The easy way to take charge of your adrenal health Despite their small size, the adrenal glands play an important role in the body, producing numerous hormones that impact our development and growth, affect our ability to deal with stress, and help to regulate kidney function. In Adrenal Fatigue For Dummies, you'll find clear self-evaluations and treatment guidelines that will empower you to take charge of your adrenal health through nutrition, vitamins, herbs, bioidentical adrenal hormone supplementation, and self-care practices. Adrenal fatigue is in essence a «tired out» adrenal gland that is not able to support the body the way that it should. The effects can be far-reaching and affect the quality of one's daily life. It can affect the immune system, cause inflammation, decrease sex drive, and inhibit the ability to get up in the morning. But now there's hope! The 4-1-1 on the structure and function of the adrenal gland Linking inflammation and adrenal fatigue Connecting food allergy and adrenal issues How to test for adrenal fatigue Information on eating patterns for all-day energy and improved concentration Dealing with other medical conditions and adrenal fatigue Relaxation tips to reduce stress Adrenal Fatigue For Dummies helps those suffering from this debilitating illness reclaim their lives by addressing the delicate balance among the adrenal glands—which can make the day-to-day difference between feeling awful and feeling good.
In the UK, 7 out of 10 people over the age of 45 have high cholesterol levels (Bupa 2007). Although there are no clear symptoms, high cholesterol levels have been associated with heart disease and stroke – two of Britain’s biggest killers. There are several factors that can cause high cholesterol; an unhealthy diet, being overweight and a lack of exercise are three of the main contenders. As a result, some of the best ways to control and reduce cholesterol levels are losing weight, eating a heart-healthy diet and taking regular exercise. Although eating healthily may sound simple, it’s often difficult to know which foods to avoid when trying to lower cholesterol. Fully adapted for the UK market, Low-Cholesterol Cookbook For Dummies reveals which food you should eat and helps readers make small changes to their diet to achieve big results. Low-Cholesterol Cookbook For Dummies includes: The latest dietary and medical information on cholesterol and how to control it Over 90 delicious recipes as well as low fat cooking techniques and ways to lower cholesterol on a daily basis Sensible advice on finding the right foods when shopping, planning menus, and adapting recipes to suit family and friends.
Practical, hands-on information for fathers-to-be Dad’s Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies is packed with practical, straightforward information for fathers-to-be, covering all of the logistical, physical, and emotional aspects of pregnancy from a dad’s unique point of view. When it comes to pregnancy, dads’ roles have changed so much in the past few decades that expectant fathers don’t always know where to turn to for guidance and advice on this milestone event. Now they do! Dad’s Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies covers: What to expect at doctor’s visits Tips for being a supportive partner during pregnancy and preparing for fatherhood Advice on birth plans, labour and delivery, and the first days and weeks of a baby’s life Packed with helpful information on the typical struggles and feelings expectant fathers face, Dad’s Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies gives first-time fathers and veteran dads alike a wealth of useful information.
Every father-to-be's handbook for knowing what to expect when expecting! In today's world, men are more involved in their wives' pregnancies than ever before. This 2nd Edition of Dad's Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies gives new fathers a hands-on guide that covers all of the logistical, physical, and emotional aspects of pregnancy. It is a wealth of information on topics, such as setting up the nursery, childbirth 101, and how to take care of your newborn. The book includes ideas for knowing the right time to break the news and the pregnancy timeline. Once the baby arrives, this handbook gives you the low-down on what you can expect during the first six months, such as how to change diapers and feed the little one. You'll also explore much more in-depth topics such as the new technology behind ultrasounds, and the information that is gleaned from them, the lowdown on vaccination updates, information to take the fear out of cesarean sections, tips on prenatal depression, new developments on infertility treatments, and so much more! Helps to take the fear out of fatherhood with down-to-earth advice and information Reveals how smoking leads to development problems and the possible dangers of e-cigarettes Shows new dads a playbook for how they can help throughout the pregnancy and during the delivery Offers practical tips for chronicling baby's life from ultrasound to year one If you're going to be a new dad, this is a survival guide of what to expect as your bundle of joy is on the way is the complete, easy-to-read resource for preparing with your partner.
Ознакомительная версия книги без ссылок и иллюстраций. Книга повествует о пятилетнем периоде из жизни автора, пораженного болезнью Бехтерева. Разочаровавшись в помощи официальной медицины, автор идёт на рискованные эксперименты "на собственной шкуре". Чтобы противостоять недугу, автор должен глубже познать самого себя. В попытке отвоевать у болезни утраченное здоровье в ход идут все знания, упрямство, опыт инженера и фантазия изобретателя. Экспериментируя, автор испытывает различные нетрадиционные методы лечения, комбинация которых позволяет взять недуг под контроль.
Get the straight facts on nutrition, slim down, and feel great You've been hearing it since you were a kid: «You are what you eat.» And this wise saying is true! Good nutrition is the key to achieving and maintaining healthy weight and lifelong good health—no matter how you slice it. Nutrition For Dummies, 6th Edition is a one-size-fits-all guide to nutrition that shows you how to manage your diet so you get the most bang for your buck. This book gives you the know-how to put together a shopping list, prepare healthy foods, and easily cut calories. The latest edition of The Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourages individuals to eat a healthful diet—one that focuses on foods and beverages that help achieve and maintain a healthy weight, promote health, and prevent chronic disease. This updated edition of Nutrition For Dummies reflects the latest suggested guidelines and details in plain English so you can incorporate these recommendations for living a nutritionally sound life. You'll get updated RDAs on vitamins and nutritional supplements; find out why you should eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and other plant-based foods; understand the importance of cholesterol for brain health; get the latest information on obesity; and more. Decipher the latest nutrition facts, labels, and guidelines Understand why sugar is the most controversial subject in diet today Grasp the truth about vitamin supplements and energy drinks Make informed decisions about your own nutrition choices An apple a day may not necessarily keep the doctor away, but with the simple guidance of Nutrition For Dummies, 6th Edition you can be on your way to living a happier, healthier, and longer life.
The straight facts on treating diabetes successfully With diabetes now considered pandemic throughout the world, there have been enormous advances in the field. Now significantly revised and updated, this new edition of Diabetes For Dummies includes the latest information on diabetes medications and monitoring equipment, new findings about treating diabetes in the young and elderly, new ways to diagnose and treat long- and short-term complications, updated nutritional guidelines, new tools for measuring blood sugar and delivering insulin to the body, and much more. There's no question that the burden of diabetes is increasing globally: it's estimated that 387 million people worldwide are living with diabetes, and that staggering number is expected to increase an additional 205 million+ by 2035. If you or a loved one is part of this overwhelming statistic, you can take comfort in the sensitive and authoritative information provided in this hands-on guide. From monitoring and maintaining your glucose to understanding the importance of exercising and eating right—and everything in between—Diabetes For Dummies takes the guesswork out of living with diabetes and empowers you to take control and keep your life on a healthy track. Reduce your risk of diabetes complications Discover the latest and the tried-and-true options for monitoring blood sugar Get up to speed on the various diabetes medications and lifestyle strategies Improve diabetes control and overall health If you're one of the millions of diabetics or pre-diabetics in search of an accessible and up-to-date resource to help you manage this disease, Diabetes For Dummies is the trusted guide you'll turn to again and again.
Everything you need to start eating clean Whether you've lived on white carbs and trans fats all your life or you're already health conscious but want to clean up your diet even further, Eating Clean For Dummies, 2nd Edition explains in plain English exactly what it means to keep a clean-eating diet. Brought to you by a respected MD and licensed nutritionist, it sets the record straight on this lifestyle choice and includes recipes, the latest superfoods, tips and strategies for navigating the grocery store, advice on dining out, and practical guidance on becoming a clean eater for life. Clean eating is not another diet fad; it's used as a way of life to improve overall health, prevent disease, increase energy, and stabilize moods. Eating Clean For Dummies shows you how to stick to foods that are free of added sugars, hydrogenated fats, trans fats, and anything else that is unnatural or unnecessary. Plus, you'll find recipes to make scrumptious clean meals and treats, like whole grain scones, baked oatmeal, roasted cauliflower, caramelized onion apple pecan stuffing, butternut mac and cheese, and more. Get the scoop on how clean eating helps you live longer, prevent disease, and lose weight Change your eating habits without sacrificing taste or breaking your budget Make more than 40 delicious clean-eating recipes Deal with food allergies and sensitivities You are what you eat! And Eating Clean For Dummies helps get you on the road to a healthier you.
More than 125 simple and sweet recipes for Paleo-friendly desserts Following a Paleo Diet doesn't mean you have to give up your favorite desserts and treats. Paleo Desserts For Dummies offers up more than 125 tasty and delectable dessert recipes that you can enjoy while staying true to the Paleo lifestyle. From chocolate cake and blueberry muffins to maple-walnut ice cream and cookie dough Oreo cookies—there's something to please every palate in this collection of Paleo-friendly desserts. The Paleo diet is one of the hottest diet and healthy-eating approaches around, as more and more people discover an appealing and sustainable alternative to the restrictive diets that can lead to burnout and failed weight loss efforts. Using natural foods to achieve great health and a perfect physique, the Paleo diet can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, and markers of inflammation, as well as help promote weight loss and optimal health. Plus, it has become a lifesaver for the millions of Americans with celiac disease who benefit from eating natural and gluten-free foods. Provides recipes that are all made with nourishing, whole foods with no added refined sugars, gluten, grains, or soy Includes Paleo recipes for holiday treats, like chocolate pumpkin pie, Halloween ghost truffles, and a fudgy peppermint bark Gives you access to a handful of additional Paleo dessert recipes on Helps you discover the healthy alternatives to sugar and chemical-laden junk food With the satisfying recipes in Paleo Desserts For Dummies, you'll soon discover how sweet it is to give in to primal cravings!
Differentiate the truths from the myths on Ebola With the Ebola crisis continuing to mount globally, it's only natural to want to take measures to increase your protection from contracting this virus. But there's a difference between being informed and going into panic mode—and that's where this no-frills guide comes in. Ebola Myths & Facts For Dummies is your tried-and-true resource on understanding the facts about Ebola, including its history, how it's spread, signs and symptoms, and the claims about Ebola that simply aren't true. What started off in Africa has now slowly started making its presence felt in the Western world, and many of us are left wondering if it'll end up in our own backyards. Brought to you by an infectious disease specialist, Ebola Myths & Facts For Dummies delivers the most up-to-date, important information on Ebola. Understand the history of Ebola Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of Ebola Debunk the myths and concentrate on the facts Help support the fight against Ebola If you're looking for accurate and concise information about the Ebola virus, Ebola Myths & Facts For Dummies offers the latest, most trusted information on how it's spread, symptoms to look for, and ways to protect yourself and loved ones against infection.