
Различные книги в жанре Биология


Wendy Lill

This compelling drama explores the ethical controversy and public policy surrounding reproductive technologies. Wendy Lill has lived almost all the roles the play dramatizes: NDP critic for both culture and persons with disabilities, she came to politics after a career in community health care and as a reporter for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Cast of 2 women and 5 men.

PRO ботанику

Ральф Винслоу

Автор этой книги знает о садоводстве не понаслышке. Он проходил обучение в Ботаническом саду Оксфордского университета. Книга рассказывает о науке ботанике и двух выдающихся исследователях – Карле Линнее и Джозефе Бэнксе. В XVIII веке ботаника еще не утвердилась в обществе и умах людей так, как физика и математика. Из книги вы узнаете о фактическом становлении этой науки и о том, как и почему все больше людей по всему миру стали ею интересоваться. Швед Карл Линней классифицировал растения, животных и минералы, его система «выжила» благодаря тому, что выбранные признаки оказались очень наглядными и удобными для применения на практике. Созданной им системой наименования видов пользуются до сих пор во всем мире. Джозеф Бэнкс описал невероятное количество растений и способствовал распространению их по миру – по английским колониям с похожим климатом. Автор завершает книгу рассказом об истории садоводства в Англии и самых знаменитых садах этой страны. Издание будет полезно всем, интересующимся растениями, историей географических открытий и садоводством.

Active Hope

Joanna Macy

The challenges we face can be difficult even to think about. Climate change, the depletion of oil, economic upheaval, and mass extinction together create a planetary emergency of overwhelming proportions. Active Hope shows us how to strengthen our capacity to face this crisis so that we can respond with unexpected resilience and creative power. Drawing on decades of teaching an empowerment approach known as the Work That Reconnects, the authors guide us through a transformational process informed by mythic journeys, modern psychology, spirituality, and holistic science. This process equips us with tools to face the mess we’re in and play our role in the collective transition, or Great Turning, to a life-sustaining society.

Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy and Physiology for Healthcare Professionals

Jassin M. Jouria

Anatomy and Physiology is effectively a broad introductory course that requires the student to devote an enormous amount of effort to understand it on even a basic level. While this necessitates time, it can be streamlined in the early stages of one’s learning so that the student may understand why he or she is required to invest such a large amount of time into learning – Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy & Physiology is the textbook that accomplishes this.°Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy & Physiology is a book that combines both areas of knowledge for a full comprehension of the human body. It is targeted to healthcare students in need of a better understanding of human physiology to combine with their clinical training. The main objective of this book is to elucidate the organization and functioning of the major organs and systems with an emphasis on the applications of this knowledge on the daily clinical routine.°One of the main differences of this textbook that sets it apart from others is that it not only provides the information: it also contextualizes it. Every chapter starts introducing a case study that is related to the content that is going to be approached. At the end of the chapter, there is the conclusion of each case study, which presents the final diagnosis showing every step of the process. This context is essential so that, when the student faces this situation in the real-life clinic he or she will be able to deal with it efficiently. Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy & Physiology also has sections of questions to practice the knowledge that was obtained during the chapter, and the answers to each question are explained so no doubts remain after studying. All of this means that Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy & Physiology is a fully rounded book that combines information and practical applications, as well as questions that help the student to understand and retain all the information in a very efficient and effective way. This book has all the information you need to get started on your journey to learning about the human body.

Natural Behavior

Burton A. Weiss

Natural Behavior provides seminal insights into the evolution of animal and human behavior for enthusiasts of Comparative Psychology and Behavioral Biology. Evolution and the behavior of the animal kingdom are discussed with new concepts on science, learning and instinct, and population phenomena. Hominization, interaction with Neanderthals, how the brain evolved, and the impact on the World are described with new views.The origin of our scientific concepts and the trend away from the egocentric position, placing humans at the center of the universe, is considered, along with the status of religion and how the fit with science is positive. This volume carefully explains evolution and the central role of behavior in natural selection. The range of animal behavior from single cells to people is covered, as are, topics like European settling of the New World first, and the effects of humans on the planet.

The Hidden Musicians

Ruth Finnegan

<P>A landmark in the study of music and culture, this acclaimed volume documents the remarkable scope of amateur music-making in the English town of Milton Keynes. It presents in vivid detail the contrasting yet overlapping worlds of classical orchestras, church choirs, brass bands, amateur operatic societies, and amateur bands playing jazz, rock, folk, and country. Notable for its contribution to wider theoretical debates and its influential challenge to long-held assumptions about music and how to study it, the book focuses on the practices rather than the texts or theory of music, rejecting the idea that only selected musical traditions, «great names,» or professional musicians are worth studying. This opens the door to the invisible work put in by thousands of local people of diverse backgrounds, and how the pathways creatively trodden by amateur musicians have something to tell us about both urban living and what it is to be human. Now with a new preface by the author, this long-awaited reissue of The Hidden Musicians will bring its insights and innovations to a new generation of students and scholars.</P>

Canine and Feline Epilepsy

Luisa De Risio

Epilepsy is one of the most familiar chronic neurological diseases and is a common yet challenging presentation in veterinary surgeries. This book covers seizure pathogenesis, classifications, diagnostic investigations, emergency treatments and longer term treatments, with a large section on pharmacological intervention. Filling a considerable gap in the veterinary literature, it includes tables and charts for quick reference during emergencies. Seizures can be very distressing to animals and owners, yet not all seizures are the result of epilepsy, a neurological condition. This book discusses how to distinguish between epileptic and non-neurological seizures, and provides case studies to illustrate different occurrences of epilepsy.

Natural Environments and Human Health

Alan W Ewert

The role natural environments play in human health and wellbeing is attracting increasing attention. There is growing medical evidence that access to the natural environment can prevent disease, aid recovery, tackle obesity and improve mental health. This book examines the history of natural environments being used for stress-reduction, enjoyment, aesthetics and catharsis, and traces the development of the connection between humans and the environment, and how they impact our personal and collective health.

Veterinary Treatment of Pigs

Graham R Duncanson

* Practical focus covering everyday care and treatment of pigs * Describes diseases by body system to create an easy-to-use guide to pig treatment * Takes a worldwide approach – so covers poisons and diseases beyond the UK