Ein Roman aus der schillernden Welt Chinas zur Zeit des Boxeraufstandes. Stanton Ware, ein englischer Major, ist in geheimer Mission unterwegs, um die von den Boxern drohende Gefahr abzuwenden. Begleitet wird er von Zivana, Tochter eines emigrierten russischen Prinzen, einer bildhübschen und hochintelligenten Frau. Aus dem Team zur Erledigung der bisweilen äußerst schwierigen und lebensgefährlichen Rettungsmission wird allmählich ein verliebtes Paar…
Fábia ajoelhou-se no chão, de mãos postas e cabeça baixa. Escondido na semi-escuridão do quarto, o Duque a observava, fascinado. De repente, notou que ela estava envolta numa luz estranha, que não vinha da lua, mas sim qualquer coisa… sobrenatural! E então, ele compreendeu tudo o que, sempre tinha negado. Como Fábia costumava dizer, havia uma espécie de magia, naquela casa. As vibrações dos seus antepassados, os que lá moraram, permaneciam ali, continuavam no ar e foram essas forças misteriosas que o traíram, pois era ironia do destino, depois de tantos anos de ausência, acabar por encontrar naquela casa, a mulher que lhe estava destinada…,
Although Scottish born and bred, beautiful young Vara McDorn speaks with a refined English accent thanks to her education in the South, which is why she is called upon to become Reader to the new Chieftain of the McDorn Clan, who has been blinded by an Indian Fakir's curse while protecting the Viceroy at a Fort on the North-West Frontier of India. Troubled by his affliction and frustrated by his inability to understand the local Scots' brogue, the Chieftain, the Earl of Dornoch, soon comes to rely on Vara as his tutor in the customs and attitudes of his people as well as being his eyes on the estate. And, although he is terse and resentful at first, Vara finds herself warming to this haughtily handsome Nobleman. After taking him on an adventure that she hopes will restore his sight, Vara catches Hamish, the Earl's murderous relative, a rival for the title of Chieftain, attempting to stifle him with a pillow over his face and shoots him with her revolver, saving the Earl's life. Already Vara knows that she is in love with the Earl, but even as she prays frantically for his blindness to be cured, she frets and worries that he could be disappointed when finally he is able to see her.
When their father, the Duke of Northallerton, offers his daughter Caroline's hand in marriage to his neighbour, the Duke of Lynchester, purely as a means of settling once and for all an ancient land dispute, she is appalled. Not only because she does not love the Duke but also because she is already madly in love with another, the charming and handsome Edward Dalkirk. Desperate to help her older sister, the aptly named young 'elfin' beauty, Lady Elfa Allerton, secretly waylays the Duke of Lynchester in his chaise and begs him to marry her instead and to leave her sister free for the man who she truly loves and adores. Elfa from her childhood is fascinated by woods and goes to a wood to talk to the trees and immerses herself in the magic all around her and in times of difficulty she prays to the God of trees, Sylvanos, for his help and guidance and he always helps her. Something about this young woman, Elfa, fascinates the Duke and reluctantly he agrees to do as she asks of him. And despite the constant attentions of Society beauty, Isobel, the Countess of Walshingham, who is determined to keep him for herself, the Duke finds himself becoming enchanted by Elfa's quiet intelligence, innocence and beauty – just as she is spellbound by him.
Quando o austero e reservado Drue, o Duque de Warminster, é questionado por um criado de uma estalagem escocesa, para ver se daria uma carona a uma velhinha cuja carruagem quebrou, ele concorda embora um tanto relutante Mas entretanto, ele fica indignado ao descobrir que a frágil velhinha é uma jovem beleza ruiva chamada Jabina, que fugiu de casa e teve um casamento obrigado concertado por seu pai. No caminho a sua carruagem vira, ferindo gravemente o Duque, os dois são levados por uns amigos aristocráticos do pai de Jabina – e Jabina, com medo de ser mandada de novo para casa, diz aos seus anfitriões que ela e Drue são casados. O Duque fica horrorizado ao descobrir que, por meio de uma obscura lei escocesa, ele agora está casado legalmente com essa jovem rebelde e impulsiva. Mas, conforme viajam juntos para França, caem os dois em perigo mortal, quando Napoleão Bonaparte declara guerra à Inglaterra, assim a sua antipatia mútua, se transforma em uma paixão crescente e avassaladora… mas como irão eles conseguir escapar de França, e regressar a Inglaterra para cumprir esse amor irresistivél?
Nach dem plötzlichen Tod ihrer Eltern steht die junge Nolita allein und mittellos da. Lady Katherine, ihre Tante, ist nicht geneigt, sie bei sich aufzunehmen. Sie vermittelt Nolita als Gouvernante nach Sarle-Park. Dort soll sie sich um die reiche, verzogene Bettine kümmern, eine elfjährige Halbwaise. Nolita, die zunächst äußerst unglücklich ist und sich in dem großen Herrensitz nicht wohl fühlt, gewinnt allmählich das Herz der kleinen Bettine. Auch der junge, verwitwete Marrquis of Sarle fühlt sich von der bezaubernden Nolita angezogen…