· Includes marvelous details of working with horses, dogs, cattle, and other animals in the rugged terrain of the Rocky Mountains · Draws on years of study into the myths, scriptural references, spiritual teachings, and philosophy about animals and their relationship to humans · Explores Buddhist, Christian, Sufi, Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, and pagan teachings on animals · Builds on work of Rupert Sheldrake · A Kinship with All Life –style book for a new generation of readers · A scientist looks at magical beasts, clairvoyance, and mystical traditions about animals and what they might mean to humans
The global water and sanitation community is currently wrestling with the policy implications of two important realizations. The first is that it is quite possible for cities to actually run out of water–for the piped network to run dry. The second is that in many locations, basic water and sanitation interventions do not result in the large public health improvements that many water and sanitation professionals had hoped. As water and sanitation professionals work out the implications of these two realizations on policy and planning for water and sanitation improvements in the Global South, they will require an in-depth knowledge of local housing, water, and sanitation conditions, as well as a nuanced understanding of how households prioritize improvements in housing, water, and sanitation. The chapters in this book about Kathmandu illustrate the types of analyses of local conditions that are needed. Kathmandu holds many lessons for the global community about households’ responses to water scarcity and the management of water and sanitation services in periods of rapid urbanization and climate change. In Focus – a book series that showcases the latest accomplishments in water research. Each book focuses on a specialist area with papers from top experts in the field. It aims to be a vehicle for in-depth understanding and inspire further conversations in the sector.
Structure, Meaning and Ritual in the Narratives of the Southern San analyses texts drawn from the Bleek and Lloyd Archive _ arguably one of the most important collections for the understanding of South African cultural heritage and in particular the traditions of the /Xam, South Africa?s ?first people?. Initially appearing in a now rare 1986 edition and here re-issued for the first time, the doctoral thesis on which the book is based became the catalyst for much scholarly research. The book offers an analysis of the entire corpus of /Xam narratives found in the Bleek and Lloyd collection, focusing particularly on the cycle of narratives concerning the trickster /Kaggen (Mantis). These are examined on three levels from the ?deep structures? with resonances in other areas of /Xam culture and supernatural belief, through the recurring patterns of narrative composition apparent across the cycle and finally touching on the observable differences in the performances by the various /Xam collaborators.Hewitt?s text remains the only comprehensive and detailed study of /Xam narrative, and it has become itself the object of study by researchers and PhD candidates in South Africa, the United Kingdom, Canada and elsewhere. This new edition at last makes Hewitt?s important work more widely available. It will be a welcome addition to the recently burgeoning literature on the place of the /Xam hunter-gatherers in the complex history of South African culture and society.
«Осознанный гардероб» – это не просто руководство по стилю, это призыв к действию. Пора изменить индустрию моды, которая сильнее всех видов легкой промышленности загрязняет окружающую среду. И начать следует со своего шкафа! Из книги вы узнаете, как правильно избавляться от того, что вы перестали носить, превращая старую одежду в наличные; как выработать потребительские привычки в соответствии с вашим стилем жизни; почему модный лизинг – это новый тренд, что такое экологичная стирка, ответственные бренды и многое другое. В «Осознанном гардеробе» Элизабет рассказывает о том, как мы можем по-настоящему быть стильными, не принося при этом в жертву нашу планету.
<P><B>Winner of the Haitian Studies Association Excellence in Scholarship Award (2015)</B></P><P>Mainstream news coverage of the catastrophic earthquake of January 12, 2010, reproduced longstanding narratives of Haiti and stereotypes of Haitians. Cognizant that this Haiti, as it exists in the public sphere, is a rhetorically and graphically incarcerated one, the feminist anthropologist and performance artist Gina Athena Ulysse embarked on a writing spree that lasted over two years. As an ethnographer and a member of the diaspora, Ulysse delivers critical cultural analysis of geopolitics and daily life in a series of dispatches, op-eds and articles on post-quake Haiti. Her complex yet singular aim is to make sense of how the nation and its subjects continue to negotiate sovereignty and being in a world where, according to a Haitian saying, tout moun se moun, men tout moun pa menm (All people are human, but all humans are not the same). This collection contains thirty pieces, most of which were previously published in and on Haitian Times, Huffington Post, Ms Magazine, Ms Blog, NACLA, and other print and online venues. The book is trilingual (English, Krey&#242;l, and French) and includes a foreword by award-winning author and historian Robin D.G. Kelley.</P>
Человек биологически запрограммирован сопротивляться переменам: это ключ к его выживанию и одновременно препятствие на пути к полной реализации своего потенциала. На основании множества примеров из реальной жизни и свидетельств со стороны признанных теоретиков и практиков, автор предлагает свежий взгляд на природу сопротивления переменам и показывает, как его преодолеть, чтобы что-то изменить в своей жизни. Для широкого круга читателей.
From roof to table – urban food has reached new heights. Soaring prices and concerns about chemical-laden fruits and vegetables increasingly drive us to grow our own healthy food close to home. In cities, however, vanishing ground space and contaminated soils spur farmers, activists, and restaurateurs to look to the skyline for a solution. The hunger for local food has reached new heights, and rooftops can provide the space that cities need to bring fresh, organic produce to tables across North America. The first full-length book to focus entirely on rooftop agriculture, Eat Up views this growing movement through a practitioner's lens, explaining: Structural, access, and infrastructural considerations Zoning and building codes Proven growing techniques Business and marketing strategies This graphically rich guide provides inspiration and advice to aspiring growers through photographs of successful rooftop farms and gardens and interviews with industry professionals. Easy-to-use checklists and a decision tree are included to help gauge the viability of each unique rooftop opportunity. Essential reading for home gardeners, entrepreneurs, restaurateurs, policy makers, academics, and designers, Eat Up takes urban agriculture to a whole new level, proving that rooftop farming is not just pie in the sky—it is the future of urban food. Lauren Mandel holds a master's degree in landscape architecture from the University of Pennsylvania and a bachelor of arts degree in environmental science. She is a project manager and rooftop agriculture specialist at Roofmeadow, where she designs green roofs and oversees green roof and rooftop agriculture projects around the country.
The Ultimate Fly-Fishing Guide to the Smoky Mountains does more than any other book in print to bring success to a fishing trip. This newly updated landmark volume is an essential guide for anyone planning to fish the rivers, streams, and lakes in the Smokies – these fisheries are some of the greatest in the nation. For successful fly-fishing, this guide is as important as the right tackle.The first half of this guide offers advice and history. The second half examines each of the 13 watersheds found within the park. Don Kirk and Greg Ward provide information about trail access, fishing pressure and quality, species, fly hatch information, and campsite availability.
During recent years, environmental debate worldwide has been dominated by climate change, carbon emissions and eff orts to achieve low carbon economies. But a number of academic, technical, political, business and NGO initiatives indicate that there is a new wave of environmental attention focused on a wholly different set of subjects: namely that of natural capital, ecosystem services and biodiversity, or in other words, what Nature does for us. From recycling miracles in the soil to the abundant genetic codebook underpinning our food and pharmaceutical needs, Nature provides the ecosystem services that underlie our economies. This book is fi lled with immediately impactful stories of the challenges and grave problems that we face; as well as with tales that reveal the promise of more enlightened activity. Tony Juniper’s book will change the way you think about life, the planet and the economy.