Зарубежные стихи

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежные стихи


Birgit Wichmann

Birgit Wichmann versammelt in dem Band 'Vision' aktuelle Gedichte in englischer Sprache die ihre Auseinandersetzung und bewusste Wahrnehmung täglicher Ereignisse widerspiegeln. Ihre Gedichte sprechen von Ihrem Verständnis der Welt, formulieren aber genauso eine kritische Haltung und wollen ein Anstoß sein, neue Ideen des weltweiten Zusammenlebens zu finden.

My God Is Black

Hıdır Eren Çelik

Dieses E-Book versammelt die Gedichte Hıdır Eren Çeliks in englischer Sprache, die in dem Band 'Mein Gott ist schwarz' veröffentlicht wurden:
Seien es Arbeitssuchende im Ausland, Flüchtlinge oder politisch Verfolgte – Schmerz, Unterdrückung, Diskriminierung im Alltag und Sehnsucht nach einer gerechten, friedvollen Welt.Als Migrant der zweiten Generation liegt es Celic besonders am Herzen, die Unterdrückung der Menschen weltweit anzuklagen. Er gibt die Hoffnung nicht auf, daß es eines Tages nur noch eine Heimat der Heimatlosen geben wird, in der man nicht mehr nach Nationalität und Hautfarbe differenziert und gefragt wird.

Nicotine Lust

Jivana Reddy

Nicotine Lust is a poetry inspired by young love. This book unfolds the deep ocean of emotions that goes into loving someone. The depths of unrequited love , lust and going beyond a physical world of attraction between two souls.

Populist Elegance

William E. Scholz

"Populist Elegance" grapples with reincarnation, love, despair, God, and Country in William E. Scholz's first volume of poetic works. What does «Populist Elegance» mean? It's the simple life with rhinestone finishing and the seeking of beauty in the crowd. We all seek elegance amidst lives that no matter our race, creed, religion, or wealth are, for the most part, lived similar to one another. "Populist Elegance" was written during, and inspired by, the coronavirus pandemic while on a drive through Will's hometown of Erie, Pennsylvania. Will has been both trying to leave and trying to return to Erie, PA for as long as he can remember, searching for elegance amidst the worker and in the mirror, searching for himself.

Dragon's Eye

Duncan Regehr

This collection of artwork and writings by renowned artist, Duncan Regehr is a gem.Never one to be bewitched by the appearance of things, Duncan Regehr has devoted his life to going below the surface, reaching into the depths of psychology and the unconscious. His paintings and poetry explore his well-thought-out and penetrating assessment of humanity and the evolution of his social consciousness.Here he looks back at his relationship to nature, society, and the human condition. In series such as «Geoscapes,» «Smokin Gun,» and «The Grand Theme,» he depicts environmental and societal changes—where we have come from and where we are headed. In the spectacular paintings presented here, Regehr's clarity of thought about our complex world is characteristically rendered with jewel-like use of color and many-faceted imagery.The accompanying poetry reveals a man of sensitivity to human experience and to the order of nature.


Edda Moser

Calling a Wolf a Wolf

Kaveh Akbar

"The struggle from late youth on, with and without God, agony, narcotics and love is a torment rarely recorded with such sustained eloquence and passion as you will find in this collection." –Fanny Howe This highly-anticipated debut boldly confronts addiction and courses the strenuous path of recovery, beginning in the wilds of the mind. Poems confront craving, control, the constant battle of alcoholism and sobriety, and the questioning of the self and its instincts within the context of this never-ending fight. From «Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before»          Sometimes you just have to leave whatever's real to you, you have to clomp through fields and kick the caps off all the toadstools. Sometimes you have to march all the way to Galilee   or the literal foot of God himself before you realize you've already passed the place where you were supposed to die. I can no longer remember the being afraid, only that it came to an end.     Kaveh Akbar  is the founding editor of  Divedapper . His poems appear recently or soon in  The New Yorker, Poetry, APR, Tin House, Ploughshares,  PBS NewsHour , and elsewhere. The recipient of a 2016 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation and the Lucille Medwick Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America, Akbar was born in Tehran, Iran, and currently lives and teaches in Florida.