Montana Homecoming. Jillian Hart

Короткие любовные романы. Mills & Boon Love Inspired

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Montana Homecoming

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781408981092

Автор произведения Jillian Hart

Жанр Короткие любовные романы

Серия Mills & Boon Love Inspired

Издательство HarperCollins

A PLACE TO HEAL That’s all Brooke McKaslin yearns for. She’s returned to Montana on family business, hoping to leave behind her past. And to shield the secret she carries. She’s not planning on staying long—until she begins working for reporter Liam Knightly. Liam is handsome, good-hearted—and as leery of relationships as Brooke is.Even as they realize how much they have in common, Brooke fears a threat to their growing love. Will her secret stand in the way of their happiness?The McKaslin Clan: Ensconced in a quaint Montana town, the McKaslins rejoice in the powerful bonds of faith, family…and forever love.