The Ice Queen (Musaicum Christmas Specials). Ernest Ingersoll

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The Ice Queen (Musaicum Christmas Specials)

Год выпуска 0

isbn 4064066384920

Автор произведения Ernest Ingersoll

Жанр Книги для детей: прочее


Издательство Bookwire

Musaicum Books presents the Musaicum Christmas Specials. We have selected the greatest Christmas novels, short stories and fairy tales for this joyful and charming holiday season, for all those who want to keep the spirit of Christmas alive with a heartwarming tale. Alex Kincaid is an eighteen year old orphan boy who takes care of his younger brother and sister by working at the factory. However, when factory burns to the ground, Alex is forced to move with his siblings to their uncle's house in Cleveland. They decide to skate their across the frozen Great Lakes, pulling behind them a boat loaded with supplies, alone but for the company of their good friend, Tug, an adept trapper. They have to deal with the extreme cold, partial starvation, being snowed in, an attention of wild dogs and the danger of being cut adrift on floating ice.