Зарубежная деловая литература

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная деловая литература

Corporate Governance - Quantity Versus Quality - Middle Eastern Perspective

Saleh Hussain

The books deal with various issues relating to Corporate Governance &quot;CG&quot; from a Middle Eastern Perspective with emphasis on Quantity Versus Quality. <br><br>The books covers the following topics:<br>– CG Quantity Versus Quality<br>– CG for Government Companies<br>– CG for Family businesses<br>-Corporate Social Responsibility<br>-CG in Islamic Banking<br>-CG and Democracy<br>-Board Committees<br>-Directors compensation<br><br>The books gives ways and means to apply best practices in Corporate Governance.

Understanding Statistics As A Language

Robert Andrews

This book has successfully taught introductory statistics to non-mathematicians who had previously failed two semester of statistics or had completed the courses with no idea of what they had done. It uses a statistical decision model that is easy to understand and apply. Each chapter leads the student through one stats test using Minitab. The book helps the student understand which stat to use and what the results mean to a business person.

Education of an American Liberal

Lucille LLC Milner

Lucille Milner describes her early years as a reformer. She documents her work as a co-founder of the American Civil Liberties Union and work with other progressive organizations.

Self Sabotage:

Greg BSL Bennett

Why do salespeople quit just when they&#39;re starting to succeed? Why do they sabotage their best efforts and regulate their way back down into their &quot;comfort zones&quot;? Why and how do peers, family, and &quot;friends&quot; work to support the self-sabotaging behaviors (even though they may not mean to)?<br><br>These questions are tough to answer because the affliction itself doesn&#39;t make much sense &ndash; why would anyone work to destroy their own success? The reality is that many people do exactly that; they simply can&#39;t handle the success they&#39;re experiencing and seek to undo it using some very clever (and often hidden) strategies for &quot;staying in struggle&quot;.<br><br>In this book, Greg Bennett, a renowned sales trainer and coach, will address five ways salespeople sabotage themselves through self-destructive behaviors, and the counter strategies these salespeople (and their managers) can apply to stop the destruction before it&#39;s too late.<br><br>Each segment on a self-destructive behavior includes a worksheet with strategies and exercises for salespeople to use, as well as several tips and ideas for sales managers who want to recognize these behaviors and work to keep their salespeople on a more positive path.

Make More Donuts!

Greg Bennett

This is the story about a fictitious donut factory where all they do is make donuts. The production manager, a curious fellow with an even curious-er name &ndash;Mr. Sales Manager, is in charge of collecting the donuts and taking them to his regional manager, who then passes them on to the factory owner. <br><br>One day Sales Manager&#39;s boss came to him with a direct order &ndash; &quot;Sales…you have to make more donuts!&quot; In fact they wanted Sales to make twice as many donuts, without adding staff or any other support (sound familiar?). <br><br>Well like most people, Sales Manager was stressed about how this was going to happen. But like a good soldier he went to work trying to make it happen, but nothing worked. Until one day a savior arrived with a different approach to making more donuts. <br><br>This is the story of that stranger and how his unique and simple ideas transformed the life of one Sales Manager, and helped him achieve his goals!<br><br>Perhaps you know a Sales Manager in your life who could use the same ideas to create more dough!

Power Position Your Agency

Troy Korsgaden

New York Times Bestseller! <br><br>Are you working too many hours for too few clients? <br>Does it seem that you do more paperwork than peoplework?<br>Will you spend more hours on the road than in front of people this year?<br><br>Whether your agency is big or small, if you answered yes to any of those questions, you need more than an adrenaline boost! You need a shot of strategies to wake things up and put you on the path to success fast!<br><br>– How to get appointments with 10 clients every day<br>– How to find qualified clients and get them to come to you<br>– How to get clients in and out of your office in 30 minutes&ndash;or less!<br><br>You&#39;ll also discover how to ramp up for success with something you already have, but probably overlook, why some clients don&#39;t make sense for your agency, and what you need for an effective sales pitch.<br><br>Get the help you need by putting Troy Korsgaden on your side. His strategies have made a difference for the thousands of agents who have attended his seminars across the country. They can make a difference for you too!

Specialization: The Master Key to Agency Transformation

Troy Jr. Korsgaden

This book is a quick and easy read, but the meaning can have major impact on how you do business. Troy Korsgaden gives you the steps to take to increase your book of business quickly.<br><br>Insurance industry expert Troy Korsgaden&#39;s latest book teaches agents how to transition from a &quot;generalist agency&quot; structure to what Korsgaden calls a &quot;specialist agency&quot; structure to increase efficiency, retention and revenue. Korsgaden created the system to advance agency growth in all lines of insurance, versus just the traditionally heavy lines such as auto.<br><br>&quot;If it seems overwhelming to change the entire organizational structure of your agency, understand that it does not have to be overnight. You are going to grow your agency over time, with each step growing out of the one you took before, and with each new step funded by new revenues generated from the last.&quot; <br><br>&ndash; excerpt from the Forward of Specialization by Troy Korsgaden