Amy Blankenship

Список книг автора Amy Blankenship

    Sangue Contaminato (Legami Di Sangue - Volume 7)

    Amy Blankenship

    Fare un patto con un demone è vincolante, anche se non sai che quella persona è un demone. Sfruttando la cosa a proprio vantaggio, Zachary ha infranto la regola sacra e, di proposito, ha offerto un accordo a Tiara. Sarebbe stato il suo unico amante finché non avesse trovato un vero compagno… che lui intendeva non farle trovare mai. Stringendo il patto, il suo lato oscuro emerge quando Tiara scappa via da lui, pensando di essere sulla lista nera del PIT a causa del suo sangue contaminato. Zachary combatte il fuoco con il fuoco quando scopre che lei si nasconde nelle braccia del nemico.

    O Sangue Do Jaded (Série Laços De Sangue Livro 10)

    Amy Blankenship

    Sendo um lobisomem, Jade sempre teve a impressão de que todos os machos Alpha não passam de machos egocêntricos e assassinos que usam os membros do grupo como nada mais do que pedras de apoio para se tornar o rei da colina. Ela deveria saber. O seu irmão, o seu noivo e o seu raptor eram todos Alphas da pior espécie. Tendo todas as provas de que os Alphas são más notícias, Jade jurou nunca confiar num lobisomem de qualquer tipo… muito menos cair por um. Ela luta para manter esse voto quando é resgatada por um loiro de olhos azuis Alpha com o corpo de um Deus grego. Não importa o quanto ela lute, Jade teme que este é um Alpha para o qual ela vai perder.

    L'Angelo Dalle Ali Nere

    Amy Blankenship

    Alcune leggende lo descrivevano come un dio, altre lo vedevano come un diavolo che voleva uccidere gli dei per ottenere la propria libertà. Gli avevano dato un nome… Darious. Il suo piano era quello di rimandare tutti i demoni all’inferno e la sua arma era la rabbia che infuriava dentro di lui. Salvando gli esseri umani che lo evitavano come un flagello pericoloso, Darious rimase sorpreso nel trovare degli occhi verde smeraldo che lo fissavano senza paura. Kyoko non sapeva che uno sguardo ardente potrebbe tentare un dio e accendere la sua passione, che conosceva soltanto rabbia. Circondata dai guardiani che la amano e la proteggono, avranno una possibilità contro l’angelo dalle ali nere o i demoni che avevano silenziosamente invaso la città? Kyoko scopre che è difficile scappare da Darious quando lui è più veloce di lei.

    Місячний Танець (Пов'Язані Кров'Ю. Книга І)

    Amy Blankenship

    Життя Енві було прекрасним. У неї був чудовий брат, чудовий бойфренд, а найкращої роботи їй і не знайти, – бармен у найпопулярніших клубах міста. Принаймні, усе було чудово до тих пір, поки їй не зателефонував один із її найкращих друзів та повідомив, що її бойфренд виконує вертикальне лімбо на танцполі клубу «Місячний танець». Енві вирішує особисто переконатися в цьому, що призводить до низки надзвичайних подій, які її втягнуть у небезпечний паранормальний світ, захований за завісою буденної рутини повсякденного життя… Світ, де люди можуть перетворитись на ягуарів, де справжнісінькі вампіри бродять вулицями, а грішні ангели живуть серед нас, простих смертних. Девон, злегка грубуватий ягуар-перевертень, – один із співвласників клубу «Місячний танець». Його світ перевертається з ніг на голову, коли він спостерігає за привабливою рудоволосою бестією, яка танцює у його клубі, озброєна цинічним серцем та електрошокером. Посеред лютої війни між вампірами, що вирує навколо них, Девон клянеться собі зробити усе можливе та неможливе, щоб ця жінка стало його…

    Жажда Смерти (Кровные Узы, Книга 12)

    Amy Blankenship

    Рен думал, что поймал простого воришку, но неожиданно обнаружил, что под слоями мальчишеской одежды и грязи скрывалась самая прекрасная искусительница, которую он когда-либо видел. Узнав, что она была заклеймена демонической меткой и, казалось, сама стремилась к смерти, Рен быстро приходит к выводу, что единственный способ сохранить ей жизнь – не выпускать ее из поля зрения. Если же демоны окажутся настолько безрассудны, чтобы попытаться украсть ее у него, то он заставит их самих мечтать о смерти. Связаться с управляемой демонами подпольной воровской бандой было легко… гораздо труднее для Лейси оказалось сбежать от них, когда они решили ее убить. Когда ее напарник умер только для того, чтобы помочь ей выиграть время, она решила, что его жертва не должна быть напрасной, и побежала так, как будто за ней гнались демоны… а они гнались. Откуда ей было знать, что ее побег приведет ее не только в самую гущу демонической войны, но и в объятия прекрасного незнакомца, который окажется более могущественным, чем ее самый страшный кошмар. Рен думал, что поймал простого воришку, но неожиданно обнаружил, что под слоями мальчишеской одежды и грязи скрывалась самая прекрасная искусительница, которую он когда-либо видел. Узнав, что она была заклеймена демонической меткой и, казалось, сама стремилась к смерти, Рен быстро приходит к выводу, что единственный способ сохранить ей жизнь – не выпускать ее из поля зрения. Если же демоны окажутся настолько безрассудны, чтобы попытаться украсть ее у него, то он заставит их самих мечтать о смерти.

    Addictive Blood

    Amy Blankenship

    Michael finds that sometimes the blood of powerful immortals do not mix even when they are soul mates and in the heat of passion. A mating mark is a symbol of possession but for Michael that tiny taste of blood is his downfall. The blood of the Fallen is deceptively seductive to a Sun God and the powerful rush Michael receives is very addictive. In order to protect Aurora from himself, Michael begins to hunt down the most powerful demons in the city to satisfy his dark craving. As the black blood pulses within his veins Michael loses himself to the rush and becomes just as dangerous as the demons he is hunting.

    Jaded Blood

    Amy Blankenship

    Being a werewolf, Jade has always been under the impression that all Alpha males are nothing more than self-centered, murdering macho-bullies that use pack members as nothing more than stepping stones to become king of the hill. She should know. Her brother, her fiancé, and her kidnapper were all Alphas of the worst kind. Having all the proof she needed that Alphas are bad news, Jade vowed to never trust a werewolf of any kind… much less fall for one. She struggles to keep that vow when she is rescued by a blond haired blue eyed Alpha with the body of a Greek God. No matter how hard she fights, Jade fears this is one Alpha that she will lose to.

    Dark Flames

    Amy Blankenship

    Just as the vampire war escalates into a full-blown demon war, Zachary finds himself responsible for a beautiful necromancer who is connected to a dark moment in his past. He had watched her mother step across the thin line and straight into the arms of a demon. It was his job to make sure Tiara didn’t choose the same lustful path… unless it was with him. Now, with the demons closing in, the last thing he expected was for Tiara to be kin to them. As tempers soar and secrets are kept, jealously becomes a dangerous game. Someone should have warned her that when you play with fire you are bound to be burned.


    Amy Blankenship

    Michael is the one everyone expected to keep his cool in the most dangerous situations… but they soon realize it’s the calm ones you have to watch out for. His power and temper spirals out of control when he becomes obsessed with a girl that keeps stroking his passion only to vanish before he can find out anything about her. With every taste he gets of her, his obsession quickly turns into an addiction. Michael is the one everyone expected to keep his cool in the most dangerous situations… but they soon realize it’s the calm ones you have to watch out for. His power and temper spirals out of control when he becomes obsessed with a girl that keeps stroking his passion only to vanish before he can find out anything about her. With every taste he gets of her, his obsession quickly turns into an addiction. Aurora is bound against her will to Samuel, an ancient and powerful demon who is still stalking her every move. Keeping her freedom means she must stay one step ahead of the possessive demon. When she finds herself drawn to an amethyst eyed lover, she quickly finds her passion for this stranger is leading Samuel directly to her and the man she wants to protect. Samuel vows to do whatever it takes to keep Aurora bound to his side. In his need to force Aurora’s obedience, he unwittingly stokes the fires of a power he has no hope of extinguishing… the righteous fury of a Sun God.


    Amy Blankenship

    Damon moved in with his brothers for one reason… the girl that had staked him and left him for dead was living there and under vampire protection. When they wind up saving Alicia’s life more times than he cared to count, Damon decides someone needs to get her under control before the little she-cat finally finds a way to escape him by getting herself killed. Jealousy becomes a dangerous game when she goes into heat and begins attracting more than just monsters. Alicia Wilder is tired of being shielded from the world by her over protective brothers. Trying to prove she can handle the vampire war gets her mauled, bit, kissed, shot at, and oddly enough, living with three very sexy vampires, one of which started the vampire war in the first place. When she finds herself going into shifter heat, Alicia realizes her safety net may be her undoing. Damon moved in with his brothers for one reason… the girl that had staked him and left him for dead was living there and under vampire protection. When they wind up saving Alicia’s life more times than he cared to count, Damon decides someone needs to get her under control before the little she-cat finally finds a way to escape him by getting herself killed. Jealousy becomes a dangerous game when she goes into heat and begins attracting more than just monsters.