As the economy becomes increasingly global, businesses need employees who can work in teams that cross borders and transcend physical spaces. In Where in the World Is My Team, fictional character Will Williams shares entertaining anecdotes and practical advice to accustom readers to the challenges of a global, virtual workplace. This easy-to-follow guide, ideal for managers and those interested in succeeding in a global economy, introduces new technologies but focuses especially on the six Key Performance Zones for global team collaboration with briefing report summaries to emphasize key points.
How can not-for-profit organizations be sure they play by the rules when the rules aren't clear? Due to recent, very public accounting scandals and the resulting Sarbanes-Oxley Act and other regulations, public companies have strict guidance on financial governance and accounting, including the functions and responsibilities of audit committee members. Though not-for-profit organizations are subject to increased scrutiny, there has been no detailed guidance for their audit committees. This book fills the void and helps not-for-profit organizations answer these questions: * In today's skeptical environment, how can responsible financial governance and reporting reassure wary donors and supporters, and perhaps give the organization a competitive advantage? * How should the audit committee be structured? * Which Sarbanes-Oxley requirements (if any) should the audit committee adopt? * Which best practices best fit the organization's structure and financial reporting needs? Complete with checklists, sample questions, and an index for quick reference, Not-for-Profit Audit Committee Best Practices covers: * Different types and unique characteristics of not-for-profit organizations * The audit committee's role in preventing and detecting fraud * Important internal controls and the internal audit function * The relationship of the audit committee and the independent auditor This heads-up, hands-on guide helps audit committee members select and structure appropriate best practices and function in the most effective manner for their unique not-for-profit organizations. It's also a valuable reference for board members, managers, independent auditors, and advisors of not-for-profit organizations.
Tax Planning and Compliance for Tax-Exempt Organizations: Rules, Checklists, and Procedures, Fourth Edition is an indispensable guide to navigating the complex maze of nonprofit tax rules and regulations. Along with clear, concise instructions for filing Forms 990 and other important IRS forms and documents, this practical guide covers the significant issues facing nonprofit organizations, including unrelated business income, private inurement, affiliations, and employment taxes. It also provides practical guidance on obtaining the tax exemption; reporting to boards, auditors, and the IRS; testing ongoing tax compliance; and managing lobbying expenditure. An essential, timesaving guide for accountants, lawyers, nonprofit executives and directors, consultants, and volunteers, this Fourth Edition offers: A supplemental, annual update to keep subscribers current on relevant changes in IRS forms, requirements, and related tax procedures. Easy-to-use checklists highlighting such critical concerns as tax-exempt eligibility, reporting to the IRS, and tax compliance. A variety of sample documents, including organizational bylaws, letters of application, and completed IRS forms. Helpful practice aids, such as a comparison chart summarizing the differences between public and private charitable organizations. Practical tips and suggestions for handling such critical situations as preparing for and surviving an IRS examination.
Here's a system of budgeting that is easy to implement, easy to monitor, will significantly reduce staff time spent on budgeting, and will ensure true fiscal accountability. Written in a nontechnical, understandable, how-to language and format, this handy guide includes dozens of relevant forms and documents. Order your copy today!
Year after year, consultants, trainers, and human resource professionals have come to rely on The Pfeiffer Annuals to provide them with the most current and quality tools on a wide variety of topics. In this book, editor Elaine Biech and contributors to the Annuals have honed in on the important theme of team building to create the first topic-specific book in The Pfeiffer Annuals series. The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Team-Building Tools, 2nd Edition, includes an innovative ten-block model for building a high-performance team and draws on the best-on-the-topic articles from thirty-five years of Annuals volumes.
America's most trusted tax advice, backed by detailed citations of authoritative tax references J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax Professional Edition 2018 is the tax preparer's guide to smart tax filing and planning. The Professional Edition not only includes the trusted guidance, clear advice, and money-saving tips featured in Your Income Tax, but also provides citations of tax authorities to help tax professionals easily locate the law, IRS rulings and court decisions that support the text. Fully up to date with the newest changes for 2017 tax returns, expert guidance from J.K. Lasser helps you maximize deductions and shelter income while providing hundreds of examples of how tax laws apply to individual situations. While evolving tax law can get very complex very quickly, this invaluable guide is designed to help you find the answers you need without wading through volumes of the Internal Revenue Code or IRS materials. Special icons call out new laws, IRS rulings, court decisions, filing pointers and planning strategies, allowing you to locate important information without breaking your workflow. Keeping up with changes to tax law is itself a full-time job—if it's not your full-time job, let the experts at J.K. Lasser do the legwork for you! Read from beginning to end or dip in and out as needed—this exceptional resource will help you: Get expert answers to tough tax situations quickly Navigate new laws, court decisions, IRS rulings, and more Locate authoritative sources easily with citations of references from the Code, the courts and the IRS. Avoid common pitfalls and adopt smart planning strategies for next year Accessible, down-to-earth tax advice is always appreciated, but professional tax preparers need more—such as authoritative sources to back their advice and clarify tricky situations that their clients may encounter. J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax Professional Edition 2018 provides a quick one-stop resource for every tax pro, merging detailed citations with America's most trusted tax advice for over 65 years.
Clearly written and easy to use, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard Handbook is your single source along the journey to compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), addressing the payment card industry standard that includes requirements for security management, protection of customer account data, policies, procedures, network architecture, software design, and other critical protective measures. This all-inclusive resource facilitates a deeper understanding of how to put compliance into action while maintaining your business objectives.
IS YOUR BUSINESS VULNERABLE TO FRAUD? It's not a secret that corporate fraud and scandal are real threats to business today, from which no business, large or small, is immune. Fraud losses are devastating-but they are also highly avoidable. Policies & Procedures to Prevent Fraud and Embezzlement shows you how to proactively safeguard your business's assets and reputation from countless plots, schemes, and even identity theft. This invaluable tool prepares auditing CPAs, internal auditors, fraud investigators, and managers to: Thoroughly evaluate their organization's system of internal controls Assemble a fraud examination team Document a fraud action plan Expose weaknesses that could lead to fraud Take corrective action to reduce the possibility of victimization Embezzlement and fraud are realities that all organizations must confront, with the growing list of collapsed corporate giants serving as evidence of the destruction caused by financial abuses. Policies & Procedures to Prevent Fraud and Embezzlement offers provocative new strategies to deal with this ongoing dilemma and serves as a road map to reduce financial dishonesty in the workplace.
Wie gut ist mein Unternehmen auf die Zukunft vorbereitet? Wie kann es sich besser vorbereiten und damit wettbewerbsfahiger werden? Wie man diese Fragen beantwortet, zeigt dieses Buch – geschrieben fur Manager, Analysten, Berater, Trendscouts, Produktmanager, Entwickler, Planer im offentlichen Bereich, Wissenschaftler und Forscher. Dazu stellt es die beiden wesentlichen Werkzeuge zur Zukunftsplanung vor, die Umweltanalyse auf der Basis von Trends und das Entwickeln von Zukunftsbildern mit Szenarien. Der Einsatz von Trends bei der Strategieentwicklung ist ein neuartiges Element im Rahmen der unternehmerischen Planung, das in den nachsten Jahren stark an Bedeutung gewinnen wird. Das Buch zeigt auf, warum effiziente Umweltbeobachtung eine wesentliche Grundlage fur die Strategieentwicklung ist, warum Strategieentwicklung nur als kontinuierlicher Prozess funktioniert und welche Informationen man dazu braucht. Es beschreibt die Klassifikation von Trends und wie man aus der Vielfalt von Trends die wesentlichen Informationen herausfiltert. Au?erdem zeigt es, wie man Szenarien als ganzheitliche Methode zur Zukunftsforschung einsetzt, wie die Ergebnisse aus Trendforschung und Szenariotechnik in die unternehmerische Strategieentwicklung einflie?en, und es fuhrt einen optimierten Prozess der Strategieentwicklung vor.
At last, the secrets of the real sales wizards are revealed in this inspirational book. Here are 100 failsafe tips, techniques and ideas for driving your sales up and up and smashing your targets. The ideas are drawn from sales masters from a variety of backgrounds and sectors, providing a heady mix of the best up-to-date and original sales tactics. Series was previously exclusive to WH Smiths – very successful selling x copies – now available throughout trade and direct channels. Practical and fun to use – simple and unique format. Great advice mixed with a dash of irreverance.