Answer your questions and maximise returns with this easy-to-follow tax guide The Taxpayers Guide 2014 – 2015: 26th Edition is the complete guide to understanding the Australian tax system. Packed with tax-saving strategies and helpful advice, this clear, easy-to-follow guide is essential reading for taxpayers wanting to pay what they owe, but not a cent more. You'll find invaluable information, excellent advice and practical strategies for maximising returns, fully revised and updated for the 2014 – 2015 tax year. With handy reference tools like tax tables, rebates and offsets at your fingertips, you'll be able to solve both complex and everyday tax problems quickly and easily. This book brings together almost a century of expertise from Taxpayers Australia in one comprehensive volume. Taxpayers Australia is a not-for-profit educational organisation dedicated to educating taxpayers on issues relating to tax and superannuation. This guide is the organisation's one-stop resource for understanding the tax system, providing plain-English guidance toward saving money and avoiding common traps. Comprehensively indexed and organised for easy navigation, the book provides the answers and insight you need in order to: Understand income tax rates and deductions for individuals and contractors Simplify superannuation and planning for retirement Decipher capital gains, investments and trusts Solve small business issues and straighten out payroll taxes Australia's complex tax system presents many opportunities to miss out on savings. This comprehensive tax resource clarifies complicated guidelines and laws to help you sort out what you really owe. If you're tired of overpaying but wary of questionable advice, look to one of Australia's most trusted tax guides—The Taxpayers Guide 2014 – 2015.
The Naked CEO's guide to achieving your dream, starting now From suspended schoolboy to disruptive CEO, Alex Malley, The Naked CEO, has led a life rich in successes and mistakes. Through it all he has learned a lot about what it takes to successfully build not only a big career, but also a big life. Gain insights from a successful CEO who's lived a big life. Be inspired by his unabashed real-life stories. Learn how to dream big and have the courage to pursue your passions and be willing to fail in that quest. Take the practical tips and apply them to your own career. Whether you're a student, jobseeker, professional, new to the workforce or just stuck in a rut, this book is your guide through the hurdles of the career journey to a big life. As a father of seven, Alex knows that this is the perfect book for parents or mentors looking to inspire the next generation. Career-readiness is a skill that people need. It can be learned the hard way, after years on the job and many potentially serious missteps, or it can be learned ahead of time by listening to those who have been there. The Naked CEO helps graduates, jobseekers, and professionals learn the lessons and limit their mistakes. Learn how to: Become a leader Successfully stand out and get noticed Harness the power of being yourself Network and create a profile Establish rapport with colleagues and turn around an under-performing team Get organised, spot opportunities, and learn how to say no Set priorities, build confidence, learn how to delegate, and more The Naked CEO is the truth you need to build a big life.
Find out where the new innovation hot spots are, what the next consumer waves will be, and where to catch them Asia's innovation hot spots are fast emerging as first-choice destinations for bright, young entrepreneurs. From Taiwan to Singapore, technology center hubs are forming to rival the original Silicon Valley. Startup Asia gives you a close-up view into the key growth trends shaping entrepreneurship in China and India, plus the new frontier market of Vietnam. Showing how entrepreneurs and investors can start up in Asia and go global, the book provides a first-hand, on-the-ground tour of the new technology centers that are gaining momentum all over Asia. Interviews with the most successful venture capitalists and entrepreneurs reveal their winning strategies and show how a new generation of entrepreneurs in China and India are no longer looking to the West for their cues—but are instead crafting their own local business models and success strategies. Shows entrepreneurs and investors how they can pursue their dreams of launching successful start-ups in Asia Reveals that many of the same venture investors that first funded young businesses in Silicon Valley moved into China, then India, and are now finding their way to Vietnam Addresses the risks of doing business in Asia's developing markets, including lack of intellectual property protection, political and regulatory shifts, bribery, and corruption From high-profile Forbes contributor Rebecca Fannin, Startup Asia is the essential guide for anyone looking to trek into this new frontier.
Dieses Buch vermittelt Ihnen auf angenehme Weise alles Wichtige, was Sie uber Wirtschaftsinformatik wissen mussen. Stephan Thesmann und Werner Burkard erklaren Ihnen zunachst, welche Bedeutung die Informationstechnologie fur die Gesellschaft und fur Unternehmen hat. Schritt fur Schritt durchleuchten sie die vielfaltigen betrieblichen IT-Systeme und erklaren Ihnen, wie IT-Management funktioniert, was Sie bezuglich Datenschutz und Sicherheit berucksichtigen mussen und wie Sie die IT der verschiedenen Abteilungen eines Unternehmens vernetzen. Sie erfahren auch, wie Sie individuelle Softwaresysteme konzipieren und modellieren und was man bei dem Kauf einer fertigen Losung beachten muss. Schlie?lich werden die gangigsten Probleme der Unternehmenstechnologie beleuchtet und Losungen aufgezeigt. Anschauliche Beispiele aus der Praxis und zahlreiche Ubungsaufgaben runden das Buch ab.
So bekommen Sie Windows 8.1 und die bunte Welt der Apps in den Griff Wer einen Computer nutzen möchte, wird um das Betriebssystem Windows kaum herumkommen. Mit diesem Buch lernen Sie Schritt für Schritt die wichtigsten Arbeitsabläufe kennen und erfahren, wie Sie mit Fenstern, Ordnern und Dateien arbeiten. Installieren Sie neue Programme und Apps, gehen Sie ins Internet, schreiben Sie Briefe und E-Mails und nutzen Sie Ihren PC, um Fotos zu verwalten, Musik anzuhören und Videos anzuschauen. So steht das Fenster zur wundervollen Windows-Welt für Sie weit offen!
Wisdom that's been inspiring, motivating, and guiding teachers for two decades The Courage to Teach speaks to the joys and pains that teachers of every sort know well. Over the last 20 years, the book has helped countless educators reignite their passion, redirect their practice, and deal with the many pressures that accompany their vital work. Enriched by a new Foreword from Diana Chapman Walsh, the book builds on a simple premise: good teaching can never be reduced to technique. Good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher, that core of self where intellect, emotion, and spirit converge—enabling 'live encounters' between teachers, students, and subjects that are the key to deep and lasting learning. Good teachers love learners, learning, and the teaching life in a way that builds trust with students and colleagues, animates their daily practice, and keeps them coming back tomorrow. Reclaim your own vision and purpose against the threat of burn-out Understand why good teaching cannot be reduced to technique alone Explore and practice the relational traits that good teachers have in common Learn how to forge learning connections with your students and "teach across the gap" Whether used for personal study, book club exploration, or professional development, The Courage to Teach is rich with time-honored wisdom, and contemporary clarity about the ancient arts of teaching and learning.
Wisdom that's been inspiring, motivating, and guiding teachers for two decades The Courage to Teach speaks to the joys and pains that teachers of every sort know well. Over the last 20 years, the book has helped countless educators reignite their passion, redirect their practice, and deal with the many pressures that accompany their vital work. Enriched by a new Foreword from Diana Chapman Walsh, the book builds on a simple premise: good teaching can never be reduced to technique. Good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher, that core of self where intellect, emotion, and spirit converge—enabling 'live encounters' between teachers, students, and subjects that are the key to deep and lasting learning. Good teachers love learners, learning, and the teaching life in a way that builds trust with students and colleagues, animates their daily practice, and keeps them coming back tomorrow. Reclaim your own vision and purpose against the threat of burn-out Understand why good teaching cannot be reduced to technique alone Explore and practice the relational traits that good teachers have in common Learn how to forge learning connections with your students and "teach across the gap" Whether used for personal study, book club exploration, or professional development, The Courage to Teach is rich with time-honored wisdom, and contemporary clarity about the ancient arts of teaching and learning.