Decoded. Debra Webb

Зарубежные детективы.

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Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781472035745

Автор произведения Debra Webb

Жанр Зарубежные детективы


Издательство HarperCollins

Slade Keaton was the man Maggie James fell in love with…until she learned he was a lie. Escaping a hit meant for him, she found herself on the run–fleeing a danger she couldn't comprehend with a man she couldn't trust. And pregnant with his baby.Though he'd had dozens of aliases, Slade couldn't forget who he was–the son of a merciless assassin named the Dragon. He'd kept out of his mother's reach for years till a Colby Agency investigation put him–and Maggie–on her radar. Now, could Slade become the very thing he hated in order to save the woman and child he loved?