Learn to live a full and active life with type 2 diabetes Type 2 diabetes is Australia's fast-growing chronic disease, yet it can be prevented with the right diet and regular exercise. Whether you have already been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or are pre-diabetic and hoping to avoid full-blown diabetes, this easy-to-understand book teaches you how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and good blood glucose control so that you can prevent long-term complications and live a full and active life. An author team of medical professionals, led by Professor Lesley Campbell and Dr. Alan Rubin, offers essential guidance and critical advice for taking preventative measures to avoid developing type 2 diabetes in the first place. For those who have already been diagnosed, the authors walk you through how to deal with type 2 and clearly explain how it affects your body. Highlights ways to manage the daily impact that type 2 has on your life and prevent long-term complications Devotes an entire chapter to foot care Explains glucose monitoring as well as medications that you should be familiar with Details a healthy eating and exercise plan for getting a handle on your type 2 diabetes Makes suggestions for additional resources so you can learn more about your diabetes With a focus on the specific concerns of type 2 diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes For Dummies is a reliable, locally relevant resource on diabetes management.
The book manages to be comprehensive, easy-to-follow, hugely informative – and quite funny too (refreshing for a health title…) Mail on Sunday, You Magazine Understand Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and take control This reassuring guide to all aspects of IBS explains how to recognise and manage a wide range of symptoms, and understand the physical and emotional triggers of this frustrating condition. Inside you'll find expert guidance on the latest conventional and alternative treatment methods alongside information on nutrition, diet, and exercise, helping you to tailor your treatment to suit your needs, take your mind off your IBS, and live life to the full. Discover how to: Understand the triggers and symptoms of IBS Get an accurate diagnosis and the right medical help Incorporate diet and exercise into your treatment plan Benefit from relaxation and stress-management techniques Live and work with IBS
The reassuring guide to a happy, healthy pregnancy This new edition offers soon-to-be moms and dads detailed, friendly information on preparing and planning for pregnancy. You'll find guidance on the basics, as well as special considerations like age, multiple births, complications, illness, labor and delivery, postpartum care, and everything in between. Now in a portable, handy trim size that makes it easy to keep with you on the go, Pregnancy For Dummies, 4th Edition is your go-to guide on everything you'll encounter during the first, second, and third trimesters—and beyond. Packed with new information and the latest developments in medical technology, it puts your mind at ease by offering straightforward answers to all the questions you may have about pregnancy, including health risks during pregnancy, fertility problems and solutions, «on demand» cesarean sections, weight gain during pregnancy, the correlation between mercury and autism, ways to stay emotionally and physically healthy during pregnancy, and much more. Includes a complete guide to pregnancy, through all three trimesters and beyond, including a week-by-week account of what to expect during pregnancy Covers the latest information related to healthcare and pregnancy, including the latest on vaccinations, fertility problems, and prenatal diagnoses Offers advice on picking a doctor, planning prenatal visits, and designing a birthing plan Explains the stages of labor and how to care for yourself and your newborn after childbirth If you're an expectant parent, Pregnancy For Dummies, 4th Edition covers everything mom and baby experience before, during, and after childbirth.
Created especially for the Australian customer! A guide to the medical, emotional, legal and financial aspects of IVF and life after treatment Are you trying for a baby but suspect you may have an infertility problem and need IVF to conceive? IVF & Beyond For Dummies gives you clear advice on the causes of infertility, getting ready for IVF, the steps involved in treatment and managing the ups and downs of this difficult time. This comprehensive guide also prepares you for life post-IVF. Find out why you can't fall pregnant – learn about the causes of infertility and what it takes to get a diagnosis Improve your chances of IVF success – change your lifestyle to boost your fertility Understand IVF step-by-step – get detailed, easy-to-follow explanations of what happens in a treatment cycle Navigate the system – educate yourself about the legal and financial realities of IVF Take charge – be empowered to make informed decisions about your IVF treatment Manage treatment stress – discover strategies for surviving the emotional turmoil of IVF Help a friend – get advice on how to support a loved one who's undergoing IVF Enjoy life after IVF – find out what's special about being pregnant, giving birth and parenting after IVF
If you have a wheat allergy, gluten intolerance, coeliac disease, or just want to enjoy the benefits of a diet free from wheat, barley and rye, then this book is for you. Our expert author team of registered dieticians explain the basics of gluten intolerance and the medical problems associated with it, plus give you practical guidance on how to make the transition to a gluten-free lifestyle. Including over 60 delicious gluten-free recipes and tips on eating out, you can learn to control your food intake wherever you are. Living Gluten-Free For Dummies covers: Knowing what you can and can’t eat Shopping and deciphering food labels Coping with a gluten-free lifestyle on a day to day basis Cooking crowd-pleasing gluten-free meals Raising healthy gluten-free kids
Control binge eating and get on the path to recovery Overcoming Binge Eating for Dummies provides trusted information, resources, tools, and activities to help you and your loved ones understand your binge eating – and gain control over it. Written with compassion and authority, it uses stories and examples from the authors' work with clients they've helped to overcome this complicated disorder. In Overcoming Binge Eating For Dummies, you'll find information and insight on identifying the symptoms of binge eating disorder, overcoming eating as an addiction, ways to overcome the urge to binge, how to institute a healthy eating pattern, ways to deal with anxiety and emotional eating, and much more. Provides professional resources for seeking additional help for binge eating Includes advice on talking with loved ones about binge eating Offers tips and guidance to establish a safe and healthy recovery plan Overcoming Binge Eating For Dummies is for those currently suffering or recovering from BED, as well as families and friends looking for a comprehensive and expert resource to this widespread but largely misunderstood disorder.
Are you a sugar addict? Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies provides you a safe and healthy path to overcome your addiction, eliminate stress eating, and upgrade your nutrition for a healthier lifestyle. Sugar addiction is a rapidly growing epidemic that can lead to obesity, chronic fatigue, diabetes, and a host of other medical and psychological problems. Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies helps those who are affected by this commonly overlooked addiction to outsmart their sugar cravings and overcome their addiction. The tips in this book will help you: Learn to stop stress eating and perform a nutrition makeover that makes the low-sugar lifestyle easy! Stop the frustration of yo-yo dieting, and finally find an eating plan that works. Free yourself from the grip of sugar addiction and regain control over your life. Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies contains everything you need to start your journey down the road to wellness: Four common types of sugar addicts – which one are you? Finally understand carbs, protein, and fat with a simple nutrition system for weight loss and healthy eating, including what to choose and what to stay away from Detoxing from sugar and performing a kitchen makeover Eating mindfully – making purposeful decisions instead of stress eating How to survive holidays, restaurants, and special occasions Building a support system Exercise programs for energy and weight loss Speedy low-sugar recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and desserts Staying on track and breaking the cycle of failure – including a step-by-step list of exactly what to do when a sugar craving strikes! If you're one of the millions of people worldwide who relies too much on sugar for energy, comfort, or convenience, Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies is your no-nonsense guide to decreasing your sugar intake, losing weight, and changing your life for the better!
Boost your body's natural defenses against disease Good nutrition is a key weapon against colds and the flu. The foods, supplements, and practices outlined in Boosting Your Immunity For Dummies can boost your body's natural defenses against disease when they're incorporated into your daily diet and lifestyle. Boosting Your Immunity For Dummies provides hands-on techniques for supercharging your immune system to resist illness and prevent disease. Through diet, exercise, stress reduction, and nutritional supplements, the role of water, sunlight, and oxygen, you can harness the power of your immune system and help your body combat health issues that include: antibiotic-resistant bacteria, allergies, Hepatitis C, pre-menopause, menopause, cancer, Rheumatoid arthritis, dental, and autoimmune diseases. In addition, Boosting Your Immunity For Dummies includes tasty recipes for every meal of the day along with shopping lists and tips for stretching grocery dollars while still eating healthy! Expert advice and tips on living and eating healthy Includes more than 40 healthy and tasty immunity boosting recipes Shows you how to supercharge your immune system If you're looking for a resource that will help you improve your overall health by eating properly and exercising to drastically improve their immunity to disease, Boosting Your Immunity For Dummies has you covered.
Fight cancer from the inside out Cancer treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation can be as hard on the body as the disease itself, and detailed nutritional advice is usually not part of the program. Yet eating the right foods can actually help lessen the strength of some of the most powerful symptoms of cancer and the side effects of treatment, allowing the patient to better fight the disease. Now, Cancer Nutrition & Recipes For Dummies is your trusted, informative guide to fighting cancer from the inside out. Designed for cancer patients and their families, Cancer Nutrition & Recipes For Dummies focuses on foods best tolerated during—and that can ease side effects of—cancer treatment. It also offers advice for menu planning, nutritional analysis, diabetic exchanges, and much more. Serves as a guide for cancer nutrition before, during, and after treatment Gives you a wealth of easy, immediate steps to speed up the healing process through diet Offers advice on treatment as well as solutions to common side effects like dehydration, fatigue, and nausea Enables cancer patients to put their strongest foot forward when starting treatment Cancer Nutrition & Recipes For Dummies targets those dealing with cancer and the loved ones who take care of them, aiding both parties in alleviating some of the side effects of the cancer treatment through change in diet.
В книге рассказывается о загадках и тайнах человеческого организма, о втором мозге, о старении, о влиянии оксида азота, диоксида углерода, дружественных бактерий в его кишечнике, о химии любви, о роли кислотности пищи, атмосферных ионов, феромонов, ароматов, земных и космических сил на его здоровья и долголетия. В ней подробно рассматривается влияние состава и качества пищи на жизненный тонус и здоровье человека – о жирах, яйцах, хлебе, соли, сладкого, сале, нитратах, консервантах, каррагинанах, алкоголе, вине, шампанском и т. д. Еще рассказывается о таинствах похмелья, о воздействии острых приправ, красителей, модификаторов вкуса и синтетических подсластителей. Значительное место уделено широко обсуждаемым темам о нанопище, энтомофагии, революционной диете LCHF, о влиянии микроволновой печи, кухонной посуды и жареной пищи на здоровье и долголетие. В книге рассказывается и о целебном и тонизирующем влиянии даров природы, о магическом действии антоцианов, бета-глюканов, лигнанов, фитостеролов, витамина В17, пектина, инулина, астаксантина, чеснока, сельдерея, одуванчика, проростках и т. д. и т. д. В книге синтезированы ценные мантры для сохранения здоровья и продления жизни современного человека, проживающего в загрязненной окружающей среде, далеко от живительной природы, питающегося суррогатной пищей, испытывающего постоянный стресс. В этом смысле она рассчитана на исключительно широкий круг читателей.