Barbara Cartland

Список книг автора Barbara Cartland

    A Feiticeira de Olhos Azuis

    Barbara Cartland

    Os aldeões enfurecidos arrastavam a pobre mulher pela estrada poeirenta. Acreditavam que ela era uma bruxa e teria que passar pelo teste do lago. Ela seria jogada dentro d'água, amarrada. Se ela afundasse e se afogasse, era inocente. Se flutuasse, era a própria imagem do mal e eles a matariam. Assim se fazia justiça naquela região bárbara. Felizmente o Marquês conseguiu convencer a multidão a soltá-la. Achou-a bonita demais, muito jovem e inocente demais, para ser uma feiticeira. No entanto, aquela beleza exótica de cabelos negros e de impressionantes olhos azuis, começou a enfeitiçá-lo de tal forma, como nunca nenhuma outra mulher tinha conseguido. Será que este amor seria um feitiço, fruto de bruxaria ou seria uma verdadeira paixão, magia pura de um amor autêntico e real?

    Love and The Marquis

    Barbara Cartland

    Now she is sixteen and a half, the beautiful young Lady Imeldra is eager to leave school and resume her exciting life with her father, the Earl of Kingsclere. He is renowned in Society as something of a 'man about town', but when he goes on his frequent extensive travels round the world, he always takes Imeldra with him and she just loves being with her father. She is dismayed when he announces that his rather decadent lifestyle is not conducive to the necessary task of presenting Imeldra to Society and at Court and finding her an appropriate suitor for her hand in marriage. And he is intending to send her to live with her strait-laced and disapproving grandmother, where she will lead a very dull and formal life Rebelling, she enlists the help of an old family friend, William Gladwin, who is currently building an ornate orangery at the neighbouring estate of Marizon and passes herself off as Mr. Gladwin's grand-daughter so that she can stay at Marizon and perhaps explore the house that is renowned for its superb collection of pictures by great artists. Although the house and its estate is incomparable in its beauty and grandeur and its brooding cynical Master, the Marquis of Marizon, is equally handsome, Imeldra has the distinct feeling that something is amiss and that the Marquis is hiding some dark secret from everyone around him including her. And, seeking to know more of the mysterious Marquis, she finds to her surprise that she has fallen in love.

    Wer die Leidenshaft flieht

    Barbara Cartland

    Leidenschaftlich verliebt in Lucien de Sardou, einem französischen Aristokraten, entflieht Fleur Garton der engstirnigen englischen Heimat um mit ihm im herrlichen Chateau zu leben – aber ihr Glück ist von kurzer Dauer. Als Krieg ausbricht, ist Lucien unter den ersten Opfern, tapfer sein Heimatland als Pilot verteidigend. Allein zurückgeblieben mit Luciens Mutter bleibt Fleur im Château bis sie vor den Deutschen die Flucht ergreifen muss und eine risikoreiche Heimreise beginnt mit unerwarteten Folgen. Daheim in England ist sie wurzellos und findet eine Stellung im Hause des Motorenkönigs Sir Norman Mitcham. Wird sie ihren Weg finden?

    Schiff der Versuchung

    Barbara Cartland

    Der Marquis von Oakenshaw wird vom Außenminister gebeten, nach Siam zu reisen, um den dortigen König zu beruhigen, der über den Grenzstreit zwischen Britannien und Frankreich besorgt ist. Der Marquis, ein eleganter, reicher und gutaussehender Junggeselle, bittet einige Freunde, ihn auf seiner Yacht zu begleiten, darunter auch die neueste Schönheit der Gesellschaft – Lady Bradwell. Im letzten Augenblick vor der Abreise von Lady Bradwell, die die Einladung mit Begeisterung angenommen hat, fällt durch einen Unfall deren Zofe aus. Ihre Kusine Tarina, zwar ebenfalls bildschön, aber bettelarm, erklärt sich bereit, sie unter einem Decknamen zu begleiten. Tarina lernt zum ersten Mal die Intrigen und Verlockungen der großen Gesellschaft kennen, und erhebt ihre Augen sehnsuchtsvoll zu den Sternen.

    Stand and Deliver your Heart

    Barbara Cartland

    Neil, the handsome Earl of Wynstock, is expected back from the English Army of Occupation in France where he has been with the Duke of Wellington since the Battle of Waterloo. And the people of his estate, Wyn Park, await his return to them impatiently. Vanda Charlton, his beautiful childhood neighbour, waits with more concern than the others because, unbeknown to anyone else, a dangerous gang of highwaymen have moved into the West wing of the Earl's ancestral home after intimidating and threatening the caretaker and his wife. Vanda fears that on the Earl's return the highwaymen will capture him and hold him to ransom. Intercepting him at a local inn, she warns the Earl and persuades him to enlist the support of the soldiers at the local Barracks. But before the Military can implement their plan of action, the ruthless renegades kidnap Vanda, threatening to kill her if they do not receive one thousand pounds by the next morning. Disguised in a highwayman's mask, the Earl arrives in the enemy's woodland camp in the dead of night with a cunning plan to rescue Vanda. Posing as another highwayman he enlists the local Parson and stages a Wedding claiming that he is marrying Vanda for her huge fortune, which he promises to share with the villains. Little do they, or even Vanda herself, know that he is as deeply in love with Vanda as she is with him. And that this marriage is completely legal and utterly real!

    Estrella Fugitiva

    Barbara Cartland

    Cuando Grace volvió su exquisito rostro para mirar a Lord Damien, él dijo con una voz temblorosa:'' Por el amor de Dios, no me mires así … tú que eres tan pura, tan perfecto, tan inocente… cuando te veo, sé que debo irme. ¡Vete!'' Ella repitió: « Pero no entiendo…» y él le dijo '' No puedo verte más. Está mal para ti y es un infierno para mí ''. Grace anhelaba acunar su cabeza entre sus brazos. «Tú has sufrido», murmuró, «pero tal vez yo pueda hacerte feliz». Lord Damien se protegió el rostro de sus ojos suplicantes. «Grace…» dijo, y su voz era áspera, «Piensa en cómo sería nuestra vida con todas las puertas del Condado cerradas contra nosotros, con todas las personas decentes señalandonos con el dedo,,,». ¿De verdad crees que mi amor por ti, es tan débil que te sacrificaría, en lugar de a mí mismo? Grace nunca había visto a un hombre tan determinadi y decidido. "Mi decisión está tomada. Me iré mañana…" dijo Lord Damien. ¿Será que este amor vencerá las convenciones sociales? ¿Irá Lord Damien sacrificar el amor de su vida ?

    The Hidden Evil

    Barbara Cartland

    At her father's request and on the instructions of the Royal Council of Scotland, flame-haired young Scottish beauty, Sheena McCraggan, sails in Junre1554 to France to become a companion to the fourteen-year-old Mary Stuart – Mary Queen of Scots – at the Court of the French King Henri II. Once there she is to report on the young Queen's intentions and those of the French Court regarding the future of Scotland and specifically whether it will support Mary's rightful accession to the Throne of England. When she arrives, Sheena finds that her mission is far more difficult and dangerous than anyone at her home had ever imagined. She is overwhelmed by the intrigues of the Courtiers and everybody seems to be hating everyone else in a very unhappy Palace. Not only is the French Court a seething nest of depravity and corruption, the deceitful aristocrats close to King Henri exploit innocent young Sheena in an evil Black Magic plot to ensnare him. Amid the darkness, as she finds herself prone on the Satanic sacrificial Altar, the one light of hope is the Duc de Salvoire to whom Sheena has lost her heart. But will God answer her prayers and send him to her rescue in time to save her soul?

    Two Hearts in Hungary

    Barbara Cartland

    Hoping to surprise and impress the horse-loving Empress Elisabeth of Austria during her imminent visit to his ancestral home, the Duke of Buclington decides that he must invest in some of the best thoroughbred Hungarian horses. He had planned to take his lovely young daughter, Lady Aletha, to Hungary with him to buy them, but, when Queen Victoria sends him on an important errand to Denmark, he is then forced to send in her place his equestrian stalwart, Mr. James Heywood. Bitterly disappointed by this as she loves her father, Aletha slips away, secretly intending to catch up with Mr. Heywood on the Calais to Vienna train when it is too late for him to order her back to England. Beautiful as she is, she quickly attracts the unwanted attentions of a lecherous German traveller, but luckily a flabbergasted Mr. Heywood comes to her rescue just in time. After much cajoling, he is persuaded not to return her to her father but to take her with him, pretending that she is his granddaughter. Their mission is a great success. They find all the superlative horses that they were seeking, but Aletha loses her heart to a handsome and charming Hungarian Prince. And it seems that her deceit will become her undoing when he tells her that he can never marry her because she is not of noble blood.

    A Noiva Americana

    Barbara Cartland

    O imenso gramado do Castelo havia sido enfeitado com centenas de vasos de flores. Guirlandas de fitas, pendiam das árvores num festival de cores… e Seldon, o Duque de Otternburn, contemplava, profundamente angustiado o cenário do seu casamento. A farsa seria completa… seria ele, o noivo, dono de um título e de um Castelo, mas sem um níquel no bolso. Havia a sogra, uma arquimilionária americana, que andava à procura de um nobre, que trouxesse sangue azul para a sua família plebeia. E a noiva? Dali a alguns minutos os seus destinos estariam irremediavelmente unidos para sempre, e Seldon apercebia-se agora que nem sequer havia visto o rosto suave e belo da sua futura esposa… que Destino lhe estaria reservado? Afinal, o que poderia esperar deste casamento? Mal sabia o Duque, as surpresas que lhe aguardavam a seguir…