Troy Jr. Korsgaden

Список книг автора Troy Jr. Korsgaden

    Specialization: The Master Key to Agency Transformation

    Troy Jr. Korsgaden

    This book is a quick and easy read, but the meaning can have major impact on how you do business. Troy Korsgaden gives you the steps to take to increase your book of business quickly.<br><br>Insurance industry expert Troy Korsgaden&#39;s latest book teaches agents how to transition from a &quot;generalist agency&quot; structure to what Korsgaden calls a &quot;specialist agency&quot; structure to increase efficiency, retention and revenue. Korsgaden created the system to advance agency growth in all lines of insurance, versus just the traditionally heavy lines such as auto.<br><br>&quot;If it seems overwhelming to change the entire organizational structure of your agency, understand that it does not have to be overnight. You are going to grow your agency over time, with each step growing out of the one you took before, and with each new step funded by new revenues generated from the last.&quot; <br><br>&ndash; excerpt from the Forward of Specialization by Troy Korsgaden