Through seven editions, Protocols for High-Risk Pregnancies has helped busy obstetricians keep pace with a constantly evolving field. Providing just-in-time content, its focus on protocols and guidelines helps organize medical thinking, avoid heuristic errors of omission and commission, and optimize maternal and fetal outcomes. As with the prior six editions, the editors have once again assembled some of the world’s top obstetrical and medical experts. This seventh edition has also been expanded to include a number of new topics, including: Protocols on opioid use, misuse and addition in pregnancy and postpartum Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of aneuploidy Periconceptual genetic screening Expanded protocols on maternal valvular heart disease and cardiomyopathies Protocols on arboviruses, including Zika and malaria Protocols for High-Risk Pregnancies: An Evidence-Based Approach will be an essential reference for obstetricians, medical students, general practitioners and all medical professionals who are seeking the most up-to-date information and guidance on high-risk pregnancies.
This book highlights the technical and methodological advancements in introducing biopolymers, their study and promoted applications. Organized in four parts, the book provides initially a general overview over biopolymers, properties and biocompatibility and continues with dedicated parts on ?Biopolyemrs through Bioengineering and Biotechnology Venues?, ?Polymeric Biomaterials with wide applications? and ?Biopolymers for Specific Applications?.
Presents comprehensive coverage of process intensification and integration for sustainable design, along with fundamental techniques and experiences from the industry Drawing from fundamental techniques and recent industrial experiences, this book discusses the many developments in process intensification and integration and focuses on increasing sustainability via several overarching topics such as Sustainable Manufacturing, Energy Saving Technologies, and Resource Conservation and Pollution Prevention Techniques. Process Intensification and Integration for Sustainable Design starts discussions on: shale gas as an option for the production of chemicals and challenges for process intensification; the design and techno-economic analysis of separation units to handle feedstock variability in shale gas treatment; RO-PRO desalination; and techno-economic and environmental assessment of ultrathin polysulfone membranes for oxygen-enriched combustion. Next, it looks at process intensification of membrane-based systems for water, energy, and environment applications; the design of internally heat-integrated distillation column (HIDiC); and graphical analysis and integration of heat exchanger networks with heat pumps. Decomposition and implementation of large-scale interplant heat integration is covered, as is the synthesis of combined heat and mass exchange networks (CHAMENs) with renewables. The book also covers optimization strategies for integrating and intensifying housing complexes; a sustainable biomass conversion process assessment; and more. Covers the many advances and changes in process intensification and integration Provides side-by-side discussions of fundamental techniques and recent industrial experiences to guide practitioners in their own processes Presents comprehensive coverage of topics relevant, among others, to the process industry, biorefineries, and plant energy management Offers insightful analysis and integration of reactor and heat exchanger network Looks at optimization of integrated water and multi-regenerator membrane systems involving multi-contaminants Process Intensification and Integration for Sustainable Design is an ideal book for process engineers, chemical engineers, engineering scientists, engineering consultants, and chemists.
Part of the Mount Sinai Expert Guide series, this outstanding book provides rapid-access, clinical information on all aspects of Critical Care with a focus on clinical diagnosis and effective patient management. With strong focus on the very best in multidisciplinary patient care, it is the ideal point of care consultation tool for the busy physician.
Когда дело касается здоровья, человек хватается за любую возможность его сохранить или поправить. В ход идёт все: традиционная и нетрадиционная медицина, церковные молитвы и, конечно же, обряды и заговоры… Заговор – это заклинание, магические слова, обладающие, по поверью, волшебной или целебной силой. В этой книге собраны заговоры и обряды, которые помогут вам при различных недугах, уменьшат страдания рожениц, оградят от беды во время эпидемий, поддержат стариков, сохранят детей, облегчат боль, защитят от негативного воздействия. Даны правила проведения заговоров и способы снятия их в домашних условиях. Заговор – средство, связывающее человека с высшими силами, способными исполнить задуманное. Крепкого здоровья вам и вашим близким, исполнения желаний, и пусть они будут только добрыми и позитивными. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.
«Караван историй» – ежемесячный журнал, в котором публикуются материалы о ярких личностях, любовных историях знаменитостей, захватывающих приключениях и самых неординарных событиях века. Издание иллюстрируется эксклюзивными фотографиями, часто из личных архивов героев. «Караван историй» – это легкое, интересное и познавательное чтение. В номере: Искусство жить Тимоти Шаламе. Не просто красивый мальчик Юрий Тарасов. Бабочки на снегу Цыганское счастье Алексея Никульникова Настроение Екатерина Климова: «Вполне возможно второй раз войти в одну и ту же реку» Имена Заха Хадид. Гостья из будущего Love story Роберт Фальк. Случайная встреча Гороскоп Астрологический прогноз на декабрь и многое другое