IOP Concise Physics

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    The Most Interesting Galaxies in the Universe

    Joel L Schiff

    Prior to the 1920s it was generally thought, with a few exceptions, that our galaxy, the Milky Way, was the entire Universe. Based on the work of Henrietta Leavitt with Cepheid variables, astronomer Edwin Hubble was able to determine that the Andromeda Galaxy and others had to lie outside our own. Moreover, based on the work of Vesto Slipher, involving the redshifts of these galaxies, Hubble was able to determine that the Universe was not static, as had been previously thought, but expanding. The number of galaxies has also been expanding, with estimates varying from 100 billion to 2 trillion. While every galaxy in the Universe is interesting just by its very fact of being, the author has selected 51 of those that possess some unusual qualities that make them of some particular interest. These galaxies have complex evolutionary histories, with some having supermassive black holes at their core, others are powerful radio sources, a very few are relatively nearby and even visible to the naked eye, whereas the light from one recent discovery has been travelling for the past 13.4 billion years to show us its infancy, and from a time when the Universe was in its infancy. And in spite of the vastness of the Universe, some galaxies are colliding with others, embraced in a graceful gravitational dance. Indeed, as the Andromeda Galaxy is heading towards us, a similar fate awaits our Milky Way. When looking at a modern image of a galaxy, one is in awe at the shear wondrous nature of such a magnificent creation, with its boundless secrets that it is keeping from us, its endless possibilities for harboring alien civilizations, and we remain left with the ultimate knowledge that we are connected to its glory.

    Numerical Solutions of Boundary Value Problems with Finite Difference Method

    Sujaul Chowdhury

    This book contains an extensive illustration of use of finite difference method in solving the boundary value problem numerically. A wide class of differential equations has been numerically solved in this book. Starting with differential equations of elementary functions like hyperbolic, sine and cosine, we have solved those of special functions like Hermite, Laguerre and Legendre. Those of Airy function, of stationary localised wavepacket, of the quantum mechanical problem of a particle in a 1D box, and the polar equation of motion under gravitational interaction have also been solved. Mathematica 6.0 has been used to solve the system of linear equations that we encountered and to plot the numerical data. Comparison with known analytic solutions showed nearly perfect agreement in every case. On reading this book, readers will become adept in using the method.

    Introduction to Classical Field Theory

    Jarrett L Lancaster

    This book is a short introduction to classical field theory, most suitable for undergraduate students who have had at least intermediate-level courses in electromagnetism and classical mechanics. The main theme of the book is showcasing role of fields in mediating action-at-a-distance interactions. Suitable technical machinery is developed to explore at least some aspect of each of the four known fundamental forces in nature. Beginning with the physically-motivated introduction to field theory, the text covers the relativistic formulation of electromagnetism in great detail so that aspects of gravity and the nuclear interaction not usually encountered at the undergraduate level can be covered by using analogies with familiar electromagentism. Special topics such as the behavior of gravity in extra, compactified dimensions, magnetic monopoles and electromagnetic duality, and the Higgs mechanism are also briefly considered.

    An Approach to Dark Matter Modelling

    Tanushree Basak

    In the field of particle and astrophysics, one of the major unresolved problems is to understand the nature and properties of dark matter, which constitutes almost 80% of the matter content of the universe. This book gives a pedagogical introduction to the field of dark matter in general, and in particular to the model building perspective. Starting from the evidence and need for dark matter, it goes into the deeper understanding of how to accommodate a dark matter candidate in a particle physics model. This book focuses on teaching the basic tools for model building of dark matter, starting from the easiest to gradually the difficult one. Although there are plenty of dark matter models available in the literature, this book concentrates on the important ones. This book aims to motivate the reader to propose a new dark matter model complying with all observational constraints.

    From Complex to Simple

    H. Thomas Williams

    This book presents simple interdisciplinary stochastic models meant as a gentle introduction to the field of non-equilibrium statistical physics. It focuses on the analysis of two-state models with cooperative effects, which are versatile enough to be applied to many physical and social systems. The book also explores a variety of mathematical techniques to solve the master equations that govern these models: matrix theory, empty-interval methods, mean field theory, a quantum approach, and mapping onto classical Ising models. The models discussed are at the confluence of nanophysics, biology, mathematics, and the social sciences and provide a pedagogical path toward understanding the complex dynamics of particle self-assembly with the tools of statistical physics.

    Introduction to the Kinetics of Glow Discharges

    Chengxun Yuan

    Electric glow discharges (glows) can be found almost everywhere, from atmospheric electricity to modern plasma technologies, and have long been the object of research. The main purpose of this book is to provide simple illustrations of the basic physical mechanisms and principles that determine the properties of electric glow discharges. It should enable readers to successfully participate in scientific and technical progress.

    Airborne Maritime Surveillance Radar

    Simon Watts

    Today, air-to-surface vessel (ASV) radars, or more generally maritime surveillance radars, are installed on maritime reconnaissance aircraft for long-range detection, tracking and classification of surface ships (ASuW – Air to Surface Warfare) and for hunting submarines (ASW – anti-submarine warfare). Such radars were first developed in the UK during WWII as part of the response to the threat to shipping from German U-Boats. This book describes the ASV radars developed in the UK after WWII (1946-2000) and used by the RAF for long-range maritime surveillance.

    Airborne Maritime Surveillance Radar

    Simon Watts

    Today, air-to-surface vessel (ASV) radars, or more generally airborne maritime surveillance radars, are installed on maritime reconnaissance aircraft for long-range detection, tracking and classification of surface ships (ASuW—anti-surface warfare) and for hunting submarines (ASW—anti-submarine warfare). Such radars were first developed in the UK during WWII as part of the response to the threat to shipping from German U boats. This book describes the ASV radars developed in the UK and used by RAF Coastal Command during WWII for long-range maritime surveillance.

    Infinite-Space Dyadic Green Functions in Electromagnetism

    Akhlesh Lakhtakia

    In any linear system, the input and the output are connected by means of a linear operator. When the input can be notionally represented by a function that is null valued everywhere except at a specific location in spacetime, the corresponding output is called the Green function in field theories. Dyadic Green functions are commonplace in electromagnetics, because both the input and the output are vector functions of space and time. This book provides a survey of the state-of-the-art knowledge of infinite space dyadic Green functions.

    Essential Semiconductor Laser Physics

    A F J Levi

    The invention of the semiconductor laser along with silica glass fiber has enabled an incredible revolution in global communication infrastructure of direct benefit to all. Development of devices and system concepts that exploit the same fundamental light-matter interaction continues. Researchers and technologists are pursuing a broad range of emerging applications, everything from automobile collision avoidance to secure quantum key distribution. This book sets out to summarize key aspects of semiconductor laser device physics and principles of laser operation. It provides a convenient reference and essential knowledge to be understood before exploring more sophisticated device concepts. The contents serve as a foundation for scientists and engineers, without the need to invest in specialized detailed study. Supplementary material in the form of MATLAB is available for numerically generated figures.