A Christmas gift she can’t refuse…Billionaire Niccolo Da Conti has everything a man could want – the money, the cars, the business empire – but seeing the unbearably enticing Alannah Collins again has sparked his possessive streak. He’ll hire her, seduce her, and cross her off his wish list once and for all!Alannah knows the danger of working too closely with the sensual Sicilian but she’d be a fool to refuse his help launching her business. Now, with Niccolo ruthlessly trying to seduce her under the mistletoe, her every defence is threatened. Can she stop him from unwrapping the truths she’s fought to conceal?Christmas In Da Conti’s Bed 4 ½ * RT Book ReviewKendrick’s romance is a war of wills between her charismatic hero and infamous, insecure heroine. Set in the lavish laps of New York and London, her mesmerizing narrative epitomizes raw powerful emotions. The seductive Italian words used for wooing are awesome!No one does Christmas like Kendrick! Passion, power, and seduction all beautifully wrapped up within the pages of a book that will be the most enjoyable, delightful Christmas present you could get! Gorgeous brooding heroes meet fabulous fiery heroines in an explosion of intense desire that will make it almost impossible to put her books down!Follow Sharon on twitter for her latest news: @Sharon KendrickPraise for Sharon KendrickThe Greek’s Marriage Bargain – 4 ½ * RT TOP PICK Book ReviewKendrick’s couple radiates combative emotion and plays their roles well, and the ultimate opulent backdrop drips wealth as her beautiful and visual writing tells a marvelous tale. A Scandal, a Secret, a Baby – 4 1/2 * RT Book Review:It’s fun to watch these two dynamic personalities fall in love again in Kendrick’s emotionally explosive second-chance romance, filled with hot love scenes and lots of drama.Add a fabulous Sharon Kendrick book to your collection!
Not just a chemical attraction… Sicilian Husband, Unexpected BabyWhen Emma’s billionaire Sicilian husband found out she was practically infertile, their marriage was over.But, back in England, Emma discovered she was pregnant! As a single mother unable to pay her bills, she had only one option: Vincenzo.A Tainted BeautyMerciless businessman Ciro D’Angelo knows Lily Scott’s vulnerable sweetness and old-fashioned values are what he needs in a wife. But on their wedding night Ciro realises that Lily isn’t the pure bride he expected. Is their marriage over before it’s begun?Marriage Scandal, Showbiz Baby!The world’s most glamorous couple, Jennifer Warren and Matteo D’Arezzo, are at their latest premiere – despite having just split up! Watching their steamy movie together sparks unstoppable passion with life-changing consequences.
Feisty Real-Life Cinderellas Need Real Men!Playing the Greek's GameWhen hotel magnate Zak Constantinides hears his London designer has dug her claws into his brother, he transfers her to New York! Annoyed by her impossibly arrogant boss, Emma can’t resist! She’ll be every bit as bad as he thinks she is…The Forbidden InnocentAfter a childhood in care, Ashley Jones desperately needs her new live-in job and she is filled with trepidation when she meets formidable Jack Marchant. Her heart goes out to him. Then one private kiss becomes a passionate affair…Too Proud to be BoughtWilful waitress Zara Evans doesn’t belong in glittering high society. That is until she finds herself unexpectedly at an exclusive party and manages to captivate the most sought-after man in the room – Russian oligarch Nikolai Komarov.
An irresistible proposal…Tired of media scrutiny Princess Sophia is going under cover as a chef. Little does she know that fleeing from her royal world will place her under the devastatingly searing gaze of notorious billionaire Rafe Carter…*Isabella’s first love affair ended in disaster. Pregnant and alone, she flees to the only man she trusts, Paulo Dantas. Paulo feels honour-bound to help his friend, and claiming paternity is the only way. But Isabella’s family expect Paulo and Isabella to marry….*Recovering from an accident playboy Luis Martinez is bored and frustrated. He wants sweet housekeeper Carly Connor to nurse him back to health! When Luis whisks her away to his villa in the south of France, will she be able to resist temptation?
One sinful night… THE ROYAL BABY REVELATIONKing Casimiro harbours a secret – a devastating accident left his memory clouded. And Casimiro himself cannot answer why Melissa Maguire, the enigmatic English rose before him, stirs such feelings in him… until he’s told he has an heir!BACK IN THE HEADLINESAs part of a girl band, Roxanne Carmichael was used to the high life. But now she’s cleaning floors for the Duke of Torchester! Titus’s new chambermaid is threatening his iron self-control; to get her out of his system he will take her to his bed!A SCANDAL, A SECRET, A BABYDante D’Arezzo is the last person songwriter Justina Perry wants to see at her best friend’s wedding. The wickedly sexy Italian is ruthless. He broke her heart once and she vows not to surrender to his insatiable desire again.But what Dante wants… he gets!
Tik meilė įveikia visas kliūtis. Kadaise Lukas Sarantosas dirbo vieno iš turtingiausių pasaulio žmonių asmens sargybiniu. Dabar jis yra griežtas kompanijos prezidentas, pats turintis apsaugininkų. O naujausias Luko pirkinys pagaliau leis jam atsikeršyti Džesikai Kartrait – vienintelei moteriai, kuri jį atstūmė. Anksčiau Džesika buvo ne jo nosiai, o šiandien ji Luko prabangių juvelyrinių dirbinių kompanijos veidas. Galėdamas vadovauti Džesikai, jis mėgaujasi kiekviena akimirka! Kol priblėsusios jų ankstesnių santykių žarijos vėl įžiebia ugnį ir Lukas ima kai ką suprasti. Ši mergina – pats vertingiausias jo kolekcijos brangakmenis…
Kukli padavėja ir rusų milijardierius… Padavėja Zara Evans nepriklauso aukštuomenei. Tačiau vieną dieną ji netikėtai atsiduria ypatingiems svečiams skirtame pobūvyje ir patraukia svajonių jaunikio, rusų oligarcho Nikolajaus Komarovo, dėmesį. Nikolajus pastebi išskirtinį Zaros grožį prabangiais drabužiais pasidabinusių ir tikrais brangakmeniais apsikarsčiusių svečių minioje. Iš patirties jis žino, kad visos moterys turi kainą, bet dar niekada nebuvo sutikęs tokios kaip Zara – jaunos, išdidžios, nepriklausomos ir užsispyrusios merginos, kuri nesileidžia perkama…
Aštuonių knygų serija „Sicilijos Korečiai“. Penkta knyga. Impulsyvi ir nesustabdoma. Ar pavyks šeichui sutramdyti Koreti? Roza Koreti negali pamiršti vienintelės neapdairios nakties, kurią ji praleido su Kulalu, kai pamynusi gėdą atsidavė netramdomai aistrai. Dabar šis kietaširdis nori ją valdyti. Roza per ilgai buvo gera mergaitė, kad pabėgusi iš vieno auksinio narvelio savo noru užsidarytų kitame. Kad ir kaip ryškiai šis spindėtų. Bet kuo labiau Roza priešinasi, tuo karščiau Kulalo venose kunkuliuoja kraujas – vyras nežada atsitraukti. Ar arogantiškasis šeichas, apakintas deginančios aistros, įstengs susitaikyti su impulsyvia Koreti prigimtimi?
Aštuonių knygų serija „Balforų šeimos paveldėtojos“. Antra knyga. Ketė Balfor išsiunčiama į Karloso Gereros jachtą. Bet tik gavusi prijuostę susivokia, kad čia atvyko ne žaisti, o dirbti! Nutrūktgalvis verslininkas Karlosas – tikra mįslė. Įstrigusi jūros viduryje su patraukliausiu ir galingiausiu kada nors sutiktu vyru, Ketė pasijunta įklimpusi kiek per giliai. Karlosą naujoji tarnaitė žavi – jis tikrai pristatys ją prie darbo, nors kur kas mieliau pasiguldytų į lovą! Bet pirmiausia jam reikia sutramdyti šią įnoringą gražuolę…
Kalėdinė dovana, kurios ji nepajėgs atsisakyti… Milijardierius Nikolas da Kontis turi viską: pinigų, automobilių, verslo imperiją, bet vėl išvydus žaviąją Alaną Kolins pabunda savininkiškumas. Nikolas apsisprendžia: ją pasamdys, sugundys ir visiems laikams išbrauks iš norų sąrašo! Dirbti su jausminguoju siciliečiu labai pavojinga – Alana puikiai tai supranta, bet būtų kvailė, jei nepasinaudotų siūloma verslo galimybe. Tačiau kai Nikolas imasi beatodairiškai ją gundyti, kyla rimta grėsmė susipainioti tarp verslo ir malonumų.