Зарубежная образовательная литература

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Smart is the New Rich

Christine Romans

Crowdsource funding is the new way to finance start-ups in a networked world Entrepreneurs, small business owners, investors, artisans, or those who merely have a good idea for a business venture have a new and attainable means of securing capital to grow their dreams. Gone are the days when the only options to raise funds for a new business were venture capitalists, angel investors, or Wall Street. Web-based crowdfunding services are now plentiful and offer a variety of options for the aspiring entrepreneur. However, these services are not typically as well-understood as the more traditional means of raising capital. In The Crowdsource Funding Services Handbook, author Jason R. Rich offers a step-by-step overview of the various crowdsource funding services available on the Web, as well as the necessary documentation required to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign. Contains details on how to evaluate and select the best online platform for crowdfunding efforts Provides details on creating a business plan to the specifications require to raise capital via crowdfunding Provides an overview of the financial projections that will be required for a crowdfunding initiative Proposes a specific approach to creating a "pitch video" to succeed with a crowdsource funding campaign The Crowdsource Funding Services Handbook is a thorough, well-developed resource for those seeking to raise capital to start a business or fund the development of an innovative idea. Author and crowdfunding expert Jason R. Rich provides this definitive, hands-on guide to raising capital in the new economy.


Lee G. Bolman

Say Hello to Your Incoming Class—They're Not Millennials Anymore Generation Z is rapidly replacing Millennials on college campuses. Those born from 1995 through 2010 have different motivations, learning styles, characteristics, skill sets, and social concerns than previous generations. Unlike Millennials, Generation Z students grew up in a recession and are under no illusions about their prospects for employment after college. While skeptical about the cost and value of higher education, they are also entrepreneurial, innovative, and independent learners concerned with effecting social change. Understanding Generation Z's mindset and goals is paramount to supporting, developing, and educating them through higher education. Generation Z Goes to College showcases findings from an in-depth study of over 1,100 Generation Z college students from 15 vastly different U.S. higher education institutions as well as additional studies from youth, market, and education research related to this generation. Authors Corey Seemiller and Meghan Grace provide interpretations, implications, and recommendations for program, process, and curriculum changes that will maximize the educational impact on Generation Z students. Generation Z Goes to College is the first book on how this up-and-coming generation will change higher education.

Bringing Strategy Back

Jeffrey L. Sampler

As the global market expands, the need for international regulation becomes urgent Since World War II, financial crises have been the result of macroeconomic instability until the fatidic week end of September 15 2008, when Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy. The financial system had become the source of its own instability through a combination of greed, lousy underwriting, fake ratings and regulatory negligence. From that date, governments tried to put together a new regulatory framework that would avoid using taxpayer money for bailout of banks. In an uncoordinated effort, they produced a series of vertical regulations that are disconnected from one another. That will not be sufficient to stop finance from being instable and the need for international and horizontal regulation is urgent. This challenge is the focus of Georges Ugeux’s book. International Finance Regulation: The Quest for Financial Stability focuses on the inspirations behind regulation, and examines the risks and consequences of fragmentation on a global scale. Author Georges Ugeux has four decades of experience in the legal and economic aspects of international business operations. He created and run the New York Stock Exchange’sinternational group in charge of developing the NYSE’s reach to non-US companies, including relationships with regulators and governments. Ugeux teaches European Banking and Finance of the Columbia University School of Law. Ugeux is uniquely positioned to provide recommendations and suggestions from the perspective of a top global authority. In the book, he explores international regulation with topics such as: • Laws, regulations, and risks of overregulation • Transformation of the U.S. market and creation of the Eurozone • Development of a global framework and stability of the banking system • In-depth examination of Basel III, the Dodd-Frank Act, the European Banking Union, and the Volcker Rule The book also contains case studies from real-world scenarios like Lehman, CDS, Greece, the London Whale, and Libor to illustrate the concepts presented. Finance consistently operates within an increasingly global paradigm, and an overarching regulation scheme is becoming more and more necessary for sustainable growth. International Finance Regulation: The Quest for Financial Stability presents an argument for collaboration toward a comprehensive global regulation strategy.

Coding All-in-One For Dummies

Nikhil Abraham

See all the things coding can accomplish The demand for people with coding know-how exceeds the number of people who understand the languages that power technology. Coding All-in-One For Dummies gives you an ideal place to start when you're ready to add this valuable asset to your professional repertoire. Whether you need to learn how coding works to build a web page or an application or see how coding drives the data revolution, this resource introduces the languages and processes you'll need to know. Peek inside to quickly learn the basics of simple web languages, then move on to start thinking like a professional coder and using languages that power big applications. Take a look inside for the steps to get started with updating a website, creating the next great mobile app, or exploring the world of data science. Whether you're looking for a complete beginner's guide or a trusted resource for when you encounter problems with coding, there's something for you! Create code for the web Get the tools to create a mobile app Discover languages that power data science See the future of coding with machine learning tools With the demand for skilled coders at an all-time high, Coding All-in-One For Dummies is here to propel coding newbies to the ranks of professional programmers.

Безумная звезда / The Light Fantastic

Терри Пратчетт

Читателям предлагаются неадаптированный оригинальный текст и классический перевод второй книги Терри Пратчетта из цикла о Плоском мире. Волшебнику-недоучке Ринсвинду и его наивному другу Двацветку предстоит спасать мир, который вот-вот погубит огромная звезда. И хотя за это же дело берутся лучшие маги, Ринсвинду все равно не избежать приключений, опасностей и необходимости быть героем. Чтение произведения в оригинале позволит значительно усовершенствовать знание английского, а перевод на русский язык поможет разрешить возникающие по ходу чтения вопросы и трудности. Для углубления знаний английского и облегчения понимания текста в конце книги предлагаются упражнения. Книга будет интересна и полезна всем, кто знает и изучает английский язык с преподавателем или самостоятельно.

Ежевичная зима / Blackberry Winter

Сара Джио

Читателям предлагаются неадаптированный оригинальный текст и классический перевод знаменитого романа Сары Джио «Ежевичная зима». Сиэтл, 2010 год. Клэр Олдридж не может оправиться после потери ребенка, ее семейная жизнь дает трещину, а работа репортером в местной газете не увлекает так, как прежде. Но одна ночь способна изменить многое. Летний город накрывает снежным бураном. Такой же буран обрушился на Сиэтл восемьдесят лет назад, когда при странных обстоятельствах пропал трехлетний мальчик. Клэр начинает свое расследование, открывающее череду странных совпадений, связывающих жизни самой Клэр и матери пропавшего ребенка. Чтение романа в оригинале позволит значительно усовершенствовать знание английского, а перевод на русский язык поможет разрешить возникающие по ходу чтения вопросы и трудности. Для углубления знаний английского и облегчения понимания текста в конце книги предлагаются упражнения. Книга будет интересна и полезна всем, кто знает и изучает английский язык с преподавателем или самостоятельно.

CCNA Routing and Switching Complete Study Guide

Todd Lammle

Networking's leading authority joins Sybex for the ultimate CCNA prep guide CCNA Routing and Switching Complete Study Guide, 2nd Edition is your comprehensive review for the CCNA exams. Written by the leading authority on networking technology, this guide covers 100% of all objectives for the latest ICND1, ICND2, and CCNA Composite exams. Hands-on labs help you gain experience in critical procedures and practices, and the network simulator provides a realistic lab environment so you can practice at your own pace. Gain access to the Sybex online learning environment, featuring a robust set of study tools including: practice questions, flashcards, video instruction, and an extensive glossary of terms to help you better prepare for exam day. The pre-assessment test helps you prioritize your study time, and bonus practice exams allow you to test your understanding. Need more practice? Get 20% off a year subscription and free access to premium Cisco Labs—providing hands-on, real-world experience using Cisco Routers, Switches, and Firewalls. Free online video training is also included, with almost forty hours of Routing and Switching guidance from the experts at ITProTV. The CCNA certification is essential to a career in networking, and the exam can be taken in two parts or as a composite. Whichever you choose, this book is your essential guide for complete review. Master IP data network operation Troubleshoot issues and keep the network secure Understand switching and routing technologies Work with IPv4 and IPv6 addressing Full coverage and expert insight makes CCNA Routing and Switching Complete Study Guide your ultimate companion for CCNA prep.

Buy, Hold, and Sell!

Moraif Ken

The keys to global business success, as taught by a T-shirt's journey The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy is a critically-acclaimed narrative that illuminates the globalization debates and reveals the key factors to success in global business. Tracing a T-shirt's life story from a Texas cotton field to a Chinese factory and back to a U.S. storefront before arriving at the used clothing market in Africa, the book uncovers the political and economic forces at work in the global economy. Along the way, this fascinating exploration addresses a wealth of compelling questions about politics, trade, economics, ethics, and the impact of history on today's business landscape. This new printing of the second edition includes a revised preface and a new epilogue with updates through 2014 on the people, industries, and policies related to the T-shirt's life story. Using a simple, everyday T-shirt as a lens through which to explore the business, economic, moral, and political complexities of globalization in a historical context, Travels encapsulates a number of complex issues into a single identifiable object that will strike a chord with readers as they: Investigate the sources of sustained competitive advantage in different industries Examine the global economic and political forces that explain trade patters between countries Analyze complex moral issues related to globalization and international business Discover the importance of cultural and human elements in international trade This story of a simple product illuminates the many complex issues which businesspeople, policymakers, and global citizens are touched by every day.

Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease For Dummies

James M. Rippe

The safe and trusted way to prevent and reverse heart disease Written in plain English and packed with tons of authoritative advice, Preventing & Reversing Heart Disease For Dummies includes the most up-to-date information on coronary heart disease and its treatment. This resource covers new ways to diagnose and treat both short- and long-term complications of heart disease, the latest medications, updated diet and exercise plans, the lowdown on recognizing the risk factors and warning signs of a heart attack, determining if you have heart disease, distinguishing between angina, heart attack, and stroke, and much more. It is projected that by the year 2020, heart disease will be the leading cause of death throughout the world. As the magnitude of cardiovascular diseases continue to accelerate globally, the pressing need for increased awareness and a stronger, more focused national and international response has become more important than ever. Preventing & Reversing Heart Disease For Dummies tackles this vital subject with compassion and authority, outlining the steps you can take to help ensure you don't become just another statistic. Helps you find the right doctor and handle a managed care plan Covers all thirteen types of heart disease and discusses the key differences that may determine their progression and treatment Illustrates how simple changes in diet may be enough to prevent heart disease Shows how you can reverse some of the effects of heart disease through exercise If you're suffering from or are at risk of heart disease—or love someone who is— Preventing & Reversing Heart Disease For Dummies empowers you to take control of heart health and get on a path to a longer, healthier life.

Effective Product Control

Nash Peter

The best plan is useless without effective execution The future of business has become so unpredictable that your five-year plan may be irrelevant next week. To succeed in the modern market, you must constantly assess your progress and adapt on the fly. Agility, flexibility, continual learning, and adaptation are the new rules of business success. A differentiating strategy is crucial, but it will only lead to competitive advantage if you execute it flawlessly. You'll succeed only if you have the right insight for strategic planning and the agility to execute your plan. Balanced Scorecard Evolution: A Dynamic Approach to Strategy Execution provides the latest theory and practice from strategic planning, change management, and strategy execution to ensure your business is flexible, future ready, and primed for exceptional execution. Author Paul R. Niven guides you through the new principles of The Balanced Scorecard and shows you how to apply them to your planning and strategy execution endeavors. Read case studies that illustrate the theory and practice of strategic agility and execution Learn how to create the objectives, measures, targets, and strategic initiatives that can make your plan a reality Use the latest change management techniques to boost strategy execution success Gain the knowledge and tools you need to face your challenges head-on Motivate your employees to change behaviors toward plan accommodation Making a plan isn't enough. You must actually take steps to implement your plan, and this requires excellent leadership skills. Change can be hard, and your organization may be resistant. Balanced Scorecard Evolution: A Dynamic Approach to Strategy Execution provides everything you need to make things happen.