Схиархирмандрит Зосима (Сокур; 1944–2002) – уникальное явление в церковной жизни конца XX – начала XXI века. Он был старцем, одним из выдающихся пастырей, к которому обращались при жизни тысячи людей. Огромное количество страждущих продолжают обращаться к нему за помощью и после его смерти. Его имя дорого многим православным христианам Украины и России, о духовном единстве которых он горячо молился. Книга содержит наставления, советы, предсказания отца Зосимы, удивительные свидетельства об исцелениях по молитвам старца. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.
Имя преподобного Паисия Свято горца, великого старца XX века, широко известно во всем православном мире. Он прославился многими добродетелями, но в первую очередь – любовью к Богу и к людям. Недавно старец был причислен к лику святых. В книгу вошли его высказывания о духов ной жизни, наставления, советы. Слова старца Паисия – бесценное духовное сокровище для всякого стремящегося стать учеником Господа нашего Иисуса Христа. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.
Издание посвящено бесценному духовному наследию нашего современника – архимандрита Иоанна (Крестьянкина), одного из самых любимых в России старцев, которому Господь открывал Свою Божественную волю.Преподобный Симеон (Желнин), великий подвижник Псково-Печерского монастыря, называл его «земным ангелом и небесным человеком». В книгу вошли высказывания старца о духовной жизни, его наставления, советы, поразительные воспоминания о нем. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.
A guide to the effective catalysts and latest advances in CO2 conversion in chemicals and fuels Carbon dioxide hydrogenation is one of the most promising and economic techniques to utilize CO2 emissions to produce value-added chemicals. With contributions from an international team of experts on the topic, CO2 Hydrogenation Catalysis offers a comprehensive review of the most recent developments in the catalytic hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to formic acid/formate, methanol, methane, and C2+ products. The book explores the electroreduction of carbon dioxide and contains an overview on hydrogen production from formic acid and methanol. With a practical review of the advances and challenges in future CO2 hydrogenation research, the book provides an important guide for researchers in academia and industry working in the field of catalysis, organometallic chemistry, green and sustainable chemistry, as well as energy conversion and storage. This important book: Offers a unique review of effective catalysts and the latest advances in CO2 conversion Explores how to utilize CO2 emissions to produce value-added chemicals and fuels such as methanol, olefins, gasoline, aromatics Includes the latest research in homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis as well as electrocatalysis Highlights advances and challenges for future investigation Written for chemists, catalytic chemists, electrochemists, chemists in industry, and chemical engineers, CO2 Hydrogenation Catalysis offers a comprehensive resource to understanding how CO2 emissions can create value-added chemicals.
«Семь дней ТВ-программа» – развлекательный иллюстрированный журнал для семейного чтения, содержащий аннотированную телепрограмму. Телепрограмма с 22 по 28 марта.
An in-depth review of sustainable concepts in water resources management under climate change Climate change continues to intensify existing pressures in water resources management, such as rapid population growth, land use changes, pollution, damming of rivers, and many others. Securing a reliable water supply—critical for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—requires understanding of the relation between finite water resources, climate variability/change, and various elements of sustainability. Water, Climate Change, and Sustainability is a timely and in-depth examination of the concept of sustainability as it relates to water resources management in the context of climate change risks. Featuring contributions by global authors, this edited volume is organized into three sections: Sustainability Concepts; Sustainability Approaches, Tools, and Techniques; and Sustainability in Practice. Detailed chapters describe the linkage between water and sustainable development, highlight the development and use of new measuring and reporting methods, and discuss the implementation of sustainability concepts in various water use sectors. Topics include localizing and mainstreaming global water sustainability initiatives, resilient water infrastructure for poverty reduction, urban water security for sustainable cities, climate actions and challenges for sustainable ecosystem services, and more. This important resource: Reviews contemporary scientific research and practical applications in the areas of water, climate change and sustainability in different regions of the world Discusses future directions of research and practices in relation to expected patterns of climate changes Covers a wide range of concepts, theories, and perspectives of sustainable development of water resources Features case studies of field and modelling techniques for analyzing water resources and evaluating vulnerability, security, and associated risks Discusses practical applications of water resources in contexts such as food security, global health, clean energy, and climate action Water, Climate Change, and Sustainability is an invaluable resource for policy makers water managers, researchers, and other professionals in the field, and an ideal text for graduate students in hydrogeology, climate change, geophysics, geochemistry, geography, water resources, and environmental science.
Provides a comprehensive gateway to Herodotus’ Histories , the story they tell, and the world in which they were written The first work of its kind, this book offers students and faculty of all levels an easy-to-use, up-to-date reference tool on Herodotus of Halicarnassus (the “Father of History”) and provides Herodotean scholars with a collection of important strands of recent work. Topics include the debt of Greek historical writing to epic poetry (and other genres); narratological analysis of the text; Herodotus’ position vis-à-vis his predecessors and contemporaries; his use of sources; his notion of Greekness; and the growing body of Persian and other Near Eastern evidence for sixth- and fifth century events. Spanning three volumes, The Herodotus Encyclopedia surveys the current state of knowledge and understanding of Herodotus’ work, and discusses past, current, and emerging approaches to the text. Featuring contributions from an international team of more than 150 scholars, it offers more than 2,500 entries which cover the individuals, peoples, and places Herodotus names in his Histories ; the composition and central themes in his work; and the historical, social, intellectual, and literary context of the period. Many entries also explore the text’s scholarship and reception from antiquity up to the present day. Offers entries for every proper name, group, and region mentioned in Herodotus’ Histories Provides discussions of the history of Herodotean studies and scholarship Considers the historical and cultural contexts within which Herodotus wrote and lived Addresses the reception of Herodotus during antiquity and beyond Incorporates the methods and findings of several different disciplines in the humanities Features maps and illustrations, a user guide, an index, and full bibliographical information in each entry The Herodotus Encyclopedia is an indispensable text for scholars in classics