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Список книг автора Группа авторов

    Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions

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    This pioneering encyclopedia illuminates a topic at the forefront of global ecology—biological invasions, or organisms that come to live in the wrong place. Written by leading scientists from around the world, <i>Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions</i> addresses all aspects of this subject at a global level—including invasions by animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria—in succinct, alphabetically arranged articles. Scientifically uncompromising, yet clearly written and free of jargon, the volume encompasses fields of study including biology, demography, geography, ecology, evolution, sociology, and natural history. Featuring many cross-references, suggestions for further reading, illustrations, an appendix of the world’s worst 100 invasive species, a glossary, and more, this is an essential reference for anyone who needs up-to-date information on this important topic.<br /><br /><i>Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions</i> features articles on:<br /><br />• Well-known invasive species such the zebra mussel, chestnut blight, cheatgrass, gypsy moth, Nile perch, giant African snail, and Norway rat<br /><br />• Regions with especially large numbers of introduced species including the Great Lakes, Mediterranean Sea, Hawaiian Islands, Australia, and New Zealand.<br /><br />• Conservation, ecological, economic, and human and animal health impacts of invasions around the world<br /><br />• The processes and pathways involved in invasion<br /><br />• Management of introduced species

    Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume III

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    First published in 1973 – and followed by Volume II in 1976 and Volume III in 1980 – this anthology has assumed classic status in the field of Egyptology and portrays the remarkable evolution of the literary forms of one of the world’s earliest civilizations. <br /><br />Volume I outlines the early and gradual evolution of Egyptian literary genres, including biographical and historical inscriptions carved on stone, the various classes of literary works written with pen on papyrus, and the mortuary literature that focuses on life after death. Introduced with a new foreword by Antonio Loprieno.<br /><br />Volume II shows the culmination of these literary genres within the single period known as the New Kingdom (1550-1080 B.C.). With a new foreword by Hans-W. Fischer-Elfert.<br /><br />Volume III spans the last millennium of Pharaonic civilization, from the tenth century B.C. to the beginning of the Christian era. With a new foreword by Joseph G. Manning.

    Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume II

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    First published in 1973 – and followed by Volume II in 1976 and Volume III in 1980 – this anthology has assumed classic status in the field of Egyptology and portrays the remarkable evolution of the literary forms of one of the world’s earliest civilizations. <br /><br />Volume I outlines the early and gradual evolution of Egyptian literary genres, including biographical and historical inscriptions carved on stone, the various classes of literary works written with pen on papyrus, and the mortuary literature that focuses on life after death. Introduced with a new foreword by Antonio Loprieno.<br /><br />Volume II shows the culmination of these literary genres within the single period known as the New Kingdom (1550-1080 B.C.). With a new foreword by Hans-W. Fischer-Elfert.<br /><br />Volume III spans the last millennium of Pharaonic civilization, from the tenth century B.C. to the beginning of the Christian era. With a new foreword by Joseph G. Manning.

    Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume I

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    First published in 1973 – and followed by Volume II in 1976 and Volume III in 1980 – this anthology has assumed classic status in the field of Egyptology and portrays the remarkable evolution of the literary forms of one of the world’s earliest civilizations. <br /><br />Volume I outlines the early and gradual evolution of Egyptian literary genres, including biographical and historical inscriptions carved on stone, the various classes of literary works written with pen on papyrus, and the mortuary literature that focuses on life after death. Introduced with a new foreword by Antonio Loprieno.<br /><br />Volume II shows the culmination of these literary genres within the single period known as the New Kingdom (1550-1080 B.C.). With a new foreword by Hans-W. Fischer-Elfert.<br /><br />Volume III spans the last millennium of Pharaonic civilization, from the tenth century B.C. to the beginning of the Christian era. With a new foreword by Joseph G. Manning.

    Reproduction and Sexuality in Marine Fishes

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    Marine fishes represent astonishing diversity with respect to practically every aspect of their biology. Reproductive modes and sexual patterns are especially fascinating and provide deep insight into general evolutionary problems. In this volume, chapters focus on reproduction and sexuality among groups of fishes defined by habitat, taxon, and the reproductive processes that are critical for reproductive success. The book illustrates how knowledge of reproductive biology among marine fishes can help identify vulnerable and potentially vulnerable species in the face of changing environmental conditions and increasing human-based pressures.

    Edward Said

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    Edward W. Said (1935–2003) ranks as one of the most preeminent public intellectuals of our time. Through his literary criticism, his advocacy for the Palestinian cause, and his groundbreaking book <i>Orientalism,</i> Said elegantly enriched public discourse by unsettling the status quo. This indispensable volume, the most comprehensive and wide-ranging resource on Edward Said’s life and work, spans his broad legacy both within and beyond the academy. The book brings together contributions from thirty-one luminaries—leading scholars, critics, writers, and activists—to engage Said’s provocative ideas. Their essays and interviews explore the key themes of emancipation and representation through the prisms of postcolonial theory, literature, music, philosophy, and cultural studies.<br /><br />Contributors: Bill Ashcroft, Ben Conisbee Baer, Daniel Barenboim, Timothy Brennan, Noam Chomsky, Denise DeCaires-Narain, Nicholas Dirks, Marc H. Ellis, Rokus de Groot, Sabry Hafez, Abdirahman A. Hussein, Ardi Imseis, Adel Iskandar, Ghada Karmi, Katherine Callen King, Joseph Massad, W. J. T. Mitchell, Laura Nader, Ilan Pappe, Benita Parry, Rajagopalan Radhakrishnan, Jahan Ramazani, Jacqueline Rose, Lecia Rosenthal, Hakem Rustom, Avi Shlaim, Ella Habiba Shohat, Robert Spencer, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Anastasia Valassopoulos, Asha Varadharajan, Michael Wood

    The Soul of a Great Traveler

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    This book will appeal to: <ul>lovers of travel literature</ul> <ul>the thousands of writers who entered the Solas Awards over the past ten years and counting</ul> <ul>readers who love powerful, inspiring true stories about life and the world</ul>

    Playing Shakespeares Monarchs and Madmen

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    Playing Shakespeare’s Monarchs and Madmen is the third volume in the Peter Lang series, Playing Shakespeare’s Characters. As in the previous volumes, a broad range of contributors (actors, directors, scholars, educators, etc.) analyze the concepts of monarchy, leadership, melancholy and madness with not only references to Elizabethan and Jacobean studies, but also to Trump, Brexit, cross-gender and multi-cultural casting. What does it mean to “play the king” in the 21st century? What is the role of an “all-licensed” Fool in the age of spin? Who gets to represent the power dynamics in Shakespeare’s plays? This volume looks at the Henrys, Richards, Hamlets, Lears and various other dukes and monarchs and explores the ways in which men—and women—approach these portrayals of power and the lessons they hold for us today.

    (Con)textos femeninos: Antología de escritoras españolas. Tomo II

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    (Con)textos femeninos: Antología de escritoras españolas, Tomo II: El siglo XIX hasta la actualidad presenta poesía, drama y prosa de autoras españolas del siglo XIX; el período desde la guerra hispano-americana hasta el fin de la guerra civil española (1898–1939); el período desde 1939 hasta la muerte del dictador Francisco Franco (1939–1975); y el período desde 1975 hasta la actualidad. Cada sección tiene introducciones sociohistóricas que esbozan el contexto histórico, el contexto social y el contexto de la mujer para situar la literatura. Se incluyen notas a pie de página en español para facilitar la comprensión de los textos. Al final de cada selección literaria aparece una corta biografía general de la escritora. Esta antología sirve como una continuación de tomo I de (Con)textos femeninos, que presenta literatura de escritoras españolas de la Edad Media hasta el siglo XVIII.

    Языковые категории в сознании и творчестве русского поэта

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    Поэзия – сфера свободного словесного творчества. Тем не менее, поэт должен придерживаться каких-то языковых норм. Механизмы внутренней речи, преобразования смысла и эмоций в текст получают в книге лингвистическую интерпретацию. Материалом для наблюдений и выводов служит русская поэзия, в основном ХХ века (Б. Пастернак, О. Мандельштам, М. Цветаева, Б. Окуджава, Ю. Левитанский, А. Кушнер и др.).