20,000 Collisions Waiting to Happen.<br><br>That's what faces America's driving population each and every day. No wonder. An exploding population of poorly-trained, overconfident, aggressive drivers cram themselves into a barely-growing network of pavement. That's why crashes shut down parts of our metropolitan arteries almost daily. It's why bad weather always brings a spike in the number of incidents. And it's why driving remains the most dangerous thing most of us do in our lives. <br><br>The Driving Challenge was written to help reduce the odds that you'll be involved in one of those 20,000 daily collisions. It is drawn from Phil Berardelli's years of painstaking observations and research, and from his own experiences as a reformed aggressive driver. Just as in Safe Young Drivers, his acclaimed book for parents and teens, Phil provides sound advice and simple rules that can make a big difference in your safety – starting with the next time you slip behind the wheel. <br><br>You can be safer and happier on the road. All it requires is a willingness to change – to refuse to accept the status quo on the roads any longer.