Andrey Tikhomirov

Список книг автора Andrey Tikhomirov

    The Slavdom. Indo-European Migrations

    Andrey Tikhomirov

    Slavic peoples are based on Slavic languages that belong to the Indo-European language family. Modern Slavs are divided into 3 groups: eastern, southern and western. Slavic languages are especially close to the group of Baltic languages, even a special Slavic-Baltic community (2—1 millennia BC) stands out. In even more ancient times, Slavic languages (4—3 millennia BC) were most likely closely associated with Iranian languages.

    The Celts. Indo-European Migrations

    Andrey Tikhomirov

    The Celts, a vast group of Indo-European tribes, whose settlement territory in the second half of the first millennium BC stretched from the British Isles to Asia Minor. The Celts already lived in the 2nd half of 1 thousand BC in the territory of modern Western Europe. They were from the ancient Indo-European community, which earlier than other Indo-Europeans moved west – to Europe. Brief data in Scots Gaelic and Welsh.

    Ethnogenesis of the Turkic peoples. Languages, peoples, migrations, customs

    Andrey Tikhomirov

    The Turkic peoples are formed on a vast space in the Altai Mountains. In the process of development of Turkic peoples – their carriers, dialects and languages were formed, characterized by similarities – as a result of the unity of their origin and by differences, which are explained by the collapse of the common base language into dialects, and then into separate languages and groups of languages. Brief data in Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Chuvash, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tatar, Turkish and Uzbek languages.

    The Semites. Languages, peoples, migrations, customs

    Andrey Tikhomirov

    The book tells about languages, peoples, migration movements of Semitic peoples. About how a Semitic community arises, the emergence of beliefs, customs, rites, rituals. Various historical and ethnographic sources of different times are involved. Short data in Amharic, Arabic, Hebrew and Maltese.

    The Romanic peoples. Indo-European migrations

    Andrey Tikhomirov

    The book talks about the ancient migratory movements of the Romanic peoples after they left their original Indo-European home, the southern region of the Ural steppe, the Black Sea.

    Soome-ugri rahvad. Keeled, ränne, toll

    Andrey Tikhomirov

    Raamat räägib keeltest, rahvastest, soome-ugri rahvaste rändeliikumistest, soome-ugri kogukonna tekkimisest, uskumuste kujunemisest, tavadest, riitustest, rituaalidest. Kaasatud on erinevad eri aegade ajaloolised ja etnograafilised allikad. Antud on mõnede soome-ugri keelte lühike grammatika.

    Suomalais-ugrilaiset kansat. Kielet, muuttoliike, tulli

    Andrey Tikhomirov

    Kirja kertoo kielistä, kansoista, suomalais-ugrilaisten kansojen muuttoliikkeistä, miten suomalais-ugrilainen yhteisö syntyy, uskomusten muodostumisesta, tapoista, riitoista, rituaaleista. Mukana on useita eri aikoja koskevia historiallisia ja etnografisia lähteitä. Joidenkin suomalais-ugrilaisten kielten lyhyt kielioppi on annettu.

    Finnugor népek. Nyelvek, migráció, vámhatóság

    Andrey Tikhomirov

    A könyv a nyelvekről, népekről, a finnugor népek vándorlási mozgásairól, a finnugor közösség kialakulásának módjáról, a hiedelmek, szokások, rítusok, rituálék kialakulásáról szól. Különböző történeti és etnográfiai források szerepelnek különböző időpontokban. Néhány finnugor nyelv rövid ismertetése található.

    Các dân tộc Nam Á. Ngôn ngữ, Di cư, Hải quan

    Andrey Tikhomirov

    Cuốn sách kể về ngôn ngữ, dân tộc, các phong trào di cư của các dân tộc Nam Á, về cách cộng đồng Nam Á phát sinh, về sự hình thành tín ngưỡng, phong tục, nghi lễ, nghi lễ. Nhiều nguồn lịch sử và dân tộc học của các thời điểm khác nhau có liên quan. Ngữ pháp ngắn gọn của một số ngôn ngữ Nam Á được cung cấp.

    Orang indonesia. Bahasa, Migrasi, Bea Cukai

    Andrey Tikhomirov

    Buku ini menceritakan tentang bahasa, orang, pergerakan migrasi orang Indonesia, tentang bagaimana komunitas Indonesia (Melayu) muncul, tentang pembentukan kepercayaan, adat, ritus, ritual. Berbagai sumber sejarah dan etnografi dari waktu yang berbeda terlibat. Tata bahasa singkat dari beberapa bahasa Indonesia (Melayu) diberikan.