The Doctor Wore Boots. Debra Webb

Современные любовные романы.

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The Doctor Wore Boots

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Автор произведения Debra Webb

Жанр Современные любовные романы


Издательство HarperCollins

Ty Cooper had never been anything more than a big brother to Leanne Watley. Until he returned from his business trip. One look and pow! Leanne's heart couldn't stop pounding. One kiss and swoon! she was floored with desire…. Who was this man who claimed to be Ty Cooper?Dex Montgomery hadn't planned to fall in love. Especially not with his twin brother's beautiful neighbor. The sweetest young woman in Montana was a breath of fresh air to the big-city doctor. But Leanne thought she was falling for the man she was expected to marry. Could Dex stop himself before he lost his heart forever?