hey guys, this is my first book and i want to share my journey. if you don't know me, continue to read on. i'm from the bay area, ca. my life growing up was not pretty– i grew up with inconsistent-no parents having to do life basically alone. when i was 15 i moved out into a whole new city in the east bay, ca. i was broken, lost, and lonely. i've cried a lot, prayed a lot, questioned a lot, seen a lot, felt a lot, been through a lot, written a lot. i have been writing poetry since i was six years old as my outlet. i eventually developed the courage to write about my story on how god used me. this book consists of my words that come from my heart, from 2015 till now. i talk about my testimonies which i hope it heals some wounds, opens some minds, opens some hearts. i hope it speaks to those that are in a similar place i was once in. i am the sunflower who grew from concrete, i was actually rooted underneath it all this whole time. (fun fact: not only did i write from my real p.o.v., but from many other peoples perspectives on different topics to make it as real and diverse as possible.) let this book be your go-to when you need a reminder. you deserve peace, healing, abundance, happiness, love, and everything great that life has to offer you. keep going. i hope my testimonies prove to you that you too can overcome your struggles, and that every sunflower must come from something. all glory to God. put your faith in God. take your dreams serious. execute. exceed. create legacy. impact. repeat. with love, –abby
This is a limited edition hardcover. The jacket will look identical to the softcover except it will be on colored paper. The Others is unlike anything we've ever published, or anything we've seen in a long time. It's a highly compelling, un-put-downable novel told in paced, beautifully written lyric. Think of Homer's Odyssey or A Thousand and One Nights, containing many fantastic tales told all by one frame narrator, so captivating that you forget the premise. It's a surprising and compulsively readable book. Rohrer is highly regarded as a poet, having published 8 collections of poems, and been featured everyone from Poetry, Harper's, and The New York Times to Entertainment Weekly and Real Simple.. This will be a big crossover book since it will appeal to both contemporary poetry readers and anyone who enjoys a good novel. It can be regarded as one of the genre-bending poetry collections of the year and a great summer beach read. For poets, this shows just how imaginative poetry can be. We expect that it will be picked up by professors particularly for undergraduate students, but also for graduate students investigating forms of long or epic poems.
an inkstorm summoned under live oak we dreamed is a drenching and rich collection of poems and pieces from a traveler, a musician, a writer who has delved into the misty and precarious task of splaying out the ecstasy & agony, the delight & acquittal, the searchingness & redemption of life, love, heartbreak, grief, combustion, and reflection.
Gail Robinson Huntley provides a flowing, well-written, poetic introspective to life experiences, as well as general musings.
Lass uns die Liebe wollen … Lass nur die Liebe regieren … Lass uns Liebe senden zu Dir, zu mir … Lass uns Liebe leben … Lass uns Liebe spüren …
Dass unsere Seelen, unsere Herzen nicht verstummen. Und niemals erfrieren, und die Liebe zelebrieren.
Finsternis trifft Licht erzählt von holprigen Wegen, dem Überwinden von Hürden, Lichtblicken und von dem Loslassen toxischer Menschen oder Verhaltensweisen. Die Poetin möchte ihre Erfahrungen teilen und hofft anderen zeigen zu können, dass sie nicht alleine sind. Sie will zeigen, dass es immer weiter geht, möchte Hoffnung, Mut und Kraft schenken.
Es handelt sich um einen Lyrikband. Die Gedichte beschreiben Situationen und Beobachtungen aus dem Alltag sowie Gedanken zum Leben.
Das Buch nimmt das Thema des seit dem Mittelalter immer wieder fortgeschriebenen Märchens vom sterbenden reichen Mann neu auf. Der jetzt «JederDann» genannte erzählt in einem Monolog aus Prosagedicht und Reimformen über seinen Weg vom reichen Egoisten hin zu einem geläuterten Menschen. JederDann erlebt auf seiner Reise zum Tod Völlerei, Hurerei, Verrat und Höllenfahrt. Er beschreibt diesen Weg im Wechselspiel mit den fiktiven Personen der Handlung (dicker Vetter, dürre Base, Kumpanei, Buhlschaft, Tod, Mammon, Mumie, Haremsweiber, Teufel). Letztendlich macht er sich angesichts des Grabes Gedanken über die Irrwege im Verlaufe seines nun vergehenden Lebens und philosophiert über die möglichen Wirkungen des Geldes.
Zeitgeschehen in lyrischer Form mit kritischen Texten zur politischen Epoche 2020