The 7 Portals of the Spirit. Akron Frey

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Название The 7 Portals of the Spirit
Автор произведения Akron Frey
Жанр Философия
Издательство Философия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783905372502

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enforced by means of our intellect, because all that is perceivable through thinking is thinking itself, which is the very aspect we have chosen to be our major criterion, to measure itself. If we want to convince our intellect, we have to create models first that convince our thinking, and then we have to forget that we ourselves have constructed these models. That is why we may not expect any truth of these models because truth lies beyond the duality of consciousness. It is not our task to enforce a „model of truth“ but to accept that we are never able to see the truth with what our consciousness is equipped with.

      According to your words every model would be an illusion that is essential for life?

      Indeed: Without these structures mankind would have nothing to hold on to because as I already told you: The only thing that is perceivable through thinking is thinking itself, but these realizations only lead us to new models. Do you want to know more about this?

      I want to know everything!

      Every model enacts of its own, inner daemon, an energetic existence created within the model through spiritual laws that radiates negative frequencies onto beings that are not of the same opinion and keeps us captured within the specific force field. We know this concept from science, politics, religion and esoteric. The very moment a human being has understood his model he is trying to try it out on someone else’s life. Models create a collective energy, which is controllable and confirmable by accessory input from the outside. Behind this lies the egoistic intention to transform life into a generally valid structure.

      This system seems familiar to me ... is there no alternative?

      There is nothing beyond our structures, because these different models which mankind has created for itself in the course of history are the only path evolution will take.

      Where is this path leading to?

      Reality is an accumulation of conceptions – depending on the cultural sources from which mankind draws its reality. All in all this means: Models are the only instruments that are able to hold an objective lie against our subjective wickedness and this is not only the first step on the path of wisdom but it is also the most important one.

      So, are we back at the good, old religion then?

      All spiritual, religious, magical and esoteric models are something like a consequence of our material world. They embody the materialization of the repressed longing of the world to explain the universe from deep within and not only superficially, that is: like the human mind „imagines“ the higher goals. Have we realized this, we are ready to take our first step into the world of magic …

      ... first step where to? What can we do?

      Nothing. It is doing it all by itself. But while doing nothing we can become conscious of certain things …

      ... what things?

      Should we not, for example, stop looking for the devil on the outside? Through this we could prevent a good deal of suffering – because he indwells us! You yourself are your worst enemy! It is our shadow and it wants to kill us!

      It wants to destroy us? I do not understand!

      The devil is the separated part of humanity – and he exists in each and every one of us! As long as we know this we can rest at ease …

      Rest at ease ...?

      Everything we are desirous to achieve is determined by what is trying to be accomplished through and within us, so our fate can fulfill itself. This is the final realization on our path to redemption. If we knew that there never is anything to realize which is not already enclosed deep within ourselves, there would be no motive for personal development.

      But when the devil indwells us?

      Don’t worry – So do the Gods! Look: We are our parent’s children and our parents are their parents children, who yet again are children of their parents etc. This implies, that every one of us is related to the first human being, to the first ape, originated from the first prehistoric organic form of life – and even further back – to the very origin of creation. In other words: We include the whole universe and therefore the force of creation is a part of us. Unfortunately we lost the access to our inner power, which would let us share in the cosmic conception. That is why we have no choice but to addict ourselves to this self-made God, who kindly smiles at us from every religious institution of power, rampantly growing financial system, exaggerated constructions of prosperity and scientific explanation of spiritual topics and technological achievements ...

      We have no other choice ...? What do you mean by that?

      Without the systems that lead us away from spirituality and force materialism upon us in exchange, we wouldn’t be able to live at all. It is this ambivalence which frightens us so much because it mirrors our own constructed way of living. The financial markets are the most intensive shadow of the modern development, within which humanity becomes a helpless victim to its own creation. On the other hand we may not be self-pitying: We integrated this daemon into our world ourselves. Eventually it seems to be the destiny of mankind, the path that seems predetermined by the way it was constructed by evolution; therefore he will never truly find peace. And because we don’t want to be forced to confront ourselves with this truth, we constructed our religion, which diverts us from reality. What is the conclusion which we draw from this: Everything is alright, there’s no need to worry, at least as long as we are not yet confronted with our mortality or lie on our deathbed!

      What would be different if we knew this?

      If mankind would know the subliminal connections? The whole world would break apart from one moment to the next, because these structures are only able to exist because of our common agreement that we cannot depend on them without our control. If we further knew that it is our own control that holds this whole construction together, which yet again is the reason why we can depend on them, as long as our control mechanisms are functioning well, we can also experience that everything we believe in is nothing else then believing in our belief.

      Could one not say that nothing would function without our faith ...?

      We could even symbolically say that the path underneath our feet only exists, as long as our trust in the belief that this path is real, functions ...

      And that we are only playing parts in our own movie?

      We are not only playing the parts we are also the directors. The part of us that indwells higher spheres provides the stage on which we are not only able to orchestrate our ego but also the indescribable parts of ourselves like a director would – I shall return to this topic later. This director controls and changes the role-play and fits the ego into the reality of its environment so that the person can function within his or her life.

      Who is this director?

      C. G. Jung called it „self“ and defined it to be the final destination and source of our personal will, in the end a transcendent and unrecognizable inner core that simultaneously describes center and periphery.

      And who is this „self“?

      I can only explain it to you symbolically: “Our-self” is the will of the archer to hit the center of his target, before he actually shoots his arrow.

      Why then have we not exchanged this faith of ours with a deeper, spiritual knowledge long ago? Why did we hold on to our religion for so long?

      To provide the motivation to seek the meaning of life! If we knew that there is nothing to look for, that nothing matters and everything is harmonic and good the way it is, there would be no differences between us that would allow us to feel different from others and then all our goals wouldn’t make any sense.

      Shouldn’t we then finally bury this old, patriarchal God of ours?

      But he died long ago! These days we meet the modern separated part of his personality in the temples of science. He resembles a kind of glue which binds the collective associations of humanity