IOP Concise Physics

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    Photomedicine and Stem Cells

    Michael R Hamblin

    Janus, the ancient Roman god depicted with two faces is an appropriate metaphor for light therapy. In the right photodynamic therapy conditions, light is able to kill nearly anything that is living such as cancers, microorganisms, parasites, and more. On the opposite face, light of the correct wavelength and proper dose (photobiomodulation) can heal, regenerate, protect, revitalize and restore any kind of dead, damaged, stressed, dying, degenerating cells, tissue, or organ system. This book discusses both sides of Janus' face in regards to light therapy.

    Detecting the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background

    Carlo Nicola Colacino

    The stochastic gravitational-wave background (SGWB) is by far the most difficult source of gravitational radiation detect. At the same time, it is the most interesting and intriguing one. This book describes the initial detection of the SGWB and describes the underlying mathematics behind one of the most amazing discoveries of the 21st century. On the experimental side it would mean that interferometric gravitational wave detectors work even better than expected. On the observational side, such a detection could give us information about the very early Universe, information that could not be obtained otherwise. Even negative results and improved upper bounds could put constraints on many cosmological and particle physics models.

    An Introduction to the Gas Phase

    Claire Vallance

    An Introduction to the Gas Phase is adapted from a set of lecture notes for a core first year lecture course in physical chemistry taught at the University of Oxford. The book is intended to give a relatively concise introduction to the gas phase at a level suitable for any undergraduate scientist. After defining the gas phase, properties of gases such as temperature, pressure, and volume are discussed. The relationships between these properties are explained at a molecular level, and simple models are introduced that allow the various gas laws to be derived from first principles. Finally, the collisional behavior of gases is used to explain a number of gas-phase phenomena, such as effusion, diffusion, and thermal conductivity.

    Origins of Life

    Douglas Whittet

    Origins of Life: A Cosmic Perspective presents an overview of the concepts, methods, and theories of astrobiology and origins of life research while presenting a summary of the latest findings. The book provides insight into the environments and processes that gave birth to life on our planet, which naturally informs our assessment of the probability that has arisen (or will arise) elsewhere. In addition, the book encourages readers to go beyond basic concepts, to explore topics in greater depth, and to engage in lively discussions. The text is intended to be suitable for mid- and upper-level undergraduates and beginning graduate students and more generally as an introduction and overview for researchers and general readers seeking to follow current developments in this interdisciplinary field. Readers are assumed to have a basic grounding in the relevant sciences, but prior specialized knowledge is not required. Each chapter concludes with a list of questions and discussion topics as well as suggestions for further reading. Some questions can be answered with reference to material in the text, but others require further reading and some have no known answers. The intention is to encourage readers to go beyond basic concepts, to explore topics in greater depth, and, in a classroom setting, to engage in lively discussions with class members.

    A Journey into Reciprocal Space

    A.M. Glazer

    The concept of reciprocal space is over 100 years old, and has been of particular use by crystallographers in order to understand the patterns of spots when x-rays are diffracted by crystals. However, it has a much more general use, especially in the physics of the solid state. In order to understand what it is, how to construct it and how to make use of it, it is first necessary to start with the so-called real or direct space and then show how reciprocal space is related to it. Real space describes the objects we see around us, especially with regards to crystals, their physical shapes and symmetries and the arrangements of atoms within: the so-called crystal structure. Reciprocal space on the other hand deals with the crystals as seen through their diffraction images. Indeed, crystallographers are accustomed to working backwards from the diffraction images to the crystal structures, which we call crystal structure solution. In solid state physics, one usually works the other way, starting with reciprocal space to explain various solid-state properties, such as thermal and electrical phenomena. In this book, I start with the crystallographer's point of view of real and reciprocal space and then proceed to develop this in a form suitable for physics applications. Note that while for the crystallographer reciprocal space is a handy means of dealing with diffraction, for the solid-state physicist it is thought of as a way to describe the formation and motion of waves, in which case the physicist thinks of reciprocal space in terms of momentum or wave-vector k-space. This is because, for periodic structures, a characteristic of normal crystals, elementary quantum excitations, e.g. phonons and electrons, can be described both as particles and waves. The treatment given here, will be by necessity brief, but I would hope that this will suffice to lead the reader to build upon the concepts described. I have tried to write this book in a suitable form for both undergraduate and graduate students of what today we call «condensed matter physics.»

    Halo Nuclei

    Jim Al-Khalili

    While neutron halos were discovered 30 years ago, this is the first book written on the subject of this exotic form of nuclei that typically contain many more neutrons than stable isotopes of those elements. It provides an introductory description of the halo and outlines the discovery and evidence for its existence. It also discusses different theoretical models of the halo's structure as well as models and techniques in reaction theory that have allowed us to study the halo. This is written at a level accessible to graduate students starting a PhD in nuclear physics. Halo nuclei are an exotic form of atomic nuclei that contain typically many more neutrons than stable isotopes of those elements. To give you a famous example, an atom of the element lithium has three electrons orbiting a nucleus with three protons and, usually, either 3 or 4 neutrons. The difference in the number of neutrons gives us two different isotopes of lithium, Li6 and Li7. But if you keep adding neutrons to the nucleus you will eventually reach Li11, with still 3 protons (that means it's lithium) but with 8 neutrons. This nucleus is so neutron-rich that the last two are very weakly bound to the rest of the nucleus (a Li9 core). What happens is a quantum mechanical effect: the two outer neutrons float around beyond the rest of the nuclear core at a distance that is beyond the range of the force that is holding them to the core. This is utterly counterintuitive. It means the nucleus looks like a core plus extended diffuse cloud of neutron probability: the halo. The author of the book, Jim Al-Khalili, is a theoretician who published some of the key papers on the structure of the halo in the mid and late 90s and was the first to determine its true size. This monograph is based on review articles he has written on the mathematical models used to determine the halo structure and the reactions used to model that structure.

    The Tai Chi in Star Formation

    Hua-bai Li

    Tai Chi, a Chinese martial art developed based on the laws of nature, emphasises how 'to conquer the unyielding with the yielding.' The recent observation of star formation shows that stars result from the interaction between gravity, turbulence and magnetic fields. This interaction again follows the natural rules that inspired Tai Chi. For example, if self-gravity is the force that dominates, the molecular cloud will collapse isotropically, which compresses magnetic field lines. The density of the yielding field lines increases until magnetic pressure reaches the critical value to support the cloud against the gravitational force in directions perpendicular to the field lines (Lorentz force). Then gravity gives way to Lorentz force, accumulating gas only along the field lines till the gas density achieves the critical value to again compress the field lines. The Tai Chi goes on in a self similar way.

    Essential Mathematics for the Physical Sciences, Volume 1

    Brett Borden

    Physics is expressed in the language of mathematics; it is deeply ingrained in how physics is taught and how it's practiced. A study of the mathematics used in science is thus asound intellectual investment for training as scientists and engineers. This first volume of two is centered on methods of solving partial differential equations (PDEs) and the special functions introduced. Solving PDEs can't be done, however, outside of the context in which they apply to physical systems. The solutions to PDEs must conform to boundary conditions, a set of additional constraints in space or time to be satisfied at the boundaries of the system, that small part of the universe under study. The first volume is devoted to homogeneous boundary-value problems (BVPs), homogeneous implying a system lacking a forcing function, or source function. The second volume takes up (in addition to other topics) inhomogeneous problems where, in addition to the intrinsic PDE governing a physical field, source functions are an essential part of the system. This text is based on a course offered at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and while produced for NPS needs, it will serve other universities well. It is based on the assumption that it follows a math review course, and was designed to coincide with the second quarter of student study, which is dominated by BVPs but also requires an understanding of special functions and Fourier analysis.

    Entrepreneurship for Physicists

    Davide Iannuzzi

    Physicists are very smart people. Still, when it comes to moving their ideas from university to market, they often lack the basic set of know-hows that could help them succeed in the technology transfer process. To fill this gap, Entrepreneurship for Physicists: A Practical Guide to Move Ideas from University to Market offers a concise analysis of the key ingredients that enable entrepreneurs to bring added value to their customers. After a short discussion on why university physicists should pay more attention to this aspect of their professional life, the book dives into a set of theories, models, and tools that could help an academic scientist transform an idea into customer added value. The reader will be introduced to effectuation theory, internal resource analysis, external landscape analysis, value capture, lean startup method, business canvases, financial projections, and to a series of topics that, albeit often neglected, do play a fundamental role in technology transfer, such as trust, communication, and persuasion. In the last chapter, the book explains howmost of the concepts discussed actually find application in the career of scientists in a much broader sense.

    Quantum Chemistry

    Ajit Thakkar

    This book provides non-specialists with a basic understanding ofthe underlying concepts of quantum chemistry. It is both a text for second or third-year undergraduates and a reference for researchers who need a quick introduction or refresher. All chemists and many biochemists, materials scientists, engineers, and physicists routinely user spectroscopic measurements and electronic structure computations in their work. The emphasis of Quantum Chemistry on explaining ideas rather than enumerating facts or presenting procedural details makes this an excellent foundation text/reference. The keystone is laid in the first two chapters which deal with molecular symmetry and the postulates of quantum mechanics, respectively. Symmetry is woven through the narrative of the next three chapters dealing with simple models of translational, rotational, and vibrational motion that underlie molecular spectroscopy and statistical thermodynamics. The next two chapters deal with the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom and hydrogen molecule ion, respectively. Having been armed with a basic knowledge of these prototypical systems, the reader is ready to learn, in the next chapter, the fundamental ideas used to deal with the complexities of many-electron atoms and molecules. These somewhat abstract ideas are illustrated with the venerable Huckel model of planar hydrocarbons in the penultimate chapter. The book concludes with an explanation of the bare minimum of technical choices that must be made to do meaningful electronic structure computations using quantum chemistry software packages.