Доктор Адамс оправляется вглубь Центральной Африки, чтобы спасти сына, которого держат в плену дикари жестокого племени. На помощь приходит старый друг – профессор-археолог Хиггс. Его привлекает возможность найти и разгадать загадки древности. Также в экспедицию отправляются капитан Орм и сержант Квик. Четверых британцев ждут неизведанные земли, поиски затерянного царства Мур, знакомство с горным народом абати, которым правит великолепная и отважная женщина, носящая титул Дочь царей. Неужели она – наследница царицы Савской? Какую тайну скрывают старинные письмена на ее перстне? И поможет ли древний талисман народу абати и его правительнице избежать страшной опасности?.. Также в книгу вошла повесть «Черное сердце и Белое сердце».
She is the story of Cambridge professor Horace Holly and his ward Leo Vincey, and their journey to a lost kingdom in the African interior. The journey is triggered by a mysterious package left to Leo by his father, to be opened on his 25th birthday; the package contains an ancient shard of pottery and several documents, suggesting an ancient mystery about the Vincey family. Holly and Leo eventually arrive in eastern Africa where they encounter a primitive race of natives and a mysterious white queen, Ayesha, who reigns as the all-powerful «She» or "She-who-must-be-obeyed".
Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set in exotic locations, predominantly Africa, and the creator of the Lost World literary genre. Queen of the Dawn is about the overthrow of the Hyksos and reinstatement of the rightful pharaonic line.
When the ship that Andrew and Clara are on, en route to Oceania, founders after striking an iceberg in the south Indian Ocean, and Andrew fetches up, with his manservant, on the desolate Marion Island, around 1,500 miles southeast of the Cape of Good Hope. It is there that Andrew finds the true love of his life, Mary, who had been shipwrecked on the island some 15 years before and who had been living there alone.
The youthful Allan Quatermain is bound for strange adventures, in the company of the ill-fated Pieter Retief and the Boer Commission, on an embassy to the Zulu despot, Dingaan. Yet he is bound, too, for one of the deepest romances of his life – for in Marie he tells of his courtship and marriage to his first wife, Marie Marais.
The author of adventures as King Solomon’s Mines and She turns to domestic drama in this romance. Joan is a shop girl of illegitimate birth a single mother at the same time. Torn from the love of country-dwelling Captain Henry Graves, Joan endures exile with a Dickensian London family, and pursuit by a Victorian-era stalker.
In Elissa Henry Rider Haggard takes his readers to the Phoenician city in South Central Africa the mysterious ruins of which have been the subject of so much speculation and research in the recent past. A trading town, protected by vast fortifications and adorned with many temples dedicated to the gods of the Sidonians, was built by civilized men in the heart of Africa may not be accurately known, but there is ample room for speculation as to the life of the ancient city, and in this romance the author has tried to picture incidents such as might have accompanied the first extinction of Zimbabwe.
A confessional narrative from a mad scientist Dr. Therne obsessed with one of the great issues of his day… in this case, vaccination against epidemic diseases like smallpox. His personal fears meet the tragic legacy of other doctors’ careless ignorance and spawn a malignant crusade against vaccination that will ultimately create many more victims. Henry Rider Haggard writes to alarm and educate his public, and creates a very engaging villain to carry his message.
Philip Caresfoot is all but promised to marry the local heiress, Maria Lee. They are both to inherit small fortunes in their own right. And thus their marriages to each other would make an ever wealthier household. However, when Hilda, a noblewoman with no wealth of her own, arrives in town to become Maria's companion, Philip begins to fall in love with her. They have an affair when Philip is sent away to Oxford and they marry in secret. When Philip returns to his home, his father inquires about his relationship with Maria Lee. Philip tells him that Maria Lee and himself are engaged. How will he keep all his lies together and still inherit the land and money from his father?
Бесстрашный охотник Аллан Квотермейн по прозвищу Макумазан, что означает «человек, который встает после полуночи», никогда не любил сырости и чопорности родной Англии, предпочитая жаркий пыльный простор африканского вельда; его влекли неизведанные, полные опасностей земли Черного континента, где живут простодушные и жестокие, как все дети природы, люди, где бродят стада диких буйволов и рычат по ночам свирепые львы. Вот эта жизнь была по нраву Квотермейну – любимому герою замечательного писателя Генри Райдера Хаггарда, который посвятил отважному охотнику множество книг. Цикл приключений Аллана Квотермейна продолжают «Священный цветок», «Чудовище по имени Хоу-Хоу», «Она и Аллан», «Сокровище озера». Эти произведения выходят в новых или дополненных переводах, с сохранением примечаний английских издателей. Книга иллюстрирована классическими рисунками Мориса Грайфенхагена и замечательной графикой Елены Шипицыной.