IOP Concise Physics

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    Atomic Physics

    Paul Ewart

    Atomic Physics provides a concise treatment of atomic physics and a basis to prepare for work in other disciplines that are underpinned by atomic physics such as chemistry, biology and several aspects of engineering science. The focus is mainly on atomic structure since this is what is primarily responsible for the physical properties of atoms. After a brief introduction to some basic concepts, the perturbation theory approach follows the hierarchy of interactions starting with the largest. The other interactions of spin, and angular momentum of the outermost electrons with each other, the nucleus and external magnetic fields are treated in order of descending strength. A spectroscopic perspective is generally taken by relating the observations of atomic radiation emitted or absorbed to the internal energy levels involved. X-ray spectra are then discussed in relation to the energy levels of the innermost electrons. Finally, a brief description is given of some modern, laser based, spectroscopic methods for the high resolution study of the nest details of atomic structure.

    Concepts and Applications of Nonlinear Terahertz Spectroscopy

    Thomas Elsaesser

    Terahertz (THz) radiation with frequencies between 100 GHz and 30 THz has developed into an important tool of science and technology, with numerous applications in materials characterization, imaging, sensor technologies, and telecommunications. Recent progress in THz generation has provided ultrashort THz pulses with electric field amplitudes of up to several megavolts/cm. This development opens the new research field of nonlinear THz spectroscopy in which strong light-matter interactions are exploited to induce quantum excitations and/or charge transport and follow their nonequilibrium dynamics in time-resolved experiments. This book introduces methods of THz generation and nonlinear THz spectroscopy in a tutorial way, discusses the relevant theoretical concepts, and presents prototypical, experimental, and theoretical results in condensed matter physics. The potential of nonlinear THz spectroscopy is illustrated by recent research, including an overview of the relevant literature.

    Special and General Relativity

    Rainer Dick

    This book provides a concise introduction to both the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity. The format is chosen to provide the basis for a single semester course which can take the students all the way from the foundations of special relativity to the core results of general relativity: the Einstein equation and the equations of motion for particles and light in curved spacetime. To facilitate access to the topics of special and general relativity for science and engineering students without prior training in relativity or geometry, the relevant geometric notions are also introduced and developed from the ground up. Students in physics, mathematics or engineering with an interest to learn Einstein's theories of relativity should be able to use this book already in the second semester of their third year. The book could also be used as the basis of a graduate level introduction to relativity for students who did not learn relativity as part of their undergraduate training.

    Magnetically Confined Fusion Plasma Physics

    Linjin Zheng

    This book describes the ideal magnetohydrodynamic theory for magnetically conned fusion plasmas. Advanced topics are presented in attempting to fill the gap between the up-to-date research developments and plasma physics textbooks. Nevertheless, they are self contained and trackable with the mathematical treatments detailed and underlying physics explained. Both analytical theories and numerical schemes are given. Besides the current research developments in this field, the future prospects are also discussed. Nowadays, it is believed that, if the ideal MHD theory predicts major instabilities, none of the magnetic confinements of fusion plasmas can survive. The author has also written the book Advanced Tokamak Stability Theory. In view of its importance, the MHD theory is further systematically elaborated in this book. The conventional ideal MHD framework is reviewed together with the newly developed multi-parallel-fluid MHD theory. The MHD equilibrium theory and code are described with the non-letter-'X' separatrix feature pointed out. The continuum modes, quasi-modes, phase mixing, and Alfven resonance heating are analysed. The analytical theories for MHD stability in tokamak configurations are systematically presented, such as the interchange, peeling, ballooning, toroidal Alfven modes, and kink type of modes. The global stability computations are also addressed, including resistive wall modes, error-field amplifications, and Alfven modes, etc.

    Science in the Arena

    Blane Baker

    The arena of sport is filled with marvelous performances and feats that, at times, seem almost beyond belief. As curious onlookers, we often wonder whether or not athletes will reach certain peaks and what determines their limits of athletic performance. Science, with its emphasis on theoretical development and experimental results, is uniquely equipped to answer these kinds of questions. Over the past two decades, I have been asked innumerable questions related to how science can provide these kinds of insights. Science in the Arena is written as an outgrowth of those interactions with the primary goal of communicating useful and understandable scientific explanations of athletic performance.

    The Physics and Art of Photography, Volume 3

    John Beaver

    This book uses art photography as a point of departure for learning about physics, while also using physics as a point of departure for asking fundamental questions about the nature of photography as an art. Although not a how-to manual, the topics center around hands-on applications, sometimes illustrated by photographic processes that are inexpensive and easily accessible to students (including a versatile new process developed by the author, and first described in print in this series). A central theme is the connection between the physical interaction of light and matter on the one hand, and the artistry of the photographic processes and their results on the other. This is the third volume in this three-part series that uses art photography as a point of departure for learning about physics, while also using physics as a point of departure for asking fundamental questions about the nature of photography as an art. It focuses on the physics and chemistry of photographic light-sensitive materials, as well as the human retina. It also considers the fundamental nature of digital photography and its relationship to the analog photography that preceded it.

    An Introduction to Time-Resolved Optically Stimulated Luminescence

    Makaiko L Chithambo

    Time-resolved optical stimulation of luminescence has become established as an important method for measurement of optically stimulated luminescence. Its enduring appeal is easy to see with the number of materials studied growing from the initial focus on natural minerals such as quartz and feldspar to synthetic dosimeters such as ï¡-Al2O3:C, BeO and YAlO3:Mn2+. The aim of time-resolved optical stimulation is to separate in time the stimulation and emission of luminescence. The luminescence is stimulated from a sample using a brief light pulse. The ensuing luminescence can be monitored either during stimulation in the presence of scattered stimulating light or after the light-pulse. The time-resolved luminescence spectrum measured in this way can be resolved into components each with a distinct lifetime. The lifetimes are linked to physical processes of luminescence and thus provide a means to study dynamics involving charge transfer between point-defects in materials. This book is devoted to time-resolved optically stimulated luminescence and is suitable for researchers with an interest in the study of point-defects using luminescence methods. The book first sets the method within the context of luminescence field at large and then provides an overview of the instrumentation used. There is much attention on models for time-resolved optically stimulated luminescence, two of which are analytical and the third of which is based on computational simulation of experimental results. To bring relevance to the discussion, the book draws on examples from studies on quartz and a-Al2O3:C, two materials widely investigated using this method. The book shows how kinetic analysis for various thermal effects such as thermal quenching and thermal assistance can be investigated using time-resolved luminescence. Although use of light sums is an obvious choice for this, contemporary work is discussed to show the versatility of using other alternative methods such the dynamic throughput.

    An Introduction to Plasma Physics and Its Space Applications, Volume 1

    Luis Conde

    The growing number of scientific and technological applications of plasma physics in the field of Aerospace Engineering requires that graduate students and professionals understand their principles. This introductory book is the expanded version of class notes of lectures I taught for several years to students of Aerospace Engineering and Physics. It is intended as a reading guide, addressed to students and non-specialists to tackle later with more advanced texts. To make the subject more accessible the book does not follow the usual organization of standard textbooks in this field and is divided in two parts. The first introduces the basic kinetic theory (molecular collisions, mean free path, etc.) of neutral gases in equilibrium in connection to the undergraduate physics courses. The basic properties of ionized gases and plasmas (Debye length, plasma frequencies, etc.) are addressed in relation to their equilibrium states and the collisional processes at the microscopic level. The physical description of short and long-range (Coulomb) collisions and the more relevant collisions (elementary processes) between electrons' ions and neutral atoms or molecules are discussed. The second part introduces the physical description of plasmas as a statistical system of interacting particles introducing advanced concepts of kinetic theory, (non-equilibrium distribution functions, Boltzmann collision operator, etc). The fluid transport equations for plasmas of electron ions and neutral atoms and the hydrodynamic models of interest in space science and plasma technology are derived. The plasma production in the laboratory in the context of the physics of electric breakdown is also discussed. Finally, among the myriad of aerospace applications of plasma physics, the low pressure microwave electron multipactor breakdown and plasma thrusters for space propulsion are presented in two separate chapters.

    Sonic Thunder

    W R Matson

    Since the earliest days of human existence, the clash of thunder and trembling of the hills has struck fear into the hearts of seasoned warriors and tribal villagers alike. Great gods, demi-gods, and heroes were created to explain the awesome, mysterious, and incomprehensibly powerful forces of Nature in a feeble attempt to make sense of the world around them. To our advanced scientific minds today, these explanations seem childish and ridiculous; however, the power to flatten thousands of square miles of ancient forest, create massive holes in the Earth itself, and cause mountains to tremble to their very roots are more than enough reason to believe. Indeed, perhaps our scientific advancement has caused us to not fully or completely appreciate the awesome scale and power that Nature can wield against us. The study of shock wave formation and dynamics begins with a study of waves themselves. Simple harmonic motion is used to analyze the physical mechanisms of wave generation and propagation, and the principle of superposition is used to mathematically generate constructive and destructive interference. Further development leads to the shock singularity where a single wave of immense magnitude propagates and decays through various media. Correlations with the fields of thermodynamics, meteorology, crater formation, and acoustics are made, as well as a few special applications. Direct correlation is made to events in Arizona, Siberia, and others. The mathematical requirement for this text includes trigonometry, differential equations, and large series summations, which should be accessible to most beginning and advanced university students. This text should serve well as supplementary material in a course covering discrete wave dynamics, applied thermodynamics, or extreme acoustics.

    Electronic Structure of Organic Semiconductors

    Luís Alcácer

    Written in the perspective of an experimental chemist, this book puts together some fundamentals from chemistry, solid state physics and quantum chemistry, to help with understanding and predicting the electronic and optical properties of organic semiconductors, both polymers and small molecules. The text is intended to assist graduate students and researchers in the field of organic electronics to use theory to design more efficient materials for organic electronic devices such as organic solar cells, light emitting diodes and field effect transistors. After addressing some basic topics in solid state physics, a comprehensive introduction to molecular orbitals and band theory leads to a description of computational methods based on Hartree-Fock and density functional theory (DFT), for predicting geometry conformations, frontier levels and energy band structures. Topological defects and transport and optical properties are then addressed, and one of the most commonly used transparent conducting polymers, PEDOT:PSS, is described in some detail as a case study.