This book comprises a number of cultural-historical and ethnographic studies of the history of sport in the Nordic countries. The studies examine the contribution made by sport to the development of Scandinavian nationalism in the nineteenth century, and analyze the ways in which sport became interwoven with the social life of citizens in the various Scandinavian countries in the twentieth century. The main focus of this volume, therefore, is not on the organizational history of sport, nor is it on society vis-a-vis sport – i.e., sport as a reflection of a certain societal constellation. Rather, what is of interest is sport in society, and therefore the book aims to illustrate the ways in which sport has been used and has served to help explain and understand Scandinavian society types.
Malet med bogen er at fortAelle om sproget – hvordan det er bygget op, og hvordan det bruges. Om lyd og skrift, ord og udsagn. Om historien bagved, om sproget i samfundet, om det videnskabelige studium af sproget. Sproget er et stykke vAerktoj, det fineste og mest komplicerede, vi har. Alligevel handterer vi det med stor behAendighed, blot fordi vi er vokset op med det. Det er det, der er mirakulost.Bogen er skrevet for den almindelige sproginteresserede lAeser, og eksemplerne er hovedsagelig danske, selv om der undervejs ogsa, til orientering og sammenligning, henvises til andre sprog. UNIVERS vil hvert ar prAesentere nye titler, hvori forende forskere vil prAesentere deres forskningsfelt under en bred overskrift. Bogerne bliver relativt lettilgAengelige og vil forst og fremmest henvende sig til velorienterede personer uden for det enkelte forskningsomrade – eller med en fremtid inden for det.UNIVERS bygger pa en tro pa, at topforskerens faglige overblik og specialviden er den rigtige basis for at skrive om bredere emner og sAette et personligt prAeg pa fremstillingen. Bogerne bliver altsa personlige, men ikke polemiske; de skal kunne lAeses med udbytte om fem eller ti ar, selvom diskussionerne i forskningsmiljoet har flyttet sig.UNIVERS er et forsog pa at genopvAekke eller stimulere en tradition for dannelse, dvs. for bred tvAerfaglig indsigt, der kan danne udgangspunkt for kvalificerede diskussioner om samfundsforhold og udviklingen.
Stolac, the town of departure for this book and the site where the author conducted fieldwork, is located in the south-western corner of Bosnia Herzegovina. The war in Bosnia Herzegovina (1992-95) was initially an act of aggression and territorial conquest instigated by Serbian political leaders. However, as the war progressed, it increasingly came to consist of several minor wars, one of them fought in Western Bosnia Herzegovina between Croatian and Muslim forces. This was the one that affected the inhabitants of Stolac the most. Before the war, ethnic identity in Bosnia Herzegovina was only one identity among others, and ethnic differences were embedded in everyday practices. Today, ethnic difference is all there is. The Muslims of Stolac are fully aware that as Muslims, they constitute a totally separate group – and that ethnic identity is by far the most important form of identity in present-day Bosnia Herzegovina. In that regard the nationalist project has succeeded. Such a crystallisation and explication of identity fits in well with the structurally inspired anthropology of war and violence, which theorises that the function of violence is to create unambiguous identities. However, Post-War Identities shows that for the Muslims of Stolac, the creation of unambiguous ethnic identities is only half the story.
When Yugoslavia was invaded by Nazi Germany and its allies in April 1941, what followed was as much a Yugoslav civil war as a war of occupation and liberation. Several hundred-thousand Yugoslav civilians were killed by other Yugoslavs in large-scale massacres or concentration camps, and the horrific events left the country ruined and deeply divided. Usable History? examines the way in which the history of Yugoslavia's internal problematic past was presented and used politically and ideologically, and asks how a society can cope with such an «unmasterable» history. How did Yugoslav historians and politicians represent and explain their own history and how did these representations interact with the cultural developments, political demands and societal needs? By investigating political documents, historiography and popular representations of history such as films, songs and literature, the book's author reveals a deeply disturbing narrative of historical (mis)inter-pretation and (mis)use.