This book will help anyone who is responsible for a payroll department to manage payroll functions with the maximum efficiency and within compliance requirements. It will demonstrate the optimal methods for the basic functions of payroll through to year end and management. Proposed chapters include: Part One Basic Functions of the Payroll Department 1. Time Records, 2. Form W-4, 3. New Hires, 4. Errors and Corrections, 5. Tax Deposits and Reporting, 6. Garnishments Part Two Staffing the Payroll Department 7. Creating a First Rate Payroll Department, 8. Managing the Staff, 9. Staff Motivation and Morale, 10. Working with Human Resources and other Departments Part Three Management Issues 11. Customer Service, 12. Fraud, 13. Dealing with the Internal Revenue Service, 14. Handling Department of Labor Audits, 15. Compliance Issues, 16. Research Needs Part Four Benefits and the Payroll Department 17. Should Payroll Handle the Company's Benefits? 18. Year End and Year Beginning Issues Part Five Payroll Systems 19. Objectives of a Computerized Payroll System, 20. Interfacing and Integration, 21. Selecting a Computerize Payroll System, 22. Controls and Security for the Payroll System, 23. Disaster Recover a Must, 24. Time and Attendance Systems, 25. Employee Self Service Systems Part Six Paying Employees 26. Paper Checks are Still an Option, 27. Direct Deposit, 28. Paycards Part Seven Year End 29. Start Year End Off With a Memo, 30. Year End Teams, 31. Check Lists, 32. Reconciliation of Payroll at Year End, 33. Form W-2 Part Eight Payroll and the New Year 34. Setting Up the Payroll System for the New Year, 35. Setting Up the Payroll Department for the New Year Part Nine Professionalism and the Payroll Department 36. What is a CPP? 37. Why you should become one, 38. Studying for the test, 39. Ongoing training, 40. Professional organizations
Shows in a step-by-step manner how an operational review should be conducted. Demonstrates the differences between an operational and financial audit. Details how to identify which organizational systems are detrimental to a corporation's growth. Shows how to judge the results and make recommendations to management. Provides blank and sample forms required for conducting a comprehensive operational review.
The book provides a simple but effective method for carrying out reliable and defensible internal investigations. This easy-to-use guide offers anyone asked to conduct such an investigation a working set of standards, set out in a BASIC approach that follows five main steps: Beginning the Investigation, Assessing the Issues, Substantiating the Claims, Investigating the Implications, and Communicating the results. Using the BASIC approach, all senior employees and associates will be able to to develop an important new skills-set that will help them conduct a credible internal investigation, as and when required.
Internal Audit: Efficiency Through Automation teaches state-of-the-art computer-aided audit techniques, with practical guidelines on how to get much needed data, overcome organizational roadblocks, build data analysis skills, as well as address Continuous Auditing issues. Chapter 1 CAATTs History, Chapter 2 Audit Technology, Chapter 3 Continuous Auditing, Chapter 4 CAATTs Benefits and Opportunities, Chapter 5 CAATTs for Broader Scoped Audits, Chapter 6 Data Access and Testing, Chapter 7 Developing CAATT Capabilities, Chapter 8 Challenges for Audit,
According to private and public estimates, approximately $24 million is lost per hour to healthcare waste, fraud, and abuse. A must-have reference for auditors, fraud investigators, and healthcare managers, Healthcare Fraud: Auditing and Detection Guide provides tips and techniques to help you spot—and prevent—the «red flags» of fraudulent activity within your organization. Eminently readable, it is your “go-to” resource, equipping you with the necessary skills to look for and deal with potential fraudulent situations.
In the new age of philanthropy, donors expect charities to be models of accountability and transparency…Internal controls: Guidance for Private, Government, and Nonprofit Entities is a must read for CEOs and CFOs who want to gain a clear understanding of cost-effective ways to implement the controls necessary to protect their organizations. – Elizabeth Myatt, Chief Executive Officer, World Lung Foundation "If you were looking for the silver bullet to understand and audit internal controls, you just found it. This book will prove invaluable in planning the audit internal controls, you just found it. This book will prove invaluable in planning the audit because it specifically covers COSO and the new AICPA risk assessment auditing standards. " – George I. Victor, CPA, Partner in Charge of Quality Control, Holtz Rubenstein Reminick LLP «Author Lyn Graham gives practical, easy-to-understand guidance for documenting internal controls. I recommend this book for both my clients and our staff. It is very useful for auditors and clients alike.» – David E. Adams, CPA, Partner, Geffen Mesher & Company «This book is an essential guide…and provides very practical advice about what to do(and what not to do) in making an investment in internal controls. The author's expensive experience as an audit firm partner and standard-setter are evident in the details provided. I also recommend this book to teaches of auditing and systems, as it provides a useful background to…how internal controls really should work in today's business environment.» – Jean C. Bedard, CPA, PhD, Timothy B. Harbert Professor of Accountancy, Bentley College
Praise for Fraud Casebook Lessons from the Bad Side of Business «I have known Mr. Wells for over twenty years. In my opinion, no one in the world knows more about fraud than he does.» -W. Steve Albrecht, Associate Dean, Marriott School of ManagementBrigham Young University, Provo, Utah «This book covers the entire range of fraud that can be encountered in the workplace.» -Grant D. Ashley, Vice President for Corporate Security and SurveillanceHarrah's Entertainment Inc., Las Vegas, Nevada «I had the pleasure of serving with Mr. Wells when both of us were volunteers for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He knows as much as anyone about how to detect and deter fraud.» -James G. Castellano, Chairman, RubinBrown LLP, St. Louis, Missouri «I have worked with Mr. Wells for ten years. His reputation is unsurpassed.» -John F. Morrow, Vice President, The New FinanceAmerican Institute of Certified Public Accountants, New York, New York «Fraud Casebook is a terrific work. I highly recommend it.» -Sherron S. Watkins, a Time magazine «Person of the Year,» Houston, Texas «No one has done more for fraud prevention and detection than Mr. Wells and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Their guidance and training proved invaluable to my staff and me in uncovering the WorldCom fraud.» -Cynthia Cooper, a Time magazine «Person of the Year,» Clinton, Mississippi
More now than ever before, auditing is in the spotlight; legislators, regulators, and top executives in all types of businesses realize the importance of auditors in the governance and performance equation. Previously routine and formulaic, internal auditing is now high-profile and high-pressure! Being an auditor in today's complex, highly regulated business environment involves more than crunching the numbers and balancing the books-it requires ensuring that appropriate checks and balances are in place to manage risk throughout the organization. Designed to help auditors in any type of business develop the essential understanding, capabilities, and tools needed to prepare credible, defensible audit plans, Audit Planning: A Risk-Based Approach helps auditors plan the audit process so that it makes a dynamic contribution to better governance, robust risk management, and more reliable controls. Invaluable to internal auditors facing new demands in the workplace, this book is also a «hands-on» reference for external auditors, compliance teams, financial controllers, consultants, executives, small business owners, and others charged with reviewing and validating corporate governance, risk management, and controls. The second book in the new Practical Auditor Series, which helps auditors get down to business, Audit Planning: A Risk-Based Approach gives new auditors principles and methodologies they can apply effectively and helps experienced auditors enhance their skills for success in the rapidly changing business world.
Dramatically improve inventory accuracy with bestselling author Steven Bragg's step-by-step guidelines Inventory Accounting is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to setting up an inventory accounting system and keeping it running at maximum efficiency. This hands-on book provides accounting professionals with essential information on how to: * Set up an accounting system that efficiently handles accumulating inventory costs, summarizing accounts, and standard journal entries used to record transactions * Use best practices to increase the efficiency of inventory-tracking and costing functions * Install unique controls to combat inventory fraud * Implement a step-by-step checklist of activities for inventory counting procedures * Save hours of valuable time researching various GAAP reference manuals * Adapt inventory tracking and costing systems to accommodate a variety of manufacturing systems Spanning the entire spectrum of inventory accounting, Inventory Accounting deftly explores every facet of the field to help professionals eliminate inaccuracies from their inventory accounting systems.
Here's an in-depth, step-by-step analysis defining the critical ingredients essential to achieving ongoing improvement and a robust bottom line! Focusing on practical, dynamic solutions for weaknesses in the interdependent parts of an organization, Management Dynamics provides a comprehensive introduction to the Theory of Constraints (TOC) in profit-oriented organizations, complete with the crucial but oft-missing pieces of the constraint theory–a fully integrated and supporting accounting system and the dynamic motivator to drive ongoing improvement in the bottom line. Order your copy today!