Amy Blankenship

Список книг автора Amy Blankenship

    Death Wish

    Amy Blankenship

    Ren thought he’d caught him a little thief only to find that hidden under layers of boy clothes and dirt was the most desirable temptress he’d ever seen. Realizing that she’d been branded with a demon’s mark and seemed to have a death wish, Ren quickly decides that the only way to keep her alive is to not let her out of his sight. If the demons were suicidal enough to think they were going to steal her away from him, he would give them their own death wish. Getting mixed up with the underground thievery ring run by demons had been easy… it was escaping them once they decided to kill her that Lacey was having trouble with. When her partner dies just to give her a head start, she doesn’t let his sacrifice go to waste and runs like a horde of demons are chasing her… which they are. How was she to know that her escape route would lead her straight into the middle of a demon war and into the arms of a sexy stranger that was more powerful than her worse nightmare? Ren thought he’d caught him a little thief only to find that hidden under layers of boy clothes and dirt was the most desirable temptress he’d ever seen. Realizing that she’d been branded with a demon’s mark and seemed to have a death wish, Ren quickly decides that the only way to keep her alive is to not let her out of his sight. If the demons were suicidal enough to think they were going to steal her away from him, he would give them their own death wish.

    Tainted Blood

    Amy Blankenship

    Making a deal with a demon is binding, even if you don’t know the person is a demon. Using that to his advantage, Zachary broke the sacred rule and deliberately offered Tiara a deal. He would become her only lover until she found a true mate… which he intended on her never finding. Sealing the deal, his dark side emerges when Tiara runs from him thinking she is now on PIT’s hit list because of her tainted blood. Zachary fights fire with fire when he catches her hiding within the arms of the enemy.

    Blood Bond

    Amy Blankenship

    With the blood spell broken, Kane clawed his way out of the ground and searched for the soul mate that had freed him only to find that she’d vanished. With nothing left to lose and revenge on his mind, he started a war. The last thing he expected was to find his elusive soul mate in the path of destruction he’d caused. Quickly becoming obsessed, he watches when she isn’t looking, listens when he’s not been invited, and stalks her every move… and the demon that haunts him knows she is his weakness. To protect her, Kane vows to make her hate him, even if he has to join the demon side to do it. But how can he protect her from her greatest enemy of all when that enemy is himself?

    Moon Dance

    Amy Blankenship

    Envy's life was great. Great brother, great boyfriend, and the best job a girl could ask for… tending bar at the most popular clubs in the city. At least it was great until she got a call from one of her best friends about her boyfriend doing the vertical limbo on the dance floor at Moon Dance. Her decision to confront him begins a chain of events that will introduce her to a dangerous paranormal world hidden beneath the everyday humdrum. A world where people can transform into jaguars, real life vampires roam the streets, and fallen angels walk among us. Devon is a werejaguar, a little rough around the edges and one of the joint owners of Moon Dance. His world is tilted on its axis when he spies an alluring vixen with red hair dancing in his club, armed with a cynical heart and a taser. With a vampire war raging around them, Devon vows to make this woman his… and will fight like hell to have her.

    Ties That Bind

    Amy Blankenship

    Sanctuary is a vast and secluded vacation spot hidden away on the top of its own private mountain. Angel Hart grew up in the family owned resort always protected from the real world. Surround by the three men she adored the most until her parent’s divorce took her far away from them, Angel led a sheltered and privileged life. Two years later she comes home for a visit and has brought her new boyfriend. Suddenly, Angel finds herself the object of several people’s affection and they have no intention of ever letting her leave Sanctuary again. Secret obsessions turn into a deadly game of possession, as the men that love her become the most dangerous people on the mountain.

    Shadow Of Death

    Amy Blankenship

    Within the heart of the Demon War nothing can be taken for granted as it sends the destinies of those involved into a most dangerous and seductive form of chaos. One man finds out that strangers can collide in the dark for a moment of blinding passion, only to be separated by the cold hand of fate without even a name to help in his hunt for her. Another man will find that when the Shadow of Death becomes a stalker, the most seductive of enemies can quickly become his strongest ally… even if it’s against his will. And can the heart of one soul mate keep the two men who love her from killing each other?

    La Pluie De Sang

    Amy Blankenship

    L’essence du sang est un mystère qui a de nombreuses significations. Le sang porte la vie… mais se répand, il peut détruire une vie en un clin d’œil. Certaines légendes disent que le sang est aussi le lien qui unit les âmes… même si l’une de ces âmes est dévastée. Les humeurs et les principes du paranormal de Los Angeles sont mis à l’épreuve quand l’innocence est menacée. On leur rappelle que les démons ne sont pas tous mauvais… et même parfois, les démons ont besoin d’être sauvés des choses qui se passent la nuit. Au cours de révélations mortelles, de résurrection et de l’acceptation de l’inévitable, une nouvelle arme est forgée par la pluie de sang.

    Verslavend Bloed

    Amy Blankenship

    Michael merkt dat het bloed van krachtige onsterfelijken soms niet vermengt, zelfs niet als ze zielsverwanten en passievol zijn. Een paringsteken is een symbool van bezit, maar voor Michael is het proeven van dat kleine beetje bloed zijn ondergang. Het bloed van de gevallenen is bedrieglijk verleidelijk voor een zonnegod en de krachtige rush die Michael er van krijgt, is zeer verslavend. Om Aurora tegen zichzelf te beschermen, begint Michael de machtigste demonen in de stad op te sporen om zijn duistere verlangen te bevredigen. Terwijl het zwarte bloed in zijn aderen pulseert, verliest Michael zichzelf door de haast en wordt hij net zo gevaarlijk als de demonen waarna hij op jacht is.

    Lluvia De Sangre

    Amy Blankenship

    La esencia de la sangre es un misterio que tiene muchos significados. La sangre es la portadora de la vida, pero si se derrama, puede destruirla en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Las leyendas cuentan que la sangre también es el vínculo de unión entre almas gemelas, incluso si una de esas almas está destrozada. Los estados de ánimo y la moral de los paranormales de Los Ángeles se ponen a prueba, cuando la inocencia independientemente de su origen se ve amenazada. A todos ellos se les recuerda que no todos los demonios son malvados, a veces incluso los demonios necesitan ser salvados de cosas que realmente se arrastran durante la noche. Durante las manifestaciones llenas de muerte, renacimiento y aceptación de lo inevitable, se forja una nueva arma cuando cae una Lluvia de Sangre. La esencia de la sangre es un misterio que tiene muchos significados. La sangre es la portadora de la vida… pero si se derramada, la puede destruir en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Las leyendas cuentan que la sangre también es el vínculo de unión entre almas gemelas… incluso si una de ellas está destrozada. El temperamento y las costumbres paranormales de Los Ángeles se ponen a prueba, cuando la inocencia independientemente de su origen es puesto a prueba. Se les recuerda que no todos los demonios son malvados… incluso a veces, los demonios necesitan ser salvados de cosas que realmente se arrastran durante la noche. Durante las revelaciones repletas de muerte, renacimiento y aceptación de lo inevitable, se forja una nueva arma mientras cae una Lluvia de Sangre.


    Amy Blankenship

    Die Essenz von Blut ist ein Mysterium, das viele Bedeutungen hat. Blut gibt Leben… aber wenn es vergossen wird, kann es Leben im Handumdrehen zerstören. Legenden sagen, dass Blut auch die Verbindung ist, die Seelenfreunde zusammen hält… auch wenn eine dieser Seelen zersplittert ist. Launen und Moral des paranormalen L.A., werden auf die Probe gestellt, als Unschuld, unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft, in Gefahr ist. Sie müssen sich wieder darüber klar werden, dass nicht alle Dämonen böse sind… manchmal müssen selbst Dämonen vor den Dingen gerettet werden, die wirklich durch die Nacht streifen. Während der Offenbarungen voller Tod, Wiedergeburt und Akzeptanz des Unabwendbaren wird durch den fallenden Blutregen eine neue Waffe geschmiedet.