Данная книга носит ознакомительный характер. Из нее вы узнаете о том, что такое колопроктология, к какому врачу надо обратиться при возникновении деликатных проблем, узнаете о проявлениях геморроя, анальной трещины, парапроктита, новообразований. Причины и способы лечения данных болезней. Так же в книге имеется доступное объяснение, что такое анальный зуд. Даны рекомендации по лечению.
В книге подробно и увлекательно изложены современные представления о здоровом питании, правильном выборе продуктов, составлении повседневного рациона и значении пищи для сохранения здоровья и предупреждения болезней. Книга содержит большое количество оригинальных рисунков и занимательных тестов для самоконтроля. Для широкого круга читателей.
Clinical Orthoptics has become established as a basic reference text providing fundamental information on anatomy, innervation and orthoptic investigation, plus diagnosis and management of strabismus, ocular motility and related disturbances. It is aimed at trainee ophthalmologists and orthoptic undergraduate students. Qualified orthoptists, general ophthalmologists and optometrists will also find valuable guidance in these pages. In this edition, the author has maintained the goal of producing a user-friendly, clinically relevant and succinct book, while revising it to reflect a variety of developments in the field. FEATURES Essential reading for students of orthoptics and ophthalmolology Now fully revised and updated Generously illustrated with photographs and line drawings Includes diagnostic aids, case reports, and helpful glossary
This new and completely revised third edition is a concise, systematic and highly practical guide to the care of patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Clinically and problem-based, it covers emergency, inpatient and ambulatory diabetes care in the hospital and community, focusing particularly on difficult, grey and contentious areas of management, and seeks to guide advanced practitioners through problems that are not always emphasised. Up to date clinical trial results have been incorporated, as well as concise discussions of lifestyle approaches to diabetes management, and it includes a new chapter on psychological problems in diabetes. It is now fully referenced with PubMed PMID numbers and all HbA1c measurements are quoted in DCCT and IFCC units. It will be valuable for foundation year and specialist trainees in general medicine, diabetes and endocrinology; community and hospital diabetes specialist nurses and nurse practitioners; hospital-based ward staff in specialist and non-diabetes-specialist departments, especially cardiology and emergency medicine; and general practice diabetes leads and general practitioners with a specialist diabetes interest. It will be equally valuable for hands-on reference use in the clinical situation, and for clinicians in hospital medicine and general practice studying for postgraduate diplomas and examinations.
How the Immune System Works is not a comprehensive textbook. It’s the book thousands of students have used to help them understand what’s in their big, thick, immunology texts. In this book, Dr. Sompayrac cuts through the jargon and details to reveal, in simple language, the essence of this complex subject. Fifteen easy to follow lectures, featuring the uniquely popular humorous style and engaging analogies developed by Dr Sompayrac, provide an introduction to the ‘bigger picture’, followed by practical discussion on how each of the components interacts with one another. Now featuring full-color diagrams, this book has been rigorously updated for its fourth edition to reflect today’s immunology teaching and includes updated discussion of B and T cell memory, T cell activation, vaccines, immunodeficiency, and cancer. Whether you are completely new to immunology, or require a refresher, How the Immune System Works is an enjoyable way of engaging with the key concepts – you need know nothing of the workings of the immune system to benefit from this book! How the Immune System Works is now accompanied by a FREE enhanced Wiley Desktop Edition – the interactive, digital version of the book – featuring downloadable text and images, highlighting and note taking facilities, book-marking, cross-referencing, in-text searching, and linking to references and glossary terms. It is also available from CourseSmart for instant, online and offline access for studying anytime, anywhere.
With sexually transmitted infections (STIs) a major cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world, the new edition of ABC of Sexually Transmitted Infections is a much-needed introduction and reference guide providing concise and practical information on a range of conditions. This sixth edition includes the latest guidance on the prevalence, prevention and treatment of STIs, screening programmes and new testing methods. It features new chapters on service modernisation and new care providers, high risk and special needs groups, the use of the internet for information and education, systemic manifestations and sexually transmitted infections in resource-poor settings. Contraception is also covered, reflecting the increasing integration of STI and contraceptive services. With an international authorship, the ABC of Sexually Transmitted Infections is an authoritative guide and reference for all practitioners, especially those providing community based STI diagnosis and management such as GPs, primary care physicians and contraceptive service providers. Junior doctors, medical students, and nurses working in community or specialist services will also find it a valuable resource as will those working in the fields of obstetrics and gynaecology and public health. This new edition also provides information useful for new STI care providers such as pharmacists, those in the voluntary sector and providers of STI services in resource-poor settings.
Reforming Long-term Care in Europe offers the most up-to-date analysis of the features and developments of long-term care in Europe. Each chapter focuses on a key question in the policy debate in each country and offers a description and analysis of each system. Offers the very latest analysis of long-term care reform agendas in Europe Compares countries comparatively less studied with the experiences of reform in Germany, the UK, Netherlands and Sweden Each chapter focuses on a key question in the policy debate in each country and portrays a description and analysis of each system Contributions from a wide range of European scholars for an exceptionally broad perspective
Если вы начали это читать, лучше встаньте! Сидячий образ жизни может нанести вред вашему здоровью, и не только в виде небольшого дискомфорта или боли. Современные исследования показали, что это способствует множеству заболеваний – от ожирения и диабета до рака и депрессии. Обычный офисный работник страдает от мышечных скелетных травм больше, чем тот, кто работает на заводе или разгружает вагоны. «Приросший к стулу, ВСТАНЬ! Cовременная энциклопедия упражнений для спины и суставов» содержит креативные решения: как меньше сидеть на одном месте и как преобразовать ваш рабочий стол в динамический инструмент, улучшающий жизнь.
Как ни странно, вопреки распространённому общественному мнению, у самоудовлетворения есть не только плюсы, но и минусы. Например, постепенная развращённость и сексуальная деградация.В этом пособии Вы найдёте все ответы. Полезно почитать как мужчинам, так и женщинам, чтобы лучше понять психологию и особенности сильного пола.
Эта книга об алкогольной зависимости и путях её преодоления. О том, как прекратить употребление алкоголя, как не сорваться и не начать пить заново.В этой книге я хочу рассказать о своей авторской психологической программе преодоления алкогольной зависимости, которую я назвал «5 ШАГОВ К ОСОЗНАННОЙ ТРЕЗВОСТИ».