The adventures of a German sub. Inspired by real life events. Gregor* asks for a meeting. Wishes to have a conversation. So, after all this time, he does get in touch and even wants to see Hanna*. This surprises her, but she agrees. He decides on the spot: Hanna's and his favorite café, of all places. She doesn't really feel comfortable with the idea of seeing him again, but of course she goes. Reluctantly. She would prefer to avoid the situation. What else is there to say? A return is no longer possible anyway. Or is it? Hanna knows what she wants and simply hopes not to regret listening to him again. But what he has to say to her, she doesn't like at all. This has consequences. After the conversation, she's completely lost and fate spins its threads. Actually, she just wants to get away quickly, but then it comes to a dicey situation – and when it's a matter of life and death, everything changes. Decisions made are reconsidered, priorities questioned. And so Gregor gets another chance to tell his side of the story. But contrary to Hanna's hopes, there is no misunderstanding. On the contrary, Gregor is very clear about what he wants, and Hanna literally breaks down over it. She has never felt this way before. Her heart is in shambles. She mourns him; her lover, her friend, her master. She will never feel him again, never be close to him again… will she? Why does she have to go through this now too? Everything is hard enough right now and Berlin is not what it used to be for her anymore… The sixteenth part of the 20-part short story about Sub Hanna, her Dom Gregor and her passionate *Names of people and places in this book have been changed