The Beach of Atonement. Arthur W. Upfield


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The Beach of Atonement

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781925416503

Автор произведения Arthur W. Upfield

Жанр Контркультура


Издательство Ingram

This is the story of a man who shot his wife's lover and thus created a memory which wrecked his own life. Arnold Dudley loved his wife and killed the man who stole her from him. Hunted by justice, pursued by bitter remorse, he fled to a stretch of beach on the Australian coast and lived in utter loneliness. When almost driven to madness by the solitude, he meets two women, who strive to re-build his broken life…<br /> <br />First published in 1930, by the creator of Bony, the Aboriginal detective.