Это реальная история жизни человека, прошедшего вторую мировую войну военным музыкантом и ставшего, после войны, известным в свои кругах шахматным тренером и судьей многочисленных советских турниров. Рассказчик описывает события, происходившие с ним и его семьей с 1913 по 1974 год, на фоне всех исторических событий. В начале рассказа, мы погружаемся в колорит быта многодетной семьи портного из сибирской глубинки. Которая, в послереволюционное время, в период голода и с большими потерями вынуждена была перебраться в Москву.