Изобразительное искусство, фотография

Различные книги в жанре Изобразительное искусство, фотография

Рик и Морти. Покеморти: всех их соберем. Глава вторая

Тини Ховард

В одной из множества вселенных кипит бесконечная битва между тренерами-Риками. Они заставляют своих Морти сражаться не на жизнь, а на смерть. Сможет ли избранный Морти поднять восстание и сбросить гнёт тирании Риков в этой реальности? Сто пятьдесят всего, но и это не всё, стать Морти-мастером – вот призвание моё!

The Gun Digest Book of Sig-Sauer

Massad Ayoob

Experience the Quality of a SigNoted firearms training expert Massad Ayoob takes an in-depth look at some of the finest pistols on the market. If you own a SIG-Sauer pistol, have considered buying one or just appreciate the quality of these find pistols, this is the book for you. Ayoob takes a practical look at each of the SIG-Sauer pistols including handling characteristics, design and performance. Each gun is every caliber is tested and evaluated, giving you all the details you need as you choose and use your SIG-Sauer pistol.

American & British 410 Shotguns

Ronald Gabriel

410's are generally lightweight shotguns that produce little kick, making them a popular choice for beginners, youth, or anyone sensitive to recoil. However, their full choke barrels force them to concentrate the available shot, therefore they require the precision of an expert to be effective at any significant distant. Collectors, historians, enthusiasts, and those recapturing their youth will be captivated by this fascinating recount of the .410.<p>

Representing the culmination of 30 years of research, this book catalogs the 125-year developments history of the .410 shotgun in both the United States and Britain. A mixture of rich images and historic illustrations provide a treasure chest of information valuable to small-bore enthusiasts-both collectors and hunters alike. Coverage includes makers such as Browning, Ithaca, Winchester, Boss, Holland &amp; Holland, Purdey, and others. Plus, all significant gunmakers include detailed listings of production numbers.

Classic Handguns of the 20th Century

David Arnold

This high caliber reference offers readers a dynamic colorful depiction of handguns significant to days gone by. More than 20 models from the 1900s are covered – the Colt SAA, Smith &amp; Wesson .357 Magnum, Walther P-38, Beretta 92 – reminiscent of the days of gunfighters and cowboy action heroes.<p>

Based on the series of featured 20th century handguns from <i>Handguns</i> magazine, each chapter will include thorough coverage of a specific model, including historical significance of the model; technical specifications; timeline of design changes, variations, finishes and material; information on derivatives and clones; collector values; and handling and operating characteristics. Full-color historical photographs offer readers a nostalgic glimpse into the past life of popular 20th century handguns.

Gunsmithing: Shotguns

Patrick Sweeney

Improve your shotgun with tips from a pro! Gunsmithing: Shotguns gives you the information you need to make repairs, improve the performance and adjust the fit of all major shotgun styles. From replacing a missing bead to repairing a malfunctioning action, you learn everything you need with step-by-step instructions.You'll get specific details concerning today's most popular shotguns, including:Mossberg Model 500Ithaca Model 37Remington Models 870, 1100 and 11-87Browning A-5Winchester Model 1897 and moreEasy-to-follow instructions and plenty of photos guide you through every project.

Interrupted by God

Tracey Lind

With camera in hand, Tracey Lind, dean of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Cleveland and an open lesbian, looks for and finds God on the edge of exclusion and embrace in «Interrupted by God: Glimpses From the Edge.» This powerful combination of black-and-white photographs and spare storytelling shares not only her spiritual journey but will introduce you to interruptions by God in unexpected people and places: Lisa, the homeless Christmas angel; Siah, the infant hope of her ancestors; Sally, who feasts on communion remnants; the Garbage Tree on Ellison Street; and Bacardi, the drunken Christ, among others.

Не-ординарный человек: психология искусства

Дарья Тоцкая

Новейшая концепция психологии искусства, а также некоторые вопросы теории искусств. Психология современного искусства. Новое определение понятия искусство. Искусство как альтернативная коммуникация в стрессовых условиях. Этика и психология искусства. Автор писатель, художник, искусствовед и куратор выставок современного искусства.

Art and Science

Eliane Strosberg

Today, art and science are often defined in opposition to each other: one involves the creation of individual aesthetic objects, and the other the discovery of general laws of nature. Throughout human history, however, the boundaries have been less clearly drawn: knowledge and artifacts have often issued from the same source, the head and hands of the artisan. And artists and scientists have always been linked, on a fundamental level, by their reliance on creative thinking.Art and Science is the only book to survey the vital relationship between these two fields of endeavor in its full scope, from prehistory to the present day. Individual chapters explore how science has shaped architecture in every culture and civilization; how mathematical principles and materials science have underpinned the decorative arts; how the psychology of perception has spurred the development of painting; how graphic design and illustration have evolved in tandem with methods of scientific research; and how breakthroughs in the physical sciences have transformed the performing arts. Some 265 illustrations, ranging from masterworks by D&#252;rer and Leonardo to the dazzling vistas revealed by fractal geometry, complement the wide-ranging text.This new edition of Art and Science has been updated to cover the ongoing convergence of art and technology in the digital age, a convergence that has led to the emergence of a new type of creator, the &#147;cultural explorer&#8221; whose hybrid artworks defy all traditional categorization. It will make thought-provoking reading for students and teachers, workers in creative and technical fields, and anyone who is curious about the history of human achievement.

По ту сторону изгороди. Родной край

Амалия Левари

Вернитесь в «Неизведанное» с совершенно новыми приключениями по мотивам взявшего премию «Эмми» мультсериала «По ту сторону изгороди». Грег отправляется в тёмный лес со своим верным спутником Джейсоном Фандербаркером, пытаясь поймать вора! Лесник угодил в ловушку Зверя, и его дочь Анна осталась совсем одна. Узнайте, как ей удаётся выживать в одиночестве и избегать встречи с самым тёмным существом в лесу. Смогут ли герои сохранить рассудок в «Неизведанном» с его странными местами и новыми, ещё более странными друзьями? Это зависит только он них самих. А также: Вирт и Грег оказываются на распутье «Неизведанного», и, похоже, каждому из братьев придётся пойти своей дорогой. Вероятно, они столкнутся с фантастическими существами или попадут в ужасные города. Неважно, что впереди, когда у них на хвосте нечто куда более зловещее…