Enlisting the expertise of leading clinicians, researchers, and theorists, the editors have here compiled a complete reference for the current clinical strategies for treating stuttering and fluency disorders in both children and adults. The third edition of <i>Stuttering and Related Disorders of Fluency</i> retains the comprehensive scope of previous editions and provides thorough guidance for the early assessment, diagnosis, and the treatments and adjunctive therapies available for each disorder. <b>Features:</b><li>Broad overview of the current knowledge regarding the influence of language and phonology on stuttering, and the implications these factors have for assessment and treatment</li><li>In-depth coverage of cluttering by the countrys leading experts</li><li>Expanded, up-to-date discussion of the assessment and treatment of stuttering in bilingual populations</li> <li>New sections addressing pharmaceutical approaches to stuttering, including the efficacy of such treatments as well as possible side effects</li><li>Theoretical and practical approaches to counseling children who stutter and their families</li><li>Chapters on adjunctive treatments such as self-help and mutual aid groups</li>Ideal for students in graduate programs and clinical practicum, this handbook will also serve as an invaluable reference for practitioners in the clinical setting.
The new edition of the best-selling <i>Otoacoustic Emissions: Clinical Applications</i> provides a thorough review of the complex physiology of the ear and clinical applications of the latest research on otoacoustic emissions. The book features new chapters on such important topics as middle ear function enhanced by reflectance measurements and the use of otoacoustic emissions as a preclinical measure of susceptibility to hearing loss. Accompanying the book is a CD-ROM developed by Dr. David Kemp, Ph.D., which contains animations, movies, and interviews. The CD-ROM serves as an indispensable aid to both teaching and reviewing key concepts. From physiological phenomena to diagnostic and clinical applications, this book is a complete reference on otoacoustic emissions that will provide graduates in audiology and residents in otolaryngology and otology with all the essential information needed for research and professional practice.
Neck Rejuvenation features up-to-date information on groundbreaking technical advances in lower facial and neck contouring – many published here for the first time.This highly practical reference begins with an introduction to the complex anatomy and physiology of the neck region. Readers then learn how to assess aging-related changes and to perform an accurate evaluation of the aging neck. The expert authors also provide advice on the patient consultation, interpreting physical findings, technique selection, and preoperative planning. The chapters that follow contain highly focused descriptions of different problems and surgical and nonsurgical approaches enhanced by full-color photographs and drawings. Features In-depth discussion of innovative techniques, including superior based platysmaplasty, fiberlaser assisted techniques, self-retaining sutures, and more348 full-color photographs and high-quality drawings demonstrate each step of the proceduresMultiple perspectives from renowned facial plastic surgeons and otolaryngologistsEncompassing the latest advances in the field, this is an indispensable resource for practitioners or residents in facial plastic surgery or otolaryngology, as well as for general plastic surgeons, oral surgeons, or maxillofacial surgeons.
With an emphasis on the accuracy and dynamic nature of no-radiation ultrasound, leading clinicians from around the world provide practical guidance on how to combine different multiplanar imaging modalities in the analysis and diagnosis of common musculoskeletal disorders.Organized by body region, each of the 13 chapters follows a consistent, easy-to-reference format. The authors guide the reader through clinical indications, technical guidelines, and normal anatomy followed by information on degenerative diseases, inflammatory conditions, traumatic injuries, tumors, and various other musculoskeletal problems. Clear, high-resolution ultrasound images appear side by side with MRI, and in some cases CT, images to teach and train readers how to perform musculoskeletal ultrasound in clinical practice while simultaneously sharpening their diagnostic skills.<b>Features:</b><li>864 high-quality illustrations, including full-color patient photographs and ultrasound images with MRI correlation to help readers understand how to make an accurate diagnosis</li><li>Bullet points that highlight key facts to facilitate rapid reading and review</li><li>Tips on technique, such as how to position the transducer to obtain optimal scans</li><li>Imaging pearls and pitfalls at the end of every chapter</li>As a handy reference for daily practice or as a review tool before exams, <b><i>Musculoskeletal Ultrasound with MRI Correlations</b></i> serves as an indispensable how-to manual for clinicians and residents in radiology, orthopedic surgery, and emergency medicine, as well as an accessible handbook for radiologic technologists.
This comprehensive, full-color reference provides a thorough overview of the most recent advances in laryngeal imaging technology combined with all of the information readers need to interpret findings and successfully manage patients with voice disorders.After a solid introduction to laryngeal anatomy and physiology, separate sections cover the entire spectrum of laryngeal imaging systems. The authors place special emphasis on the interpretation of abnormal vibratory characteristics through practical discussion of the differential diagnosis of specific abnormalities and the impact of various types of laryngeal pathology on the vocal cords. The accompanying DVD features high-quality video clips of vocal fold vibration that clearly demonstrate every pathology and evaluation technique cited in the text. Each clip is cross-referenced to a specific location in the book for maximum accessibility.<b>Features:</b><li>In-depth coverage of the indications and limitations of flexible laryngoscopy, videostroboscopy, and high-speed imaging</li><li>66 video clips of actual examinations – plus an appendix that contains a complete description and interpretation of each clip</li><li>284 full color images, including endoscopic views of the larynx and photographs that demonstrate how to perform examinations</li><li>Multiple perspectives from renowned speech language pathologists and otolaryngologists on how to interpret findings and determine treatment options</li>Written by a multidisciplinary team of experts, this book will help speech-language pathologists, otolaryngologists, and trainees in those specialties acquire the necessary skills to enable them to expand their practices to incorporate laryngeal imaging procedures in the clinical setting.
2018 Outstanding Academic Title, given by CHOICE Magazine A vocabulary of Latina/o studies Keywords for Latina/o Studies is a generative text that enhances the ongoing dialogue within a rapidly growing and changing field. The keywords included in this collection represent established and emergent terms, categories, and concepts that undergird Latina/o studies; they delineate the shifting contours of a field best thought of as an intellectual imaginary and experiential project of social and cultural identities within the US academy. Bringing together 63 essays, from humanists, historians, anthropologists, sociologists, among others, each focused on a single term, the volume reveals the broad range of the field while also illuminating the tensions and contestations surrounding issues of language, politics, and histories of colonization, specific to this area of study. From “borderlands” to “migration,” from “citizenship” to “mestizaje,” this accessible volume will be informative for those who are new to Latina/o studies, providing them with a mapping of the current debates and a trajectory of the development of the field, as well as being a valuable resource for scholars to expand their knowledge and critical engagement with the dynamic transformations in the field.
A new vocabulary for Environmental Studies Understandings of “nature” have expanded and changed, but the word has not lost importance at any level of discourse: it continues to hold a key place in conversations surrounding thought, ethics, and aesthetics. Nowhere is this more evident than in the interdisciplinary field of environmental studies. Keywords for Environmental Studies analyzes the central terms and debates currently structuring the most exciting research in and across environmental studies, including the environmental humanities, environmental social sciences, sustainability sciences, and the sciences of nature. Sixty essays from humanists, social scientists, and scientists, each written about a single term, reveal the broad range of quantitative and qualitative approaches critical to the state of the field today. From “ecotourism” to “ecoterrorism,” from “genome” to “species,” this accessible volume illustrates the ways in which scholars are collaborating across disciplinary boundaries to reach shared understandings of key issues—such as extreme weather events or increasing global environmental inequities—in order to facilitate the pursuit of broad collective goals and actions. This book underscores the crucial realization that every discipline has a stake in the central environmental questions of our time, and that interdisciplinary conversations not only enhance, but are requisite to environmental studies today.Visit keywords.nyupress.org for online essays, teaching resources, and more.
A new vocabulary for Asian American studies Born out of the Civil Rights and Third World Liberation movements of the 1960s and 1970s, Asian American Studies has grown significantly over the past four decades, both as a distinct field of inquiry and as a potent site of critique. Characterized by transnational, trans-Pacific, and trans-hemispheric considerations of race, ethnicity, migration, immigration, gender, sexuality, and class, this multidisciplinary field engages with a set of concepts profoundly shaped by past and present histories of racialization and social formation. The keywords included in this collection are central to social sciences, humanities, and cultural studies and reflect the ways in which Asian American Studies has transformed scholarly discourses, research agendas, and pedagogical frameworks. Spanning multiple histories, numerous migrations, and diverse populations, Keywords for Asian American Studies reconsiders and recalibrates the ever-shifting borders of Asian American studies as a distinctly interdisciplinary field. Visit keywords.nyupress.org for online essays, teaching resources, and more.
A new vocabulary for Disability Studies Keywords for Disability Studies aims to broaden and define the conceptual framework of disability studies for readers and practitioners in the field and beyond. The volume engages some of the most pressing debates of our time, such as prenatal testing, euthanasia, accessibility in public transportation and the workplace, post-traumatic stress, and questions about the beginning and end of life.Each of the 60 essays in Keywords for Disability Studies focuses on a distinct critical concept, including “ethics,” “medicalization,” “performance,” “reproduction,” “identity,” and “stigma,” among others. Although the essays recognize that “disability” is often used as an umbrella term, the contributors to the volume avoid treating individual disabilities as keywords, and instead interrogate concepts that encompass different components of the social and bodily experience of disability. The essays approach disability as an embodied condition, a mutable historical phenomenon, and a social, political, and cultural identity.An invaluable resource for students and scholars alike, Keywords for Disability Studies brings the debates that have often remained internal to disability studies into a wider field of critical discourse, providing opportunities for fresh theoretical considerations of the field’s core presuppositions through a variety of disciplinary perspectives.Visit keywords.nyupress.org for online essays, teaching resources, and more.
A new vocabulary for African American Studies As the longest-standing interdisciplinary field, African American Studies has laid the foundation for critically analyzing issues of race, ethnicity, and culture within the academy and beyond. This volume assembles the keywords of this field for the first time, exploring not only the history of those categories but their continued relevance in the contemporary moment. Taking up a vast array of issues such as slavery, colonialism, prison expansion, sexuality, gender, feminism, war, and popular culture, Keywords for African American Studies showcases the startling breadth that characterizes the field. Featuring an august group of contributors across the social sciences and the humanities, the keywords assembled within the pages of this volume exemplify the depth and range of scholarly inquiry into Black life in the United States. Connecting lineages of Black knowledge production to contemporary considerations of race, gender, class, and sexuality, Keywords for African American Studies provides a model for how the scholarship of the field can meet the challenges of our social world.