The financial services industry is undergoing significant change. This has added challenges for institutions assessing their operations and internal controls for regulatory considerations. Updated for 2019, this industry standard resource offers comprehensive, reliable accounting implementation guidance for preparers. It offers clear and practical guidance of audit and accounting issues, and in-depth coverage of audit considerations, including controls, fraud, risk assessment, and planning and execution of the audit. Topics covered include: Transfers and servicing; Troubled debt restructurings; Financing receivables and the allowance for loan losses; and, Fair value accounting This guide also provides direction for institutions assessing their operations and internal controls for regulatory considerations as well as discussions on existing regulatory reporting matters. The financial services industry is undergoing significant change. This has added challenges for institutions assessing their operations and internal controls for regulatory considerations. Updated for 2019, this industry standard resource offers comprehensive, reliable accounting implementation guidance for preparers. It offers clear and practical guidance of audit and accounting issues, and in-depth coverage of audit considerations, including controls, fraud, risk assessment, and planning and execution of the audit. Topics covered include: Transfers and servicing; Troubled debt restructurings; Financing receivables and the allowance for loan losses; and, Fair value accounting This guide also provides direction for institutions assessing their operations and internal controls for regulatory considerations as well as discussions on existing regulatory reporting matters.
The thousands of mergers, acquisitions, and start-ups that have characterized the past ten years of business have created an increasing number of corporations in financial trouble: specifically, a shortage of venture capital or quick cash. Consequently, bankruptcy protection is now viewed as a strategic move to protect corporations from their creditors and allow them to reorganize. Bankruptcy and Insolvency Taxation, Third Edition provides the answers to the questions financial managers will have on the tax aspects of the «bankruptcy strategy.»
Strategic Business Tax Planning, Second Edition is the definitive handbook on business tax planning, skipping the unnecessary and minute taxation details and focusing instead on the big picture in taxes. Organized around business processes, this reader-friendly guide shows you how to optimally put tax management principles to work in your business.
America's most trusted tax advice, backed by detailed citations of authoritative tax references J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax Professional Edition 2018 is the tax preparer's guide to smart tax filing and planning. The Professional Edition not only includes the trusted guidance, clear advice, and money-saving tips featured in Your Income Tax, but also provides citations of tax authorities to help tax professionals easily locate the law, IRS rulings and court decisions that support the text. Fully up to date with the newest changes for 2017 tax returns, expert guidance from J.K. Lasser helps you maximize deductions and shelter income while providing hundreds of examples of how tax laws apply to individual situations. While evolving tax law can get very complex very quickly, this invaluable guide is designed to help you find the answers you need without wading through volumes of the Internal Revenue Code or IRS materials. Special icons call out new laws, IRS rulings, court decisions, filing pointers and planning strategies, allowing you to locate important information without breaking your workflow. Keeping up with changes to tax law is itself a full-time job—if it's not your full-time job, let the experts at J.K. Lasser do the legwork for you! Read from beginning to end or dip in and out as needed—this exceptional resource will help you: Get expert answers to tough tax situations quickly Navigate new laws, court decisions, IRS rulings, and more Locate authoritative sources easily with citations of references from the Code, the courts and the IRS. Avoid common pitfalls and adopt smart planning strategies for next year Accessible, down-to-earth tax advice is always appreciated, but professional tax preparers need more—such as authoritative sources to back their advice and clarify tricky situations that their clients may encounter. J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax Professional Edition 2018 provides a quick one-stop resource for every tax pro, merging detailed citations with America's most trusted tax advice for over 65 years.
The Dictionary of Auditing is a one-stop resource for key auditing terminology, concepts, and processes essential to auditors and of increasing interest to those that work with them. Covers key regulatory developments such as Sarbanes Oxley and provides links for further reading.
Explores the components of e-commerce (including EDI). Shows the risks involved when using an e-commerce system. Provides controls for protecting an e-commerce site (e.g., securing financial transactions and confidential transactions). Provides COSO compliant audit approach. Provides risk/control tables and checklists. Technical topics are discussed in simple user-friendly language.