How to Understand the Mind. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso


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How to Understand the Mind

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781906665838

Автор произведения Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

Жанр Здоровье


Издательство Ingram

This book offers us deep insight into our mind, and shows how an understanding of its nature and functions can be used practically in every day experience to improve our lives.
Part 1 is a practical guide to developing and maintaining a light, positive mind – showing how to recognize and abandon states of mind that arms us, and to replace them with peaceful and beneficial ones.
Part 2 describes different types of mind in detail, revealing the depth and profundity of the Buddhist understanding of the mind. It concludes with a detailed explanation of meditation, showing how by controlling and transforming our mind we can attain a lasting state of joy, independent of external conditions.